Yokogawa Innovation Switzerland GmbH

Introduction of R&D activities for our Microalgal Biodesign Business

We posted our recent activity in a shard lab at Basel on LifeBlog. 

YIS Shared Lab in Basel – Are You ready to co-innovate?

Yokogawa Innovation Switzerland GmbH received the first Single CellomeTM Unit SU10 as the first lab in Europe and can be visited by interested customers.
YIS is developing technologies for the creation of smart cells with Yokogawa Technology solutions India (YTI). YTI is building an organism and product agnostic platform, using in-silico analysis of high throughput omics data, followed by organism-wide experimental data generation and in-silico simulation to create a digital twin. We have focused on microalgal pigment such as astaxanthin that can be used as a supplement for fish and shrimp feed for the first target. Microalgae strains Haematococcus lacustris/ Pluvialis can produce astaxanthin. Developing high expression strains using in-silico analysis and simulation to find gene-editing targets by CRISPR Cas9 gene editing with SU-10 can not only create new strains with high capability of astaxanthin production. It also increases the throughput for faster speed to market.

Would you like to receive more details or visit the YIS shared lab in Basel? Do you have ideas for collaborations?
Please get in touch from Contact Us.



