Building a Culture that Accepts, Values and Celebrates Individual Differences
Yokogawa is committed to providing an equitable and inclusive environment where everyone can belong, contribute, succeed, and demonstrate their full potential without fear of harassment, verbal abuse, or other behaviors that inhibit someone from fully contributing or harms their dignity.

How We Cultivate a Culture of Equity
Yokogawa’s DE&I Statement
Yokogawa wants a Diverse, Equitable and Inclusive culture. Yokogawa will build an organization that values differences and enables everyone to belong, contribute, succeed, and demonstrate their full potential.
Championing Diversity
Yokogawa will actively recruit, develop, and promote people from a variety of backgrounds who differ in terms of experience, knowledge, thinking styles,
perspective, cultural background, and socioeconomic status.
Freedom from Discrimination
Yokogawa will not discriminate based on race, skin color, age, sex, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, religion, belief, political opinion, nationality, ethnicity, place of origin, disability, family relations or any other circumstances against any person associated with the group.
Encouraging Collaboration
Yokogawa believes engaging communication and constructive collaboration based on mutual respect facilitates innovation and the co-creation of new value for our customers, partners, suppliers, and in so doing, improves our planet.
The Yokogawa DE&I statement is part of Yokogawa Group's management code and has been approved by the Board of Directors.

Connecting is a core Yokogawa competency that refers to how we not only combine valuable information, but also build trusted relationships with customers in various industries and bring together businesses and industries, giving resonance to the value that we create.
It is this same capability that leads us to embrace diversity, equity and inclusion (DE&I). By connecting and communicating with different groups of people, we believe that we will be able to engage in the activities described in our Co-innovating tomorrow corporate brand slogan, contribute to the well-being of all people, and maximize our capabilities to realize the aims expressed in Yokogawa’s Purpose, a statement that reads, Utilizing our ability to measure and connect, we fulfill our responsibilities for the future of our planet.
Hitoshi Nara
Director, President & CEO, Representative Executive Officer
This We Believe

I believe we are living in a fascinating era, in which we don’t just want, but create a culture that gives everyone a safe space to contribute, achieve their full potential, and feel a strong sense of belonging. This culture embraces DE&I (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion) and will empower us to innovate and dynamically transform mindsets to achieve successful outcomes for our people, partners, communities, and our planet.
Karen Murray
Director, Global DE&I and Organization Effectiveness CoE
Employee Support Programs
Worldwide DE&I Initiatives
To advance a diverse perspective on internal career opportunities, the global job opportunity system has been expanded to allow employees to apply for open job opportunities anywhere around the world.
Globally, Yokogawa continues to conduct many DE&I mindset trainings to deepen understanding of the importance of promoting diversity, equity and inclusion, as well as, recognizing unconscious bias and how it affects people’s actions.
Human rights education continues to be a priority in Yokogawa. An e-learning based on the “YOKOGAWA Group Human Rights Policy” is available in multiple languages and over 80% of the employees have taken the course.
Enabling Women’s Empowerment
Globally, Yokogawa is promoting women’s advancement to leadership in the workplace. A goal of achieving a ratio of 20% Women managers by year 2030 has been set. At the end of FY2023, the Women Manager Ratio was 14.5% which exceeded the target of 12.5%.
In Japan, Yokogawa is actively supporting women to achieve career success by providing Career Development training and assistance with formulating career development plans. Yokogawa is striving to convey a message to early career women that there is the possibility to be a leader in Yokogawa.
Japan Campus Recruitment aims to optimize the ratio of men and women employees by targeting hiring a ratio of 30% or more women of campus recruits.
Inclusion of People with Disabilities
Yokogawa group has continued its activities to recruit people with disabilities. Employees with disabilities engage in various fields, such as engineering, manufacturing, sales, and office work. In Japan, Yokogawa Foundry Corporation has been certified as a special subsidiary conforming to The Act for Promotion of Employment of Persons with Disabilities.
Yokogawa Korea established an in-house cafe ‘KOKORO’ (heart in Japanese) where disabled employees work as baristas. The café improves the quality of the working environment and fosters a culture that accepts, values and celebrates individual differences. KOKORO is a cornerstone of expanding diversity and inclusion and is a space for Yokogawa Korea’s employees and visiting customers to take a break, relax, and socialize.
Respect for Human Rights
All of our business activities for value co-creation are based on respect for human rights. Learn more about the Yokogawa's Human Rights Policy.

Yokogawa’s Human Rights policy is the foundation for advancing DE&I (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion). We will work with our employees, business partners, and suppliers around the world to carry out our business activities in a way that values human rights and embraces DE&I (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion), thereby contributing to the realization of a thriving and sustainable society.
Chika Furukawa
Chief Sustainability Officer, Head of Sustainability Promotion Department
Social Data
(Source: As of March 31, 2024, Yokogawa’s Sustainability Data)
Global Women Statistics
Ethnic and Racial Diversity in the US Workplace
(Yokogawa Group companies located the United States)
Awards & Recognition
Dow Jones Sustainability Indices
Yokogawa Electric Corporation has been selected for inclusion in the Dow Jones Sustainability World Index (DJSI World), one of the world's most renowned indices for ESG (environmental, social, and governance) investment in 2020, 2022, and 2023. Yokogawa has also been selected as a component of the Dow Jones Sustainability Asia Pacific Index for the seven year in a row from 2017.
Yokogawa Corporation of America is EDGE Assess and EDGEplus Certified, which recognizes its commitment to gender and intersectional equity in the workplace.
Eruboshi certification, a mark for companies promoting women's activities, was obtained from the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare.
The Company received Platinum Kurumin Certification by the director-general of the Tokyo Labor Bureau as a company supporting childcare in February 2021.
Yokogawa Electric Corporation has joined the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD), which is an international organization that is committed to galvanizing the global business community to create a sustainable future for business, society and the environment.