The EJX610A is a high performance in-line absolute pressure transmitter. Featuring DPharp digital sensor technology, it offers the performance and device intelligence needed for greater process insight.


What Are the Benefits of Differential Pressure Transmitters?

At its heart, Yokogawa's High-static Differential Pressure Transmitter with DPharp sensor offers the performance and device intelligence needed to get greater insight into your process. Plants run better with Yokogawa pressure transmitters.

Digital Performance

Poor Performance = Lost Money

Installed performance 2x better using all digital DPharp pressure sensor.

Yokogawa’s digital sensor provides superior performance and stability compared to analog sensors.

Local Indicator

Easy to read indicator provides all the information you need.

Standard Diagnostics

Good Diagnostics = Fewer Surprises

Reduce unscheduled maintenance by 60%

Over 40 diagnostics to ensure everything is OK. Active Sensor Technology monitors the DPharp sensor while the Patented Back-check Technology is reverse checking all calculations in real-time.

Advanced Diagnostics

Reduce unscheduled maintenance by 60%.

Predictive impulse line blocking and stream tracing diagnostics lets you see problems before they happen.

How to Reduce Total Cost of Ownership?

Yokogawa's DPharp active sensor, patented back check diagnostics, and rugged construction allow users to run their plants safer and with less downtime. Yokogawa pressure transmitters help plants run longer.

Rugged Construction

Ruggedness = Reliability

Reduce failures in the field by 200%.

Yokogawa transmitters are designed to out live your planet.


Proven Technology

Less Downtime = Making Product

Over 6 million DPharp transmitters are installed worldwide.


Reliability Guaranteed

Reliability verified independently by third party industry experts.

Inherently Safe

Inherently Safe = Reliability

Save up to 10% on CAPEX spending.

All Yokogawa pressure transmitters are certified to meet IEC61508 for single use in SIL 2 applications or dual use in SIL 3 applications as a standard. No special option needed! To Yokogawa, safety should never be an option.

Active Sensor Technology

Unlike other sensor technologies, the active DPharp sensor constantly produces a signal even if there is no change in the process. This signal is continually monitored by the CPU.

Patented Self-check System

All calculations are checked by reverse calculation in real-time ensuring the highest reliability.

Quicker Maintenance

Routine maintenance is easier with Yokogawa pressure transmitters. Efficient and effective maintenance through extended calibration intervals and simple trouble shooting.

Extended Calibration Intervals

Quicker = Less Downtime

Reduce maintenance cost by 33%.

Improved long-term stability extends calibration intervals. Spend your time where it is needed.

Multiple Communication Options

Save time, Save money

FieldMate PC based communication platform allows management of your entire instrument inventory.

FieldMate HHC allows you to take that information into the field.

LPS can update 9 parameters in the field without the use of an HHC.

Simple Troubleshooting

Save time, Save money

Local intuitive display with simple error messaging.

NE107 compliant alarms in FieldMate make troubleshooting easy.

Safety as Standard

Reduce stock.

No need to stock separate inventory for safety and non-safety applications. With safety as a standard, Yokogawa transmitters can be used for either application.

For Yokogawa, safety is never an option.

Standard Protocols

No Learning Curve = Smooth Change Over

No training required.

Yokogawa transmitters support all industry standard field device protocols. Interoperability and interchangeability can be ensured. Use the same tools and work procedures as before.

EJX610A Overview

Measurement Types
Primary Variable Absolute Pressure
Reference Accuracy
Primary Variable ±0.04% of Span
Stability (All Normal Operating Conditions)
Primary Variable ±0.2% of URL per 10 years
Response Time
Primary Variable 90ms
Primary Variable A Capsule: 100:1
B, C, or D Capsule: 200:1
Burst Pressure (Absolute)
A, B, or C Capsule 7,250 psi (50 MPa)
D Capsule 26,390 psi (182 MPa)
Specification Conformance
EJX-A Series ±3σ


EJX610A Capsules





Graphics not to scale.



For Gauge or Absolute Pressure in-line transmitters, Yokogawa offers a complete line of Block & Bleed 2-Valve manifolds. Available as ASME B31.1 (Power) Compliant or TA-Luft Compliant.

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Discover the safety features built-in to the Yokogawa digital pressure sensors (DPharp).

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