The DO30G sensor for dissolved oxygen is designed for use in water treatment plants such as sewage treatment works, effluent activated sludge process, and potable water treatment. It is also effective in river monitoring, intake protection, fish farming and other fields where water quality is important.
This galvanic cell has a fast response time and good long term stability, and features replaceable diaphragm and cable for easy maintenance. A temperature sensor is incorporated for compensation. The DO30G sensor can be used in either the floating ball fitting or in the immersion fitting.
- Fast response time
- Good long term stability
- Easy membrane change
PB350G/PB360G Floating Ball
The floating ball holder for the DO30 features a design that minimizes fouling in the process. A brass ring around the sensor facilitates a check for membrane integrity and helps to eliminate any deposits of algae, making a cleaning system unnecessary. Maintenance is straightforward, with only periodic inspection and calibration needed.
- Easy to install
- Easy calibration
- Sensor diagnosis for membrane integrity
FD30/PH8HG/DOX8HS Immersion Adapter
The immersion fitting is designed for installing the DO30G sensor in tanks, open vessels, and drains. It can be supplied in lengths between 0.5 and 2.0 meters. Flange mounting is also possible. In applications with a heavy load of solids, a cleaning system is recommended. An optional, "jet cleaner" is available for the immersion fitting. The use of this device can extend the continuous measurement period and eases maintenance.
- Various immersion depths
- Flange mounting possible
- Cleaner option
- Sensor diagnosis for membrane integrity
When used to measure the dissolved oxygen in an aeration tank, sensors tend to quickly become contaminated and need frequent cleaning. A cost-effective solution to this problem has finally been found with the development of the Yokogawa DO402 Dissolved Oxygen Converter system.
The detectors used to perform dissolved oxygen (DO) measurement in oxidation ditch type sewage treatment plants tend to become dirty quickly and require frequent cleaning. It has been d ifficult to remedy this problem inexpensively. One solution that significantly reduces the sensor maintenance workload is the use of float holders.
Having too much oxygen in the process is not a problem for the biological system; however the cost for generating the oxygen is one of the largest expenses. By obtaining a good representative average of the dissolved oxygen present in the basin could save the plant large amounts of money. For this reason multiple measurements points are sometimes put into place.
Manage dissolved oxygen levels in the wastewater treatment system reliably with Yokogawa’s Dissolved Oxygen Converter System.
Removal of free oil and grease from a wastewater stream reduces the potential for equipment problems downstream. Three forms of oil are encountered in wastewater treatment at a refinery: Free Oil, Emulsified Oil, Dissolved Oil.
Instruction Manuals
- Models FD30 / PB30 Fittings for the DO30G (705 KB)
- DO30G Galvanic Cell Dissolved Oxygen Sensor (547 KB)
- DO30G Dissolved Oxygen Sensor (978 KB)
- WTB10-DO1,-DO2,-DO3,-DO4 Terminal Box (687 KB)
General Specifications
Engineering Tools
- Dissolved-oxygen Metering System Dissolved-oxygen Sensor DO30G-NN-50-##-PN (26 KB)
- DOX8A (37 KB)
- Dissolved-oxygen Metering System Dissolved-oxygen Sensor DO30G-NN-25-##-FK (28 KB)
- Dissolved-oxygen Metering System Dissolved-oxygen Sensor DO30G-NN-25-##-FL (29 KB)
- Dissolved-oxygen Metering System Dissolved-oxygen Sensor DO30G-NN-25-##-PN (28 KB)
- Dissolved-oxygen Metering System Dissolved-oxygen Sensor DO30G-NN-50-##-FK (26 KB)
- Dissolved-oxygen Metering System Dissolved-oxygen Sensor DO30G-NN-50-##-FL, DO30G-NN-50-##-FM (202 KB)
- DOX8W Calibration Set (230 KB)
- DOX8A Accessories (145 KB)
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