Gas Density/Hydrogen Purity Analyzer

What Are Gas Density Analyzers and Detectors?

Gas density analyzers and detectors provide continuous measurement of gas density as well as several other valuable parameters, including hydrogen gas analysis, specific gravity, and percent concentration.

  • GD402/GD40 Gas Density Analyzer

    The GD402 gas density analyzer and GD40 gas density detector provide continuous measurement of gas density as well as other valuable parameters, including specific gravity and percent concentration.

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There are many points in the processing of edible fats and oils that benefit from the use of analytical measurements. Inductive conductivity, contacting conductivity, gas density, and pH can be utilized to increase the quality of the end product, as well as protecting expensive processes.

Application Note

In the manufacturing of Glass-Fiber wool for insulation a melt of a material such as glass is inductively heated at a stage intermediate an initial liquefying stage and a refining stage. Induction heating is the process of heating an electrically conducting object (usually a metal) by electromagnetic induction, where eddy currents are generated within the metal and resistance leads to Joule heating of the metal.


A major power company in the Southeast decided to replace its hydrogen gas detection system. The current system was unsupported by the manufacturer and failing. The new system would need to duplicate the functionality of the old to minimize the training and impact on the operators. Yokogawa was asked to facilitate the project.

Media Publication
Edition 1 1

Vibrating element (VBE) type gas measurement devices measure refinery reformer stream compositions, power generator hydrogen purity, centripetal compressor gas inputs, process heater fuel gas quality, and others in multiple process control environments.

Factory Recommended Method Use only 99% Isopropyl alcohol. Alcohol that is less than 99% will take longer to dry. Sometimes much longer. Denatured Alcohol is not 99% and should not be used. Clean with 99%  isopropyl alcohol. Pour alcohol ...
The 4/20 mA output is isolated from the input signal (the detector) but they share the same ground. If you need isolated 4/20ma outputs, you need to use 4/20 isolator (optically isolated). For that purpose, you can use a Juxta signal isolator. ...
Whenever you are installing a gas density system, it is important to match the detector (GD40) to the analyzer (GD402). This applies to completely new installations, as well as when a GD40 detector is being used with a different analyzer. To match th...
If your analyzer has been up and running properly but when you try to calibrate you receive an "alm 10" code, then clean the detector and try again.    See the below for cleaning instructions ...
HA400 Instruction Manual
See link




Pairing a GD40G/GD402G gas density detector with the gas density analyzer. 


This video shows you how to set the unit up the GD402G for hydrogen purity measurement. 

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