VisualSpreadsheet is FlowCam's integrated software application that enables the user to interact with their sample images.
In addition to the ability to sort and filter rows of numeric information, create graphs, and compare data across sample runs, VisualSpreadsheet allows the user to sort and filter actual particles using image recognition technology.
This software offers more in-depth analysis of particles in a sample and across multiple samples - giving you a better understanding of your sample data.
VisualSpreadsheet turns data into insight!
Download eBook: The Ultimate Guide to Flow Imaging Microscopy
The VisualSpreadsheet Difference
Select the criteria that matters to you - sort and filter particle data based on user-assigned parameters.
Sort particles according to physical properties using sophisticated pattern recognition capabilities.
Create and save libraries of distinct particle morphologies enabling automatic particle identification in future sample runs.
21 CFR Part 11 compliant software package available.
VisualSpreadsheet is included with every FlowCam instrument. Satellite licenses for remote data processing and analysis are also available.
Capture More Than 40 Unique Particle Measurements
Basic Shape Parameters: Area, Aspect Ratio (width/length), Area Based Diameter (ABD), Equivalent Spherical Diameter (ESD), Length, Volume (ABD-based), Volume (ESD-based), Width, 3 Biovolume Measurements
Advanced Morphology Parameters: Area (Filled), Circle Fit, Circularity, Circularity (Hu), Compactness, Convex Perimeter, Convexity, Elongation, Fiber Curl, Fiber Straightness, Geodesic Aspect Ratio, Geodesic Length, Geodesic Thickness, Perimeter, Roughness, Symmetry
Fluorescence Detection & Measurements: Channel 1 Area, Channel 1 Peak, Channel 1 Width, Channel 2 Area, Channel 2 Peak, Channel 2 Width, Channel 2/Channel 1 Ratio
Gray Scale and Color Measurements: Average Blue, Average Green, Average Red, Blue/Green Ratio, Red/Blue Ratio, Red/Green Ratio, Edge Gradient, Intensity, Sigma Intensity, Sum Intensity, Transparency
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