DAQWORX allows users to assemble a data acquisition system using Yokogawa recorders, data loggers, the temperature controllers, measuring instruments without the need for programming. For adding functionality, DAQWORX offers an integrated data acquisition software system, allowing customers to connect high added-value software to their existing data acquisition systems to easily expand the range of supported applications.Please be noted that some packages are not compatible with GX/GP series paperless recorders.
Integrated Package
Intergrate recorders, controllers, and measuring instruments
Product Specific Package
Bring out the best of each product
(for DX, CX, and MVAdvanced/MV) - DAQ32Plus for Darwin series *
Common Software
- DataBrowser *
* : This product was discontinued. The replacement product is GA10 Data Logging Software.
Monitoring Software for DX, CX and MV Series
GUI-Based User-Friendly Operations
DAQEXPLORER makes it easy to perform tasks such as entering DX/CX/MV settings over a network or transferring measurement data files from a DX/CX/MV series unit to a PC. Simply click or drag and drop icons on the Desktop (excluding DX100P/DX200P).
DAQEXPLORER contains software modules such as those listed below. The individual modules are integrates on the Desktop.
This software component automatically finds and displays DX/CX/MV-series units connected within the same segment as the PC being used on the network.
- Automatically searches for and mounts DX/CX/MV-series units on the network
- Starts the data monitor, data viewer and setup software (when using DXAdvanced/MVAdvanced's Batch function, batch information can be input upon memory start, and when using the Multibatch function of DXAdvanced R3 or later, memory start/stop can occur on individual batches).
- Facilitates memory start, stop and trigger
- Shows snapshot view of the active window
- Lists files in the internal memory and external storage media
- Transfers files automatically (as specified by interval or time)
- Allows manual file transfer (simply drag-and-drop)
- Prints snapshots automatically
Data Monitor Software
Lets you monitor the measured data of DX/CX/MV-series units in a variety of formats, including trend displays, circular trend displays, digital displays, and meter displays.
- Trend monitor
- Circular monitor
- Digital monitor
- Alarm monitor
- Color graph monitor
- Meter monitor
Note that the remote monitors for DAQLOGGER Client, DAQ32Plus and DAQ32Plus Client, and data monitor for DAQEXPLORER cannot be used at the same time on the same PC.
Setup Software
Lets you exchange data on settings related to measurement and computation channels and on display settings with DX/CX/MV-series units, and save the data on the PC's hard disk or other media.*
* With the DXAdvanced R3 or later, screens cannot built or edited for the custom display function.
Program Pattern Setting
Program pattern setting
Embedded control loop program operation patterns can be created and set through a graphical interface for the CX1000/CX2000 Control and Measurement Stations.
Data Viewer Software
Data Viewer Software
Lets you view trend displays, digital displays, circular displays, and list display of data in the following three types of files, or print the files.
Linked File Display
Data files generated by breaking up contiguous data into multiple files in DX/CX/MV units, or interrupted by a power failure or the like can be displayed as linked files. You can save the file linking conditions, so it is easy to redisplay linked files. Using the linked file display, you can also read numerical values in the displayed data using the cursor, calculate interval values, and convert data to ASCII or file formats compatible with Excel and Lotus 1-2-3.
System Configuration
A system where the data monitor software of DAQEXPLORER can be linked with up to 16 DX/CX/MV-series units
Combination with High-value Added Software
Advanced monitoring (user-created screens)
User-created screens offer convenient monitoring in real time in combination with AddObserver and AddObserver Runtime.
Rinnai uses the MX100 PC-based High-speed Data Acquisition Unit for evaluation and testing of its kitchen appliances.
A major soft drink manufacturer dictates strict quality control standards to companies that manufacture vending machines, coolers, and dispensing equipment that handle the branded products of the company. The company operates an engineering lab at corporate headquarters in Atlanta where numerous environmental rooms can simulate any climate condition where a vending machine or cooler may operate.
Instruction Manuals
- Notice of Alterations: WX1000 DAQWORX Installation & Operation Guide (1.9 MB)
- WX1 GateWT User's Manual (859 KB)
- *Discontinued: WX1 Gate µR User's Manual (665 KB)
- WX1000 DAQWORX Installation & Operation Guide (3.0 MB)
- *Discontinued: WX1 GateCONTROL User's Manual (1.6 MB)
- *Discontinued: WX103 MXLOGGER User's Manual (5.0 MB)
- WX104 DAQEXPLORER User's Manual (6.5 MB)
- *Discontinued: WX1 GateDX-P User's Manual (718 KB)
- *Discontinued: WX1 GateEye User's Manual (483 KB)
- *Discontinued: WX1 GateMODBUS User's Manual (1.2 MB)
- *Discontinued: WX1 GateMX/MW User's Manual (660 KB)
- *Discontinued: WX1 GateOPC User's Manual (1.8 MB)
- *Discontinued: WX101 DAQLOGGER WX81 DAQLOGGER Client Package (12.1 MB)
- *Discontinued: WX102 DAQ 32 Plus WX82 DAQ 32 Plus Client Package (4.1 MB)
- *Discontinued: WX11 AddObserver (2.2 MB)
- *Discontinued: WX13 AddTrigger User's' Manual (2.0 MB)
- *Discontinued: WX201 DataBrowser User's Manual (6.1 MB)
- *Discontinued: WX83 AddObserver Runtime (1.1 MB)
General Specifications
- DAQWORX Hardware Compatibility (36 KB)
- DAQWORX Data Acquisition Software Suite (431 KB)
- Software Function Map (143 KB)
Technical Information
Yokogawa's Network Solution Group presents a video tutorial on configuring DAQLogger with Gate MR and a uR20000 Paper Recorder. This tutorial goes through a basic configuration of a uR20000 as used in a Regenerative Thermal Oxidizer (RTO) Title V Air Quality application. It includes totalizing flow in SCF (from SCFM) and averaging temperature in 3 hour segments. The tutorial then goes through making a connection with Gate MR, importing tags and groups into DAQLogger and using DAQLogger to trend and record data.
Yokogawa's Network Solution Group presents a video tutorial on configuring DAQLogger with Gate MR and a uR20000 Paper Recorder. This tutorial goes through a basic configuration of a uR20000 as used in a Regenerative Thermal Oxidizer (RTO) Title V Air Quality application. It includes totalizing flow in SCF (from SCFM) and averaging temperature in 3 hour segments. The tutorial then goes through making a connection with Gate MR, importing tags and groups into DAQLogger and using DAQLogger to trend and record data.
Yokogawa's Network Solution Group presents a video tutorial on configuring DAQLogger with Gate MR and a uR20000 Paper Recorder. This tutorial goes through a basic configuration of a uR20000 as used in a Regenerative Thermal Oxidizer (RTO) Title V Air Quality application. It includes totalizing flow in SCF (from SCFM) and averaging temperature in 3 hour segments. The tutorial then goes through making a connection with Gate MR, importing tags and groups into DAQLogger and using DAQLogger to trend and record data.
Yokogawa's Network Solution Group is pleased to present a video walk-through of configuring DAQLogger and Gate MW MX for use with the MW100 and MX100 data acquisition units. DAQLogger allows data to be recorded in real-time from field units like the MW100 (DAQMaster) and MX100 as well as other Yokogawa data recording products like the DAQStation family. Gate MW MX is the communication driver that allows DAQLogger to connect to MW100 and MX100 units. DAQLogger supports real-time and historical views of recorded data as well as reports and events.
Yokogawa's Network Solutions Group presents a video tutorial on DAQStandard Data Viewer. DAQStandard Data Viewer allows users to review data files collected by Yokogawa's DAQStation Data Acquisition systems such as the DXAdvanced, DX, DX-P, FX, CX, MV, and MVAdvanced.
Yokogawa's Network Solutions group brings you a video tutorial covering the use of DAQStandard Hardware Configuration program. DAQStandard can be used to quickly configure Yokogawa's award winning line of industrial data acquisition systems as well as view their data files. This videos is part 1 of 3 covering the hardware configuration portion of DAQStandard. There are a separate set of videos covering DAQStandard's data viewer.
Yokogawa's Network Solutions group brings you a video tutorial covering the use of DAQStandard Hardware Configuration program. DAQStandard can be used to quickly configure Yokogawa's award winning line of industrial data acquisition systems as well as view their data files. This videos is part 2 of 3 covering the hardware configuration portion of DAQStandard. There are a separate set of videos covering DAQStandard's data viewer.
Yokogawa's Network Solutions group brings you a video tutorial covering the use of DAQStandard Hardware Configuration program. DAQStandard can be used to quickly configure Yokogawa's award winning line of industrial data acquisition systems as well as view their data files. This videos is part 3 of 3 covering the hardware configuration portion of DAQStandard. There are a separate set of videos covering DAQStandard's data viewer.
Yokogawa's Network Solutions Group is pleased to present a quick walk through of MXLogger Data Acquisition Software for DAQMaster MX100 based hardware platform. MXLogger allows for up to 1200 points of data to be simultaneously logged from up to 20 networked MX100 data acquisition units. Each MX100 unit can have up to 60 inputs such as thermocouples, RTDs, volts DC, mA (via shunt), and digital inputs as well as several other types of inputs and outputs. MXLogger also incorporates a powerful math channel (virtual channel) system for computations and logical decisions as well as a powerful event engine.
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