What is the correct Java Runtime for a MW100 and how do I install it?

For the MW100, the first step is to validate that your firmware version is R3.10. 

To do this, follow the below steps:
Step 1: Connect your MW100 to your PC via Ethernet connection 

Step 2: Go to your preferred browser (Internet Explorer or Google Chrome) and enter the IP address of your unit into the address bar. Your browser should pull up a screen similar to that shown below:

Step 3: Navigate through and click System Setting --> System Information. Highlighted on the screen below is where the device should read Firmware version R3.10

If it is not Firmware version R3.10, perform the steps found in the linked page here to update the MW100

Step 4: With your firmware verified, go to the link here and scroll down the page and click “Java 8 for MW, Update 31” (Note: This will require a sign-in to our Partner Portal)


Step 5: Once on this page follow “Install Procedure” instructions located near the bottom of the page


(Note: Only use this version of Java when connecting to a Yokogawa MW100)

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