Ensuring Uninterrupted Operation for Screen Differential Control in Utility and Industrial Cooling Systems

What is screen differential control?


This is a control application commonly found at utility plants located on rivers, lakes and other large bodies of water and at industrial facilities where a large amount of cooling water is used. Screen differential control and monitoring is needed to prevent damage to rotating screens caused by excessive pressure being applied by debris collecting on the screens.

Screen Differential Control 

Screen Differential Control


A typical cooling system consists of two or more sets of rotating screens. When the differential across a set of screens reaches 15 cm (7 inches), an alarm is activated. If the differential reaches 25 cm (10 inches), the screens start to rotate and backwash pumps are started initiating a backwash procedure to clean the screens of any accumulated debris.

Differential is measured by monitoring the back pressure created by displacing water in sensing lines using regulated air flow. Lines are located upstream and downstream of each screen.

Upstream and downstream pressures are monitored by a recorder set up to read differential flow. Transmitter outputs are fed into the recorder so operators have tide reference, individual screen differentials with alarms and auto start for wash pumps. These contacts are fed into the screen logic by the recorder alarm option.


DPharp was recently selected for this application by a major Texas electric utility company when they redesigned their screen differential monitoring and control system. The company selected DPharp over their plant standard because of its ability to withstand plant air applied to sensing lines during blowback operation--without having to be taken out of service, and with no shift in calibration after completion of blowback. Transmitters have been in operation since November of 1996, and plant maintenance personnel are very pleased with their performance.

A simplified screen differential monitoring diagram is shown below. Solenoid valves or a timer are used to initiate automatic blowback operation once a day. DPharp monitors the differential across the rotating screens.

Main Features of DPharp


EJA110A Digital Solution

  • Best-in-class performance
  • ±0.03% Overpressure calibration protection
  • ±0.1% per 5 years long term stability
  • 100:1 turndown
  • ±0.065% accuracy

EJX110A Premium Value

  • ±0.1% per 10 years long term stability
  • 200:1 turndown
  • Best-in-class high accuracy, 0.04%
  • Multi-sensing output
  • Multi-variable transmitter as EJX family line-up
  • Safety as standard (IEC 61508)


  • Drinking Water Treatment

    The goal of drinking water treatment is to produce clean, safe, and potable water that meets regulatory standards and is suitable for drinking and other domestic uses.

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  • Industrial Water

    Industrial water is essential for production and process water, manufacturing facilities, feed water for boilers and cooling towers, food & beverage processes, and other treatment needs.

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  • Wastewater Treatment

    The goal of waste water treatment is to produce treated water that meets environmental regulations and can be safely released into bodies of water or reused for purposes like irrigation or industrial processes.

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  • Water & Wastewater

    All water, regardless of its source, has value. However, with water resources being finite, a focus on "One Water" is necessary to maximize every drop within the water system, ensuring a stable supply of clean and safe water.  As we consider current and future needs, planning and implementation are critical for long-term resilience and reliability, meeting both community and ecosystem demands. Yokogawa believes water is a human right for all. Thus, contributing to a sustainable water cycle is one of our Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

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