Taking advantage of sensors already available in your system, you can simply add VJ series signal conditioners or the UM33A Digital Indicator with Alarms to easily build a monitoring system on a PC.
- You can build a low cost network-based monitoring system around your existing facilities by adding the VJET RS485/Ethernet converter, VJ series signal conditioners, the UM33A Digital Indicator with Alarms, and other components.
- Using the GA10 Data Logging Software, you can easily display trends and other screens on the PC and save the data.
Drinking Water Treatment
The goal of drinking water treatment is to produce clean, safe, and potable water that meets regulatory standards and is suitable for drinking and other domestic uses.
Wastewater Treatment
The goal of waste water treatment is to produce treated water that meets environmental regulations and can be safely released into bodies of water or reused for purposes like irrigation or industrial processes.
Water & Wastewater
All water, regardless of its source, has value. However, with water resources being finite, a focus on "One Water" is necessary to maximize every drop within the water system, ensuring a stable supply of clean and safe water. As we consider current and future needs, planning and implementation are critical for long-term resilience and reliability, meeting both community and ecosystem demands. Yokogawa believes water is a human right for all. Thus, contributing to a sustainable water cycle is one of our Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Related Products & Solutions
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JUXTA VJ Series Signal Conditioners
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Digital Indicator with 9 alarms outputs and input correction function
VJET Ethernet/RS-485 Converter
The VJET Ethernet/RS-485 converter is a compact, plug-in type communication converter that uses the Modbus/TCP for connecting to host devices with Ethernet and uses the Modbus/RTU for connecting to devices with RS-485.
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Contact a Yokogawa Expert to learn how we can help you solve your challenges.