Distributed Condition Monitoring of Renewable Energy Asset Cables


As economies transition towards low carbon energy, it is envisaged that there will be an increasing number of Distributed Generation connection requests in areas where there is little or no spare network capacity to connect them based on traditional assessment methodology. Dynamic cable ratings may offer the prospect of further network capacity being available without the need for network reinforcement. The traditional 'unconstrained' capacity offered to a renewable developer is calculated by using established technical considerations and operational scenarios that neglect the fact that power from renewable sources is inherently variable and hence there will be many periods when assets are not fully utilised and high cable operating temperatures do not materialise.

Subsea power cable failures are reported to account for 75-80% of the total cost of offshore wind insurance claims – in comparison, cabling makes up only around 9% of the overall cost of an offshore wind farm.


Cost_ of_Cable_Failures


Solution and Value Proposition

Real-time temperature monitoring using Yokogawa DTSX technology has the potential to unlock network headroom for wind power integration. Yokogawa's DTSX technology unlocks cable circuit capacity, as opposed to assumed ambient temperatures and generic estimations of ratings. This can defer or negate the need for costly network reinforcement and allow for the timely connection of renewable generation.

Condition Monitoring of Power Cables

  • Using Yokogawa’s DTSX and CI Server the temperature of the power cable is monitored continuously and in real-time, along its entire length enabling hotspots and temperature anomalies to be located and investigated. The temperature information provides insight into the condition of underground Distribution, MV, HV and EHV as well as subsea power cables.
  • Value proposition: The data is collected and can be further enhanced with AI to detect anomalies from normal operating conditions including variable loads, the time to an over-temperature event or the amount of current that can be supplied through the cable before overheating, can be predicted. This informs network investment planning as well as maintenance scheduling to minimise failures.

Decisions about increasing the current or deferring cable replacement are made, safe in the knowledge that the cable is operating within safe temperature limits. This maximises existing OPEX and saves on CAPEX.

Customer Case Study

Application Background:

Monitoring of high-voltage power cables for an onshore wind farm.

A wind farm operator required a high-voltage cable conditioning monitoring solution for a 43-wind turbine, 88MW wind farm in Poland. The solution provided monitored 110kV power cables connecting six 15-kilometre geographical cable routes with a total combined monitored cable run of 90 kilometres.


Yokogawa's extensive project management, engineering and support service experience optimises project delivery and minimises risk for wind energy projects. For further information on how Yokogawa can ensure the safe and reliable operation of your onshore wind assets, contact your local office or register your interest at uk.marketing@uk.yokogawa.com.


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