Bulletin 00A01A24-02EN

Future of Work – The transition of jobs, tasks and responsibilities –8In addition to technology adaption, as a company undergoes the journey to autonomous plant operations, every employee will be affected and roles and responsibilities in a plant will begin to change significantly. While the common belief is that many jobs will be eliminated, what recent research points to is a large majority of jobs will transition from physical, manual, data gathering, and basic cognitive tasks to positions that will require technological, social, and high cognitive skills.For instance, research predicts that in the next five years the percentage of time that plant managers spend on resource planning will drop from 20% to less than 5%, while time devoted to analysis and innovation will increase from 15% to 40%. Additionally, collaboration time with other employees will double and reporting and administrative tasks will drop significantly.17 A Digital Transformation Leaders' Guide to Industrial Autonomy

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