Bulletin 00A01A24-02EN

Edge; Cloud; AI / ML; Digital communications; Robotics / Drones; Smart sensors; Digital Twin + AI; AR/VR/MR; Asset models; 5GTECH ENABLERS Semi-autonomousAutonomous orchestrationAutonomous operationsIndustrial AutonomyA mixture of autonomous compo-nents and automated assets with human coordination. AI components perform single purpose applications such as anomaly detection, root-cause analysis, quality prediction, and process control.On-premise / hybrid cloud, moving towards enterprise data lake.Operators monitor systems to assure proper functioning and are responsible for safety. Decisions and actions are data-driven and supported by advisory system.High-performance/integrated remote operations center.A mixture of autonomous systems and automated assets. Most workflows are autonomous.Cloud enables orchestration of autonomous components to work as a system. Modular and open systems are enablers.Autonomous workflows uses an asset / information model along with other workflow engines. Cloud enterprise data lake essential.Humans orchestrates horizonal and vertical integration between domain functions.Fewer workers needed. Primary role is oversight. Decision and tasks guided by AI, prescriptive analytics and digital twins.A futuristic state where a plant runs itself. Full horizontal and vertical integration.A system of systems that pools resources and capabilities in one 'master' controller that orchestrates operations at multiple sites.Cloud enterprise data lake, with value chain integration.Humans perform innovative activities such as designing new processes and improving existing processes.Physical control room is replaced with hardware and software as it is unattended.PeoplePeoplePeopleState of dataState of dataState of dataTechnologyTechnologyTechnologyStateStateStateControl roomControl roomControl room14 A Digital Transformation Leaders' Guide to Industrial Autonomy

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