Bulletin 00A01A24-02EN

Manual and Basic control to DCS; SCADA; HMI; Unconnected instruments to increasingly connected for control purposesTECH ENABLERS ManualSemi-automatedAutomatedIndustrial AutomationProduction process are executed manually. Instruction, tracking and recording of results is mainly paper-based.Legacy assetsPaper-based. Equipment is not connected and no information is exchanged.Experiential decision-making. Limited use of historical data and descriptive analytics.Automation systems play a limited role, and there is significant human interaction.Mixture of legacy and current assets; only critical assets automated.Isolated on-premise information with limited IT/OT integration.Working environment has no formal knowledge capture or transfer.Automation systems perform the majority of production processes and facilitate workflow tasks.Primarily on-premise, DCS centric operations with numerous advanced production applications.Limited integration between systems and domains.Operators have responsibilities for safe operations and share the work-load with the automation systems.Predominantly on-site control rooms, with a significant number of manual field operations. Remote operations is possible with significant human interac-tion, and is similar to onsite procedures.StatePeoplePeoplePeopleTechnologyState of dataState of dataState of dataTechnologyTechnologyStateStateControl roomIA2IA Use Case – Operations Management –713 A Digital Transformation Leaders' Guide to Industrial Autonomy

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