- 事件平衡趨勢“EBT”圖形畫面(When)
顯示生產請求(製程警報、操作員消息)和操作員動作之間平衡的趨勢圖。可以使用篩檢程式放大圖中的任意部分。 - 訊息摘要畫面
根據發生順序顯示事件(類別和詳情)。 - 事件類別畫面(What)
根據類別(例如警報製程狀態變更)分類事件,以圓形圖或表格形式顯示。 - 事件ID分類畫面
服務說明 | 橫河電機的交付內容 |
警報和事件分析 | ✓ 警報當前狀態的報表 |
警報理念 | ✓ 符合ISA 18.2標準的警報理念文檔 |
減少基本的無效警報 | ✓ 工廠中無效警報的報表 |
基於ISA 18.2/EEMUA#191的警報系統設計 | ✓ 當前警報狀態以及設計與標準的差異報表 |
基於ISA 18.2/EEMUA#191的警報系統設計 | ✓ Exaquantum\AMD的安裝、調試和培訓,創建警報主機設計資料庫。 |
基於運行狀態進行警報管理 | ✓ 警報設定點當前狀態的報表,顯示工廠中各種運行狀態。 |
基於運行狀態進行警報管理 | ✓ AAASuite/Exapilot的安裝、調試和培訓,進行動態警報管理。 |
警報監視和隨機操作 | ✓ 警報當前狀態的報表 |
警報監視和隨機操作 | ✓ Exaquantum\ARA的安裝、調試和培訓,用於警報監視和報表。 |
- 新增軟體環境
Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard Edition SP1 (64位)
Windows 7 Professional Edition SP1 (64位) - 新增CENTUM VP R5.01通用IT安全工具
用戶可以從標準或原有型號選擇適合的安全級別。這些IT安全級別在所有橫河電機系統產品中都通用,而且使Exaplog與CENTUM VP具有同樣的IT安全性。(Exaplog R3.40的IT安全工具與CENUM VP R5.01的相同)
- IT安全性
可使用多種安全型號(原有、標準和增強型),因此用戶可以選擇滿足需求的安全級別。 - 標籤注釋顯示功能
PLView(事件分析工具)螢幕上的事件確認表新增標籤注釋顯示功能。該功能提高了警報分析工作的效率。 - Windows Server 2008 SP2、Windows Vista Business Edition SP2
- CENTUM VP用於事件收集
新增Exaplog適用型號CENTUM VP用於事件收集。CENTUM VP適配器從HIS上的HISTHIST檔中收集事件資訊。 - 自動刪除Exaplog事件檔
- 支援Microsoft Windows Vista Business Edition SP1
- 擴展功能
PLView事件資料的顯示週期、PLView事件資料的顯示編號、事件資料的儲存編號。 - 支援Windows Server 2003 Standard Edition SP1, R2。
- 支援其他公司生產控制系統的事件資料。
Thai Acrylic Fibre Co., Ltd. (TAF) was established in 1987 and is currently a leading acrylic fiber manufacturer in the ASEAN region with 450 employees. It produces a wide range of acrylic fiber productions with varied deniers and the annual production recorded 77,000 megatons in 2004 which is five times the production rate at the time of establishment.
Alarm management is not just a project that has a start and end date; it's a continuous cycle. Once the alarm system has been reviewed and improvements have been identified, we must check that controls are in place to ensure the alarm system remains functional. The key is to ensure that the system is continuously monitored and any changes are fully documented. There are seven key steps for alarm management. Rationalization is one of those critical steps.
Large process industry companies have recently started building plants with world-class safety and profitability to reinforce their competitive edge in the global market. As for plant operations, support functions for improving operators' plant operation skills and for extending operators' maximum capability are required to the DCS so that an operator can expand the area of plant monitoring or operate a plant with higher cost- consciousness.
As plant operation becomes more intelligent and complex, the alarm system for safe and stable operation is becoming increasingly important. An alarm warns operators of an abnormal situation in a process and urges them to respond to it.
In recent years, safety and profitability have become ever more important in the process industry due to fierce global competition. Greater emphasis is being placed on highly efficient plant operation for reducing the increasing energy bill.
In 1999, Yokogawa Electric Corporation formed an alliance with Shell Global Solutions International B.V. (SGSI) in Advanced Process Control (APC), and both companies have since jointly developed products. This alliance successfully combined SGSI's experience gained through more than 800 projects in more than 30 years and Yokogawa's great deal of experience with the process control market, and strengthened the scheme to provide the APC technology.
September 2007
Yokogawa's web-based DCS Anywhere has simplified commissioning at the Nanhai petrochemicals complex. With a total investment of 4.2 billion US dollars, the Nanhai petrochemicals complex at Daya Bay in Huizhou, China, has attracted a lot of attention because of its sheer scale.