New FA-M3V系列

FA-M3 設計以其速度而聞名,新系列命名為 FA-M3V ,其中 V 代表“Vitesse”,在法語中意味著速度。
FA-M3 就推出以來便不懈追求更高的速度,為解決客戶面臨的挑戰。
隨著時間推移,已演變為高速 IPRS(指令、處理、回應和掃描)設計理念。現在,我們透過創造 FA-M3V 四倍速度的新記錄,提供令人難以定信的速度並兼具擴充性和可靠性。





High-speed IPRS



FA-M3 Vitesse 引擎

最高的 ladder processing 處理能力

Vitesse Engine


平行獨立處理系統 (PIPS)




增強型高速 IPRS(指令、處理、回應和掃描)




更快處理基本指令減少程式指令的執行時間(Tact Time),支援高速網絡,增強可操作性,並支援故障診斷和其他進階功能。此外,更快的應用程式指令將實用性擴展到更多應用程式。浮點加法指令也可以加速,滿足高精度應用的要求。

Enhanced High-speed IPRS



感測器控制功能可實現從 100μs 開始的快速、恆定掃描(使用 SCB 時解析度為 10μs)

FA-M3V 的感測器控制功能允許以短至 100μs 的恆定間隔執行一個程式區塊的輸入、計算和輸出,獨立於主掃描,由於主掃描可能具有較長的掃描時間外部裝定的高級功能。

Enhanced High-speed IPRS




FA-M3V對直流輸入模組中斷的輸入響應時間為85μs,可立即響應輸入的變化,從而實現瞬時高速控制。透過專注於總響應時間(輸入程式執行(處理)輸出)並允許將可變時間常數設為零,可以實現快速響應(電路延遲至少 100μs)。此外,採用高速接點輸入模組(F3XD16-3H)可實現10μs的輸入響應時間。

Enhanced High-speed IPRS




FA-M3V在1ms內處理100K梯形圖程式步的驚人速度是透過分析其內部流程並在各個方面力求速度而實現的。這意味著高級設備應用程式的掃描速度提高了五倍。 * 所引用的掃描時間在某些條件下是可以實現的。實際掃描時間可能會因程式處理和系統配定而異。

Enhanced High-speed IPRS


除了快速、穩定的控制之外,FA-M3V 提供擴充功能,包括多樣化的網路支援、大檔案傳輸和「無電腦」連線的維護以提高生產率。


FA-M3 系列控制器整合為兩種新的 CPU 型號,程式大小分別為 60K 步和 260K 步,因此您可以輕鬆選擇理想的CPU!






內建乙太網路連接埠可實現快速、穩定的通訊。 FA-M3V 將多種功能濃縮到一個一體化 CPU 模組中,具有成本優勢、較小的佔地面積和不會降低控制處理效能的網路。

All-in-one 模組



在不影響穩定控制的情況下實現快速通訊響應。 SCALE功能可簡單處理大量生產數據。

  • 更高的乙太網路吞吐量
  • 大容量記憶體和SD記憶卡(符合 SDHC 標準,最大 32GB)
  • 快取暫存器(最大 1MB)
  • Modbus/TCP Slave(伺服器)功能

Ethernet throughput comparison 




資料位數更多,精度更高,內建 ECC 可靠性更高


SRAM 硬體錯誤檢查與修正 (ECC)

  • 程式執行區域(ASIC 和外部 SRAM 內)的硬體錯誤檢查和修正 (ECC)
  • ECC 不會影響效能
  • 透過巡檢提高可靠性*(僅適用於備份 SRAM)

Hardware ECC 


  • 快閃記憶體用於儲存程式,可最大限度地減少斷電時記憶體資料遺失的影響。


  • 減少組件數量可以從根本上減少故障源。



  • 無需一路轉換為浮點資料進行計算


  • 用於浮點運算的內建浮點單元 (FPU)
  • 即使轉換為浮點數資料進行計算也不會造成精確度損失









FA-M3 程式設計工具 WideField3


提高程式開發效率是所有PLC共同關心的問題。最新的 FA-M3 程式設計工具 WideField3 利用 FA-M3V 令人難以定信的功能和速度,具有更方便編程的 balloon 註釋和監視器,以及用於更高效編程的交叉引用和腳本功能。並新增工程支援功能以實現高效調試。


FA-M3 模擬軟體 Virtual-M3


Virtual-M3無需任何實機即可在電腦上執行梯形圖序列並偵錯程式。 I/O模組模擬功能、與HMI的連結功能、step operation功能以及與即時邏輯分析儀的連結功能大大減少了偵錯時間。



即時邏輯分析儀功能(適用於 WideField3 R3.01 或更高版本)







  • 最多可同時追蹤 96 個資料點(64 個繼電器和 32 個暫存器)。 採樣容量大,每通道高達 1M 個取樣
  • 甚至可以追蹤高級功能的 I/O 裝定。
  • 啟動後,可以隨時顯示追蹤結果,即使在追蹤過程中也可以進行並發程式偵錯。


  • 最大限度地減少追蹤執行對 CPU 掃描的影響。
  • 追蹤運行對 CPU 掃描的影響最小,因此反映了實際的生產性能。
  • USB 和乙太網路週邊處理獨立並行運行,不會影響 CPU 掃描。


  • 輕鬆註冊、設定和操作。
  • 使用者標記可精確搜尋海量追蹤資料。
  • 放大主視窗上的任何追蹤區域,水平或垂直分割視窗。

easy registration, configuration and operation 

no impact on CPU scan with parallel processing




採樣追蹤功能,高效調試,及時排除故障。 新版本提高進階、靈活配定的可讀性,導入類似示波器的便利功能,包括點間分析、範圍縮放和濾波器配定。

Sampling Trace



  • 單跡線
  • 多重追蹤
    此模式連續進行多次採樣跡線。 採樣完成一個週期後,採樣追蹤功能將結果輸出到文件,然後自動等待觸發發生。因此,您最多可以連續採樣資料 100 次。
  • 無限追蹤

無工具追蹤功能,無需使用採樣追蹤工具即可儲存追蹤資料的結果。 您可以使用 SD 卡和虛擬目錄命令來執行卡批追蹤,透過SD卡或FTP檔案傳輸方式取得取樣追蹤結果。 結果儲存在個人電腦中後,您可以在 WideField3 中查看它們。





Script Coding








Category Name Type name Specification
Base Base module F3BU04-0N For power supply (F3PU10/F3PU16) + 4 slots (CPU+I/O)
F3BU05-0D For power supply (F3PU20/F3PU30/F3PU26/F3PU36) + 5 slots (CPU+I/O)
F3BU06-0N For power supply (F3PU10/F3PU16) + 6 slots (CPU+I/O)
F3BU09-0N For power supply (F3PU20/F3PU30/F3PU26/F3PU36) + 9 slots (CPU+I/O)
F3BU13-0N For power supply (F3PU20/F3PU30/F3PU26/F3PU36) + 13 slots (CPU+I/O)
F3BU16-0N For power supply (F3PU20/F3PU30/F3PU26/F3PU36) + 16 slots (CPU+I/O)
Power supply Power supply module F3PU10-0S 100 to 240V AC, 5V DC/2.0A rated output (for 4 and 6 slots, M4 screws)
F3PU20-0S 100 to 240V AC, 5V DC/4.3A rated output (for 5, 9,13 and 16 slots, M4 screws)
F3PU30-0S 100 to 240V AC, 5V DC/6.0A rated output (for 5, 9,13 and 16 slots, M4 screws)
F3PU16-0S 24V DC, 5V DC/2.0A rated output (for 4 and 6 slots, M4 screws)
F3PU26-0S 24V DC, 5V DC/4.3A rated output (for 5, 9, 13 and 16 slots, M4 screws)
F3PU36-0S 24V DC, 5V DC/6.0A rated output (for 5, 9, 13 and 16 slots, M4 screws)
CPU Sequence CPU module F3SP22-0S Ladder 30K steps, basic instruction 0.045μs or longer, with memory*
F3SP71-4S Ladder 60K steps, basic instruction 0.00375μs or longer, with network and Modbus/TCP slave (server) functions (USB2.0, Ethernet)
F3SP76-7S Ladder 260K steps, basic instruction 0.00375μs or longer, with network and Modbus/TCP slave (server) functions (USB2.0, Ethernet)
Memory ROM pack RK33-0N Ladder 56K steps (for F3SP22)
RK73-0N Ladder 120K steps (for F3SP22)
Digital I/O Input module F3XA08-1N 100-120V AC, 8 points
F3XA08-2N 200-240V AC, 8 points 
F3XA16-1N 100-120V AC, 16 points 
F3XH04-3N High-speed input with pulse catch function, 24V DC, 4 points
F3XC08-0N No-voltage contact input, 8 points 
F3XC08-0C No-voltage contact input, 8 points, separate commons 
F3XD08-6F DC input, 12-24V DC, 8 points 
F3XD16-3F DC input, 24V DC, 16 points 
F3XD16-4F DC input, 12V DC, 16 points 
F3XD16-3H DC input, positive common, 24V DC, 16 points (high-speed input) 
F3XD32-3F DC input, 24V DC, 32 points 
F3XD32-4F DC input, 12V DC, 32 points 
F3XD32-5F TTL input, 5V DC, 32 points
F3XD64-3F DC input, 24V DC, 64 points
F3XD64-4F DC input, 12V DC, 64 points 
F3XD64-6M DC input, 12 to 24V DC, 64 points (8x8)
Pulse input module F3XS04-3N Ring-up counter, 0 to 20kHz, 24V DC input, 16-bit channel x 4 
F3XS04-4N Ring-up counter, 0 to 20kHz, 12V DC input, 16-bit channel x 4 
Output module F3YA08-2N Triac output (100 to 240V AC), 1 A, 8 points 
F3YC08-0C Relay output (5 to 24V DC, 100 to 240V AC), 2A, isolated commons, 8 points 
F3YC08-0N Relay output (5 to 24V DC, 100 to 240V AC), 2A, 8 points 
F3YC16-0N Relay output (5 to 24V DC, 100 to 240V AC), 2A, 16 points 
F3YD04-7N TR output, 24V DC, 2A, isolated commons, 4 points 
F3YD08-6A TR sink output, 12 to 24V DC, 1A, 8 points 
F3YD08-6B TR source output, 12 to 24V DC, 1A, 8 points
F3YD08-7A TR sink output, 12 to 24V DC, 2A, 8 points 
F3YD14-5A TR sink output, 12 to 24V DC, 0.5A, 14 points 
F3YD14-5B TR source output, 12 to 24V DC, 0.5A, 14 points 
F3YD32-1H High speed TR sink output, 12 to 24V DC, 0.1A, 32 points, with output short-circuit protection 
F3YD32-1P TR sink output, 12 to 24V DC, 0.1A, 32 points, with output short-circuit protection 
F3YD32-1R TR source output, 12 to 24V DC, 0.1A, 32 points, with output short-circuit protection
F3YD32-1T TTL output, 5V DC, 16mA, 32 points
F3YD64-1P TR sink output, 12 to 24V DC, 0.1A, 64 points, with output short-circuit protection
F3YD64-1R TR source output, 12 to 24V DC, 0.1A, 64 points, with output short-circuit protection
F3YD64-1M TR output, matrix scan, 12 to 24V DC, 64 points (8x8) 
I/O module F3WD64-3P DC Input, TR sink output, 0.1A, 24V DC, 32 points each, with output short-circuit protection
F3WD64-4P DC Input, TR sink output, 0.1A, 12V DC, 32 points each, with output short-circuit protection
Analog I/O Analog input module F3AD04-5V 0 to 5V DC,1 to 5V DC,-10 to 10V DC,0 to 10V DC, 4 points,12bitA/D Sampling period 1ms
F3AD04-5R 0 to 5V DC,1 to 5V DC,-10 to 10V DC,0 to 10V DC,Input 4 points,16bitA/D, Sampling period 50μs
F3AD08-5V 0 to 5V DC,1 to 5V DC,-10 to 10V DC,0 to 10V DC, 8 points,12bitA/D, Sampling period 1ms
F3AD08-4W 0 to 20mA,4 to 20mA, 8 points,12bitA/D, Sampling period 1ms
F3AD08-4R 0 to 20mA,4 to 20mA input, 8 points, 16-bit high-res. ADC, sampling at 50μs/point
F3AD08-5R 0 to 5V,0 to 10V,1 to 5V,-10 to 10V DC input, 8 points, 16-bit high res. ADC, sampling at 50μs/point 
F3AD08-6R 0 to 5V,1 to 5V,-10 to 10V DC,0 to 20mA,4 to 20mA input, 8 points, 16-bit high res. ADC, sampling at 50μs/point 
Analog output module F3DA04-6R -10 to 10V, 0 to 10V, 0 to 5V, 1 to 5V, 4 to 20mA, 0 to 20mA and -20 to 20mA DC output, 4 points,
16-bit high-res. DAC
F3DA08-5R -10 to 10V, 0 to 10V, 0 to 5V, 1 to 5V DC output, 8 points, 16-bit high-res. DAC
Temperature Temperature control and PID module F3CU04-0H 4 loops of universal input
Time-proportional PID output (open collector)
Single-slot size
/DF: with Fahrenheit display function
F3CU04-1H 4 loops of universal input and output
(open collector, continuous 4-20 mA output)
Single-slot size
/DF: with Fahrenheit display function
Temperature monitoring
F3CX04-0H 4 channels of universal input
Single-slot size
/DF: with Fahrenheit display function
Data acquisition High-speed data acquisition module F3HA06-1R -10 to 10V, 0 to 10V, 1 to 5V, -5V to 5V, -2.5 to 2.5V, input 6 points, 5μs, data buffer 2M words
F3HA12-1R -10 to 10V, 0 to 10V, 1 to 5V,-5V to 5V,-2.5 to 2.5V, input12 points, 5μs, data buffer 2M words
Communications Ethernet interface
F3LE01-1T 10Mbps, 10BASE-T, with higher-level link and event transmission functions 
F3LE11-1T 10/100Mbps, 10BASE-T/100BASE-TX, with E-mail function 
F3LE12-1T 10/100Mbps, 10BASE-T/100BASE-TX, with higher-level link, (UDP/IP)messaging function
NX Interface module F3NX01-2N 10/100Mbps, 10BASE-T/100BASE-TX, with Autonomous Distribution protocol
EtherNet/IP interface module F3LN01-0N 100Mbps, 10BASE-T/100Base-TX, EtherNet/IP scanner / adapter
FL-net interface module F3LX02-2N 10/100Mbps, 10BASE-T/100BASE-TX, FL-net (OPCN-2) ver.2.00
DeviceNet interface module F3LD01-0N 500kbps max., DeviceNet port x 1, with master/scanner function 
F3LD02-1N 500kbps max., DeviceNet port x 1, with slave/adapter function 
CAN2.0B Interface Module F3LD21-0N CAN2.0B format, 1channel, 1Mbps max 
Modbus Interface module F3LC31-2F Modbus RTU/A5SCII, 115kbps max, 1port 
GP-IB communications
F3GB01-0N GP-IB port x 1
Personal computer link module F3LC11-2F 115kbps max., RS-422/RS-485 port x 1
F3LC11-1F 115kbps max., RS-232-C port x 1, with modem interface function 
F3LC12-1F 115kbps max., RS-232-C port x 2, with modem interface function 
Ladder communications
F3RZ81-0F 115kbps max., RS-232C port x 1
F3RZ82-0F 115kbps max., RS-232C port x 2 
F3RZ91-0F 115kbps max., RS-422/RS-485 port x 1
UT link module F3LC51-2N RS-422 / RS-485 port x 1, allows easy connection of digital indicating controller 
FA link H2 module F3LP32-0N 32 stations max., total transmission distance 1km, 1.25Mbps max.
Remote I/O YHLS master module F3LH01-1N 12Mbps max., YHLS port x 1 
F3LH02-1N 12Mbps max., YHLS port x 2
Fiber-optic FA-bus module F3LR01-0N 7 stations max., total transmission distance 200m, 10Mbps max.
Fiber-optic FA-bus Type 2 F3LR02-0N 32 stations max., total transmission distance 1.4km, max. distance betw. stations 500m, 10Mbps max. 
FA-bus Type 2 module  F3LR02-1W 7 stations max., max. transmission distance: 70m for daisy-chain configuration and 80m for loop configuration, max. distance between stations 10m, 10Mbps max., wired 
High-speed counter
F3XP01-0H Up/down counter, phase difference, pulse + direction, addition/subtraction, 400kpps (for x4),  32-bit channel x 1 
F3XP02-0H Up/down counter, phase difference, pulse + direction, addition/subtraction, 400kpps (for x4), 32-bit channel x 2 
Positioning module
(with multi-channel
pulse output)
F3YP22-0P 2-axis control, 7,996kpps max. for servo/DD/Linear motor control, 1,999kpps. for stepping motor control
F3YP24-0P 4-axis control, 7,996kpps max. for servo/DD/Linear motor control, 1,999kpps. for stepping motor control
F3YP28-0P 8-axis control, 7,996kpps max. for servo/DD/Linear motor control, 1,999kpps. for stepping motor control
Positioning module
(with pulse output) 
F3NC32-0N 2-axis control, 5Mpps max. pulse output, PTP and linear/circular interpolation, direct/pattern operation, counter for ABS encoder input (2ch) 
F3NC34-0N 4-axis control, 5Mpps max. pulse output, PTP and linear/circular/helical interpolation, direct/pattern operation, counter for ABS encoder input (4ch) 
Positioning module
(with analog voltage
F3NC51-0N 1-axis control with speed reference voltage output type
F3NC52-0N 2-axis control with speed reference voltage output type 
Positioning module (with
F3NC96-0N 15-axis control with MECHATROLINK-II  interface 
Positioning module (with
F3NC97-0N 15-axis control with MECHATROLINK-III  interface

* 必須使用 WideField3 R4.05 或更高版本才能以最多 30K steps使用 F3SP22-0S。
使用 WideField3 R4.04 或更早版本時,最多有 10K steps的限制。



Category Name Type name Specification
Development tool FA-M3 Programming Tool WideField3 SF630-MCW* Windows 10, 11 compatible, multi-lingual version, Live Logic Analyzer function, CD-ROM
Simulation FA-M3 Simulation Software Virtual-M3 SF681-MDW* Windows 10, 11 compatible, multi-lingual version, Web download
Configuration tool ToolBox for Temperature Control
and Monitoring Modules
SF661-MCW Windows 10, 11 compatible, multi-lingual version, CD-ROM (for F3CU04 and F3CX04)
ToolBox for Positioning Modules
(for F3NC3x)
SF662-MCW Windows 10, 11 compatible, multi-lingual version, CD-ROM  (for F3NC3x)
ToolBox for Positioning Modules
(for F3YP2x)
SF663-MCW Windows 10, 11 compatible, multi-lingual version, CD-ROM  (for F3YP2x)

* 另有SF630-MCW 和SF681-MDW的"SF631-MCW" 套組

⇒ Software Download


Name Type name Specification
CPU port / D-sub 9-pin conversion cable KM10-0C D-sub 9-pin, female, cable length approx. 0.5m (for F3SP22-0S)
SIO port adaptor cable KM10-0S SIO port / D-sub 9-pin, female, cable length 0.5m (for F3SP66-4S, F3SP67-6S)
Cable for programming tool KM11-2T DOS/V compatible, cable length approx. 3m
KM13-1S USB 1.1 compliant USB-serial converter, cable length approx. 3m
Monitor cables KM21-2A CPU port / D-sub 25-pin, male, cable length 3 m (for F3SP22-0S)
KM21-2B CPU port / D-sub 9-pin, female, cable length 3 m (for F3SP22-0S)
KM21-2N SIO port / D-sub 25-pin, male, cable length 3 m (for F3SP66-4S, F3SP67-6S)
KM21-2T SIO port / D-sub 9-pin, female, cable length 3 m (for F3SP66-4S, F3SP67-6S)
Cable for fiber-optic FA-bus (for use inside panel) KM60-S06 For use inside panel, cable length approx. 0.6m
KM60-001 For use inside panel, cable length approx. 1m
KM60-003 For use inside panel, cable length approx. 3m
Cable for fiber-optic FA-bus (for indoor use) KM61-xxx For indoor use, cable length
KM65-xxx For indoor use, cable length
Cable for fiber-optic FA-bus (for outdoor use) KM62-xxx For outdoor use, cable length
KM69-xxx Flame-retardant cable (equivalent of VW-1), For outdoor use, cable length
YHLS slave units
(TAH series)
TAHWD32-3PAM 16 DC inputs (positive common), 24V DC, MIL,
16 TR outputs (sink-type, with short-circuit protection), 24V DC 0.1A, MIL
TAHWD32-3NBM 16 DC inputs (negative common), 24V DC, MIL,
16 TR outputs (source-type, with short-circuit protection), 24V DC 0.1A, MIL
TAHXD16-3PEM 16 DC inputs (positive common), 24V DC, MIL
TAHXD16-3NEM 16 DC inputs (negative common), 24V DC, MIL
TAHYD16-3EAM 16 TR outputs (sink-type, with short-circuit protection), 24V DC 0.1A, MIL
TAHYD16-3EBM 16 TR outputs (source-type, with short-circuit protection), 24V DC 0.1A, MIL
YHLS communication cables KM80-xxx Flame-retardant cable (equivalent of VW-1), YHLS fixed cable, cable length
KM81-xxx Flame-retardant cable (equivalent of VW-1), YHLS flexible cable, cable length
Terminal block unit TA40-0N Converts 40 point I/O connector to European type terminal block.
Conector terminal block TA50-0N Connector terminal block (40 points), M3.5 screw
Cable for conector terminal block KM55-xxx Cable between module and terminal block, length from 0.5m (-005) to 3m (-030) in 0.5m increments
Blank module F3BL00-0N For empty I/O slots
Input simulator switch S9307UF Simulator switch for input terminals (for F3XD32-xF, F3XD64-xF, F3WD64-xx)



Item Specifications
Environment Surrounding air temperature range Operating : 0 to 55°C *1
Storage : -20°C to 75°C
Surrounding humidity range Operating : 10 to 90% RH (non-condensing)
Storage : 10 to 90% RH (non-condensing)
Surrounding atmosphere Must be free of corrosive gases, flammable gases or heavy dust.
Grounding AC Power supply module : Protective earth (Comply with the regulation of each country.)
DC Power supply module : Functional earth
Noise immunity Tested using a noise simulator with a noise voltage of 1500 Vp-p, pulse width of 1 μs, rise time of 1 ns, and repetition frequency of 25 to 60 Hz.
For CE Marking-compliant modules, compliant to EN61326-1, EN61326-2-3*4 and EN61000-6-2
Vibration resistance Tested in compliance with JIS C60068-2-6 under the following conditions:
- Frequency ranges:
                                  10 to 57 Hz with an amplitude of 0.075 mm
                                  57 to 150 Hz with an acceleration of 9.8 m/s2 (1G)
- Direction and sweep cycles: 10 times each in the X, Y, and Z directions
Shock resistance Tested in compliance with JIS C60068-2-27 under the following conditions:
- Direction and sweep cycles: 3 times each in the X, Y, and Z directions with an acceleration of 147 m/s2 (98 m/s2 with DIN-rail mounting)
Structure & Appearance Structure Designed for mounting inside a panel enclosure
Altitude of installation Max. of 2000 m above sea level
Cooling method Natural-air cooled
Mounting Direct mounting with M4-size setscrews or DIN-rail mounting (except for F3BU16-0N module)
Finish color Light cobalt blue, equivalent to Munsell 6.2PB 4.6/8.8; Lampblack, equivalent to Munsell 0.8Y 2.5/0.4

*1 : 某些 FA-M3 模組的周圍溫度範圍可能小於 0-55°C 。包含此類模組的系統必須在此類模組的較窄的周圍溫度範圍內使用。



Unit: mm

Base module Number of slots Number of I/O slots*2 Total width
F3BU04 4 3 147
F3BU05 5 4 205
F3BU06 6 5 205
F3BU09 9 8 322
F3BU13 13 12 439
F3BU16 16 15 527

*2 : 可用 I/O 插槽數是在以 1 個 CPU 模組的示意。

External Dimensions

e-RT3 製造商保固

下列說明橫河電機株式會社(以下簡稱「橫河」)對其 e-RT3 產品的製造商保固。請注意,您購買的 e-RT3 產品的保固可能與本保固有所不同。有關具體適用於您的保固和使用條件等的更多詳細信息,請諮詢橫河電機當地銷售代表或授權銷售代表。

1. 應用

1.1 保固

本保固適用於橫河製造和銷售的 e-RT3 硬體產品(標準硬體產品和客製化硬體產品),包括模組、電纜連接器和端子。 「標準硬體產品」指由橫河電機製造並在橫河電機提供的手冊或通用規格(“GS”)中指定的產品。 「客製化硬體產品」指橫河電機根據客戶與橫河電機之間協議制定的功能規格製造的硬體產品,並透過其上標有橫河電機商標進行識別。

1.2 無保固

本保固在任何情況下均不適用於上述 e-RT3 硬體產品的配件。 此外,本保固在任何情況下都不適用於由橫河電機代表或橫河電機授權的服務提供者以外的任何實體修改、修理、修理或調整或更換零件的橫河產品。 另請注意,本保固須遵守下文第 4 條所規定的條件。

2. 標準硬體產品保固

2.1 保固期

橫河電機對標準硬體產品的保固期為自交付至客戶指定地點之日起十二(12) 個月,或自製造之日起十八(18) 個月,以先到者為準。 e-RT3 的生產日期透過標籤上描述的生產日期 (DATE) 來識別。 但2001年11月或之前生產的標準硬體產品均以序號(NO.)標識,如下所示。

Example: For Serial No. H0J230045

First letter (H) Manufacturing plant code
Next letter (0) Manufacturing year code (The last digit of the year)
Next letter (J) Manufacturing month code (A=Jan, B=Feb, ..., H=Aug, J=Sep, ..., M=Dec, with "I" unused)
Next two letters (23) Manufacturing date code (1 to 31)
Remaining letters Manufacturing data

Serial No. H0J230045 顯示該產品於 2000 年 9 月 23 日在 H 工廠生產。

2.2 保固範圍

在保固期內出現因橫河電機造成的故障,橫河電機將根據下面第2.3節的規定免費更換產品。 但在保固期內,若有下列情況,仍需向客戶收取服務費用:
(1) 因標籤缺失或污損而無法辨識序號等製造資訊時。 (2) 因客戶或橫河以外的任何人不當處理或誤用產品而導致的故障。 (3) 產品在不符合使用手冊規定的設計規範和安裝條件的環境(例如,暴露於凝露)下處理、儲存或使用時。 (4) 因火災、水災、風暴、地震、雷電或其他自然災害、煙霧、瓦斯或其他污染、電壓異常或其他不可抗力事件造成的故障。 (5) 因使用非橫河指定的電源、與產品連接的其他設備或其他外部原因造成的故障。 (6) 因零件或消耗品(電纜、連接器、EEPROM:具有重寫壽命的儲存設備、接觸器繼電器等)正常磨損而導致的故障。 (7) 非橫河電機責任的其他故障。

2.3  保固期內該怎麼辦

(1) 請聯絡橫河電機銷售代表或您購買產品的經銷商,提供故障產品以及與故障相關的情況和可能的故障原因。橫河電機將免費更換該產品。在這種情況下,請務必將故障產品退回橫河電機。在此情況下,以故障產品更換的替換產品的保固期應與故障產品退回前的保固期相同。
(2) 原則上不提供故障原因調查或調查報告。如果客戶有特殊要求進行此類調查和報告,包括可行性在內,將另行確定。
(3) 如果索賠的產品被證明無缺陷,或者故障被證明是由客戶造成的,則修理或其他所需操作的費用將由客戶承擔。



3. 客製化硬體產品保固


4. 產品使用注意事項

(1) 為了保護橫河電機產品以及由橫河電機產品控制的系統的安全,請務必獲取橫河電機單獨提供的用戶手冊(供購買)並遵守處理橫河電機產品時的安全相關說明和其他注意事項。不遵守這些說明和注意事項可能會損害橫河電機產品的保護功能等功能。在這種情況下,橫河電機不保證相應橫河產品的品質、性能、功能或安全性。 (2) 在安裝保護/安全電路(例如防雷系統)時,客戶負責正確規劃、準備和實施獨立流程,例如使用橫河馬達以外的任何一方提供的設備開發系統。 (3) 確保橫河電機產品的零件或消耗品更換為橫河電機指定的零件。 (4) 橫河電機的任何產品不得用於核子相關設備、鐵路設施、飛機導航或通訊設備、船舶設備、空中交通管制設施、醫療設備的操作或任何其他無法使用的用途。死亡、人身傷害或嚴重的健康損害。要將任何產品應用於直接影響人體安全的設備或系統,客戶有責任建立一個確保安全的系統,而不使用橫河電機提供的設備或系統。






  1. Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors

    Power supply module F3PU01-0N*, F3PU10-0N*, F3PU10-0S, F3PU16-0N, F3PU20-0N*, F3PU20-0S, F3PU26-0N, F3PU30-0N*, F3PU30-0S, F3PU36-0N*, F3PU36-0S, F3SP05-0P*,
     F3SP08-0P*, F3SP08-SP
    Analog input module F3AD04-0N*, F3AD04-0V*, F3AD04-0R*, F3AD08-1N*, F3AD08-1V*, F3AD08-1R*, F3AD08-4V*
    Analog output module F3DA02-0N*, F3DA04-1N*, F3DA08-5N*
    Temperature control and monitoring module F3CT04-0N*, F3CT04-1N*, F3CR04-0N*, F3CR04-1N*
    PID control module F3CV04-1N*
    Positioning module F3NC51-0N, F3NC52-0N, F3NC61-0N
    Handy programming console PR30-0N*

    * : 停止接單之產品

  2. Relays

    Power supply module F3PU01-0N*, F3PU10-0N*, F3PU10-0S, F3PU16-0N, F3PU20-0N*, F3PU20-0S, F3PU26-0N, F3PU30-0N*, F3PU30-0S, F3PU36-0N*, F3PU36-0S, F3SP05-0P*, F3SP08-0P*, F3SP08-SP
    Relay output module F3YC08-0C, F3YC08-0N, F3YC16-0N
    * : 停止接單之產品
  3. Photocouplers

    建議更換週期:5年 (使用環境 45°C以上時)
    FA-Link module F3LP01-0N*
    FA-Link H module F3LP02-0N
    High-Speed Counter module F3XP01-0H,F3XP02-0H
    Analog input module F3AD04-0N*, F3AD04-0V*, F3AD04-0R*, F3AD08-1N*, F3AD08-1V*, F3AD08-1R*, F3AD08-4V*
    Temperature Monitoring module F3CX04-0N
    Temperature Control and PID Module F3CU04-0N*, F3CU04-1N*
    * : Order entry stop products
  4. Hard disk

    建議更換週期:自出廠之日起 5 年或 20,000 工作小時,以先到者為準。
    Hard Disk Module F3HD30-0N*, F3HD31-2N*, F3HD31-3N*

    * : Order entry stop product



< 有限壽命零件的定義 >




請參閱一般規格 "符合標準的產品 "

Document Title Document Number
Standard compliant products GS 34M06C11-21E

關於部分舊型 FA-M3/e-RT3 產品


為了確保持續銷售和為客戶提供可靠的服務,我們過去儲備了許多停產零件,但庫存的消耗給未來的生產系統維護、品質保證和維修服務帶來了困難。因此,我們做出了艱難的決定,停止銷售部分舊的 FA-M3/e-RT3 產品。




請參閱技術資料 "FA-M3 / e-RT3停售產品清單"

Document Title Document Number
FA-M3 / e-RT3 停售產品清單 TI 34M06Z40-01E



Aboitiz Power Corporation is a holding company that was set up by the Aboitiz Group to oversee its investments in power generation, distribution, retail, and services. The company owns and operates several hydroelectric and geothermal power plants as well as a number of non-renewable power facilities throughout the Philippines. It also owns distribution utilities that are centered in high-growth areas in Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao.

  • Yokogawa's FA-M3 PLC improves efficiency and accuracy at the lubricant blending processes in Thailand.
  • FA-M3 is integrated with SFC Excellence's enterprise resource planning and recipe management system.
  • Yokogawa supplied an integrated boiler and turbine control, monitoring and protection system for each of the four generating units in a coal-fired power plant in Australia.
  • Yokogawa also delivered two high fidelity operator training simulators for this plant.
  • Hibiki LNG Terminal is supplying natural gas to a broad area of northern Kyushu.
  • CENTUM VP and FA-M3V provide a centralized monitoring environment and contribute to safe and stable operation.

With the recent rapid advancement of technology, user equipment has become more and more complicated, diversified and faster. This has been imposing an increase in engineering costs and increasingly many users require devices facilitating customization and the reuse of past resources (legacies).




