EJX-A系列是橫河電機的DPharp傳送器的高性能系列,於2004年發表,提供苛刻應用所需的性能和穩定性。 EJX-A系列擁有優秀穩定的性能,是DPharp壓力傳送器系列的明星商品。
- ± 0.075% 準確度
- 每15年±0.2%穩定性
- 90毫秒回應時間
- Exida和TUV SIL 2/3 認證
- 本機參數設定LPS

橫河電機的DPharp數位sensor提供優於他牌類比sensor兩倍優秀的性能和穩定性。類比sensor採用較舊的設計技術,DPharp採用最新的IC芯片式設計和製造技術。 由DPharp數位sensor執行橫河電機傳送器為您提供可靠,準確的測量。
Poor Performance = Lost Money
多元訊號是所有橫河電機壓力傳送器擁有的功能,可補償非線性應用的類比4至20 mA輸出訊號。 可應用於桶槽液體體積測量、流量測量以及壓力輸入和所需輸出訊號相關的任何應用。 此功能最多可使用10個點。
Greater Flexibility = Found Money

橫河電機傳送器測量的所有製程變量都可以顯示在讀取方便的顯示面板上。 顯示面板可以顯示任何測量的變量(DP,SP,膠囊溫度); 警報代碼簡訊; 和一個清晰表示製程的條形圖。 完全可編程,指示器可根據您的需求進行定制。 與他牌的傳送器不同的是,指示器存在單獨的電路,不會被4至20 mA的類比訊號驅動。 因此顯示器可獨立操作,在傳送器位定提供更有用的訊息
More information = Found Money
標準診斷橫河電機的傳送器具有40個自我診斷檢查功能,確保傳送器內部一切運行順暢。 一般市面上所有傳送器都隻有一層自我診斷檢查,橫河電機有兩層檢查關卡。 首先,傳送器採用獲得專利的後檢技術,可以即時反向檢查所有計算。 其次,DPharp sensor是主動傳測器,即使製程沒有改變,sensor也會不斷提供訊號。 如果遺失訊號時,傳送器會發現問題。 他牌的類比sensor是被動的,並不提供連續訊號,因此,當沒有訊號時,無法得知sensor是否仍正常工作?
Good Diagnostics = Less Surprises
堅固耐用的差壓傳送器可以幫助您的工廠減少故障。 長壽耐用是橫河電機壓力傳送器的設計特性之一。 四螺栓設計,DPharp主動sensor,特氟龍塗層316L不銹鋼法蘭墊片,雙密封符合ANSI / ISA 12.27.01認證 - 所有設計功均可延長傳送器的使用壽命。
Note: 注意:為了符合NACE MR0175 / MR0103,請參閱各型號的一般規格。
Ruggedness = Reliability
Independent Verification
The Yokogawa pressure transmitter series' performance and reliability has been verified by independent third parties from around the world.
Functional Safety

All Yokogawa pressure transmitters are designed and certified to IEC61508:2010 Parts 1 through 7 and IEC61511:2004 Parts 1 through 3. They are certified for single transmitter use in SIL 2 safety applications and dual transmitter use in SIL 3 safety applications with no special option required. With Yokogawa's transmitters, no longer will you have to maintain two seperate inventories - one for production applications and one for safety applications.
Functional Safety = Reliability
Active Sensor Technology

The DPharp sensor is an active sensor. This means that the sensor is constantly supplying a signal even when the process has not changed. If the signal is lost from the sensor, the transmitter knows there is an issue. Competitor's analog sensors are passive. They do not supply a continual signal, so is the sensor still working when there is no signal? An active sensor is inherently safe.
Inherently Safe = Reliability
Patented Self-check System
Yokogawa's pressure transmitters as a patented real-time reverse check of the signal to ensure all calculations are preformed correctly. This system ensures that the transmitter is converting the signal from the sensor into the analog signal and digital protocol correctly.
Inherently Safe = Reliability

橫河電機的壓力傳送器在所有運行條件下都具有長期穩定性。 隨著使用經驗的累積,您將能夠延長校準檢查之間的時間間隔。
Quicker Maintenance = Less Downtime

橫河電機提供多種平台與您的傳送器進行通訊。<br />
FieldMate HHC是傳統的手持平台,可讓您將訊息帶入現場。
忘了你的HHC? 沒問題。 傳送器上的<strong>LPS<功能允許您在沒有HHC的情況下更新9個參數。
Quicker Maintenance = Less Downtime
Simple Troubleshooting

When your transmitter is 'alarming', you do not have the time to look for the manuals and go through them trying to figure out what is wrong; you need to get the transmitter up and operating again as quick as possible. Yokogawa's pressure transmitters have a simple description of the error code available on the local display. This simple description may help you correct the problem and get back to making product quickly. If you need more help, the manual does have a full description of all codes and suggest corrective actions.
Quicker Maintenance = Less Downtime
Universal Mounting

Pressure transmitters on the market have several different flange configuration depending on the medium being measured (Gas or liquid). This requires plants that process both medium to maintain a stock of both types of configurations. Yokogawa's pressure transmitters offer a universal mount that can be configured to handle either Gas or Liquid; reducing your inventory of replacement transmitters.
High Inventory = Stagnant Money
Standard Industry Process Connections

Yokogawa's pressure transmitters use the industry standard IEC61518 process connection deminsions. This ensures you will not need proprietary manifolds or accessories that limit your design choices. The IEC61518 standard gives you the piece of mind that if you ever want to make a change in transmitter manufacturer, you can. Some competitors have proprietary process connections that do nothing more than lock you into buying their product as replacements.
No learning Curve = Smooth Change Over
EJX310A Overview
Refer to the General Specification sheet located under the 'Downloads' tab for detailed specifications.
Measurement Types | |
Primary Variable | Absolute Pressure |
Reference Accuracy | |
Primary Variable | ±0.075% of Span (L-Capsule) ±0.04% of Span (M, A, and B Capsule) |
Stability (All Normal Operating Conditions) | |
Primary Variable | ±0.2% of URL per 15 years |
Response Time | |
Primary Variable | 90ms |
Rangeability | |
Primary Variable | L-Capsule: 20:1 M-Capsule: 100:1 A and B Capsule: 200:1 |
Burst Pressure (Absolute) | |
All Capsules | 10,000 psi (69 MPa) |
Specification Conformance | |
EJX-A Series | ±3σ |
EJX310A Capsule Ranges
Graphics are not to scale

橫河電機與AS Schneider-Germany和WIKA / Micro precision-India合作,提供一系列閥門歧管和組件,與DPharp EJX和EJA系列傳送器組合使用。

橫河電機根據您的需求製造通訊器。 橫河電機的通訊器可用於BRAIN協議,HART協議,FOUNDATION Fieldbus,PROFIBUS PA,ISA100或Modbus。 所有的通訊器都與橫河電機的產品以及市場上的其他產品相容。

橫河電機提供一系列迴路供電和FOUNDATION Fieldbus 遠距指示器,可用於本地監控,安裝在難以接近的位定的現場儀表的數據。

橫河CA700攜帶式壓力校準器使用與EJA-E和EJX-A系列壓力傳送器相同的DPharp sensor技術,它為任何壓力傳送器或其他類型的現場設備提供準確,高效的校準和驗證工具。

橫河電機提供通訊轉換器,將二級HART協議變量轉換為4至20 mA類比訊號,或將所有HART變量轉換為MODBUS RTU。
DP Level transmitter configuration can be very time consuming. Yokogawa DPharp EJA/EJX Pressure transmitters realize reduction in man hours by smart level setup feature.
- EJX and EJA-E Series Differential Pressure and Pressure Transmitters Installation Manual (7.2 MB)
- ManualChange22-17E : DPharp EJX Series and EJA-E Series Differential Pressure and Pressure Transmitters (192 KB)
- Differential Pressure and Pressure Transmitter (6.3 MB)
- Manual Change 22-24E: EJX-A and EJA-E Series Differential Pressure and Pressure Transmitters (186 KB)
- DPharp Fieldbus Communication Type (3.7 MB)
- DPharp HART 5/7 Communication Type (12.2 MB)
- DPharp BRAIN Communication Type (2.7 MB)
- DPharp PROFIBUS PA Communication Type (6.2 MB)
- EJX/EJA-E series NEPSI Certification[Option code: /NF2, /NF21, /NS21, /NS24 and /NS25] (720 KB)
- EJX/EJA-E Series UKEX Certification [Option code:/BF21,/BS21,/BU21,/BS26 and /BN26] (1.5 MB)
- Functional Safety Manual (730 KB)
- Functional Safety Manual exida Certification (436 KB)
- EJX310A Absolute Pressure Transmitter (320 KB)
- Drawings - EJX310A (Bottom Process Connection) (260 KB)
- EJX310A Absolute Pressure Transmitter Universal Flange (240 KB)
- EJX310A, EJX430A, EJX440A with Option Code /N1 (369 KB)
- EJX310A, EJX430A, EJX440A with Option Code /N2 and /N3 (372 KB)
- /U1 Long Vent Plug (254 KB)
- 3D CAD Configurator - EJX310A
2D/3D Configurator