橫河電磁流量計歷經半個多世紀的考驗,我們在每個時代都加入創新的規格,並始終引領業界。 高性能、高品質是橫河電磁流量計的一貫方針。
1988年發表的ADMAG AM系列採用的全球首創雙頻激磁方式,將電磁流量計的穩定性測量推向了更高的標準。 電容式電磁流量計ADMAG CA系列使測量低電導率流體和絕緣粘性流體成為可能。 ADMAG AXR系列以有限的兩線供電電壓實現了壓倒性的高性能。
而現在,採用“Total Insight”理念,全面支援產品生命週期的ADMAG TI系列誕生了!
- ADMAG Total Insight 可高精度測量流量。
- 標準規格達到±0.3%(讀數)的精度。
- 豐富的診斷功能,有效解決問題。
- ADMAG AXF 的後繼產品,可以更換。
- CA系列電磁流量計增加校驗功能,顯著提昇顯示方面的可視性。.
- 豐富的驗證功能有助於解決問題。
- 點陣顯示提高可視性。
- HART通訊。
- ADMAG CA 可測量高濃度漿液、絕緣體膠粘劑流體和低電導率流體的流量。
- 由於漿料不與電極碰撞,因此沒有電噪聲。
- 即使在測量管上形成沉積物,非潤濕電極類型也能確保穩定的流量測量。
- 可以從電導率 0.01 µS/cm 開始測量流速。
- ADMAG AXR可降低佈線成本和功耗。
- 兩線系統排除了電源佈線的需要。 採用訊號提供驅動電源。
- 實現4 線系統難以實現的低功耗。
- 低噪聲性能。
流體類型 | ADMAG Total Insight | CA Series | ADMAG CA | ADMAG AXR | ADMAG AXF |
腐蝕性 | A | A | A | A | A |
漿料 | A | A | A | B | A |
高黏度 | B | A | A | B | B |
低導電率 | B | A | A | B | B |
A: 適用, B: 使用期可能較短
ADMAG Total Insight | CA Series | ADMAG CA | ADMAG AXR | ADMAG AXF | |
可測量 導電率 | Above 1 μS/cm | Above 0.01 μS/cm | Above 0.01 μS/cm | Above 10 μS/cm | Above 1 μS/cm |
電極類型 | Wetted type | Capacity type | Capacity type | Wetted type | Wetted type |
準確度 (讀數) | ADMAG AXG ± 0.3 % ADMAG AXW ± 0.35 % | ± 0.5 % | ± 0.5 % | ± 0.5 % | ± 0.5 % |
尺寸 | ADMAG AXG 2.5 to 500 mm ADMAG AXW 25 to 1,800 mm | 15 to 200 mm | 15 to 200 mm | 25 to 200 mm | 2.5 to 400 mm |
接線 | 4-wires | 4-wires | 4-wires | 2-wires | 4-wires |
診斷功能 | 應用診斷 - 流量噪聲診斷 - 低導電率診斷 - 電極劣化診斷 - 電極沾黏檢測 - 空管偵測檢查 - 接線連線診斷 驗證功能 - 內建/標準 - 增強驗證 | 驗證功能 - 內建/標準 - 增強驗證 | 無 | 應用診斷 - 電極沾黏檢測 - 空管偵測檢查 |
Product Lineup
- To bring the customer a real-time monitoring and management capability, Yokogawa installed STARDOM (FCJ), flow meters, and transmitters at key points throughout the distribution network.
- The STARDOM FCJ controllers achieved an accurate water loss management system while keeping the running costs to a minimum.
With the high temperatures, pressures, and levels of dissolved organics that are encountered, the ADMAG AXF flow meter design is ideal for use in all phases of the chemical recovery process.
The pulp and paper industry has very aggressive and challenging applications for magmeters. There are corrosive Zone chemicals, high temperatures and pressures, and abrasive slurries. Yokogawa can provide the most reliable and accurate meters for each application.
Magnetic Flowmeter dual frequency excitation provides immunity to slurry noise by good stability and accuracy, determining the maintenance timing can be recognized by monitoring of electrodes.
Caustic soda and hydrochloric acid, produced in electrolyzer plants, are fundamental materials used in varieties of industries; chemicals, pharmaceuticals, petrol-chemicals, pulp and papers, etc. Profit is the result of the effective production with minimized running / maintenance cost. Proper control of the process brings you stabilized quality of products with the vast operational profit.
The new digester magmeter enabled accurate and stable flow measurement of the black liquor circulation line, helping the user to stabilize the cooking degree that determines the quality of the chip digesting process.
The ADMAG AXR is the world's first 2-wire magnetic flow meter which employs the unique "Dual Frequency Excitation Method," achieving 0.5% of rate of best-in-class accuracy and excellent stability for process measurement. In addition, the newly developed AXR key technologies," achieves the same level of noise immunity as 4-wire type under the fluid condition change and delivers enough performance to meet the requirement to apply in the control loop.
Yokogawa's ceramic liner can offer the customer superior resistance to thermal shock and the failure that can occur due to liner cracking. This is due to Yokogawa's use of 99.9% pure Al2O3 for the liner.
Continuous technology improvement is ongoing in the pulp & paper industry to obtain the best possible performance. The improved plant performance translates to the higher quality improvement and lower cost, and simultaneously environmental friendly plant operation.
This paper introduces the ADMAG AXR 2-wire magnetic flomwmeter solution for dust collection water application of steel converter.
The control of the world's water resource is arguably one of the most important issues. Water demand from industry and domestic users is set to rise throughout the industrialized world. Yokogawa has been applying minimized maintenance measurement systems.
Recently, air pollution legislations such as the Clean Air Act to reduce the amount of air pollution are increasing worldwide. The Clean Air Act address numerous air quality problems. One of these problems is acid rain caused by sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide emissions from fossil-fueled power plants and other industrial and transportation sources.
The use of recycled oil as an energy source presents a significant processing problem. ADMAG CA has been shown to provide reliable and stable flow measurement of recycled oil containing water.
After having undergone several improvements, magnetic flow meters have become highly accurate and reliable and are widely used in the industrial instrument field today. Magnetic flow meters consist of a detector and a converter, with the principle of the detector adopting Faraday's electromagnetic induction law.
- 離子膜電解裝定應用儀表及解決方案 (2.9 MB)
- 橫河電機水行業成功案例 (12.7 MB)