1967 年,Yokogawa開發VD6 震動式液體密度分析計滿足時下對製程自動化線上密度分析的需求,這是在儀器儀表領域的一個重要發展,因為密度是基本物理測量,準確的測量數據對幾乎所有製程都很重要。
VD6 密度分析計是高度穩定、高靈敏度的代表性產品,在業界廣受好評。
新型 DM8 震動式液體密度分析計是利用 VD6 的豐富經驗開發出的高度可靠多功能儀表。使用最新的電腦計算技術整合廣泛的sensor技術,轉換器包含微處理器,可將sensor頻率訊號直接轉換為密度值顯示。功能強大,具一鍵校正、自我診斷、數位輸出(RS-232C)等多種功能。
DM8液體密度分析計測量一般工業液體的液體密度,靈敏度高,穩定性好。 測量密度範圍為 0 至 2.0 g/cm3,不受流速和粘度的影響。 除通用sensor,也可選擇衛生型sensor。
DM8液體密度分析計測量一般工業液體的液體密度,靈敏度高,穩定性好。 測量密度範圍為 0 至 2.0 g/cm3,不受流速和粘度的影響。 除通用sensor,也可選擇衛生型和防爆型sensor。
- 高靈敏度和穩定性。
- 標準校正解決方案,一鍵式校正。
- 可在現場自由設定測量範圍。
- 故障警報顯示和輸出。
- 室外安裝轉換器。
測量對象 | 液體密度 |
測量原理 | 震動密度測量 |
測量範圍 | 密度 :0.5 to 2.0 g/cm3 |
測量液體溫度 | -10 to 100℃ |
測量液體壓力 | 2 MPa G or less |
承受壓力 | 4.9 MPa G |
輸出信號 | Analog output:4 to 20 mA DC (load resistance 550 Ω or less), and 0 to 1 V DC (load resistance 250 kΩ or more), isolated output. Digital output: RS-232C |
輸出信號 span | 0.05 to 0.5 g/cm3 settable |
參考溫度設定範圍 | 0 to 100℃ (+/- 1℃) |
故障接點輸出 | One output |
溫度係數設定範圍 | 0 to 0.002 g/cm3/℃ |
校正程序 | One-touch calibration by strong calibration liquid density (單點校正) |
環境溫度 | -10 to 55℃ |
結構 | 防塵防雨 |
電源供應 | 90 to 132 V AC or 180 to 264 V AC, 50/60 Hz |
重量 | Approx. 7.5 kg (Converter), approx. 12.0 kg (Detector) |
Linearity | ±0.5 % of span (when span is 0.2 g/cm3 or less) |
Repeatability | 5 x 10-4 g/cm3 (for digital output) 1 % of span (for analog output) |
One of the critical control points in the brewing process is the monitoring of the progress of the fermentation stage. The DM8 Vibration Type Liquid Density Meter offers high sensitivity and stability, realizes precise control, reduces workload, and reduces instrument costs.
Caustic soda and hydrochloric acid, produced in electrolyzer plants, are fundamental materials used in varieties of industries; chemicals, pharmaceuticals, petrol-chemicals, pulp and papers, etc. Profit is the result of the effective production with minimized running / maintenance cost. Proper control of the process brings you stabilized quality of products with the vast operational profit.
Process liquid analyzers such as pH meters, conductivity meters, ORP meters, and density meters play an important role at electrolysis plants in the control of concentrations of various process solutions. This requires both precision and stability under harsh conditions that include highly corrosive substances, high temperatures, and many impurities.
Caustic soda is an important basic material in the chemical industry and is mainly produced by the electrolysis of soda. In the electrolysis process to make concentrated caustic soda, the DM8 Liquid Density Meter ensures high product quality through accurate measurement of liquid density.
In the food industry, the control of concentrations on the production line is critical to product quality, determining, among other things, how good the food tastes. One such procedure for doing this involves taking a sample from the production process and measuring its specific gravity (density) with a hydrometer.
Skim milk is what remains after cream is removed from raw milk. Cream is removed to bring the fat content of the skim milk as close as possible to the lower limit of a designated range. For this purpose, control of the fat content in the cream and the skim milk is essential. The fat content in the cream and the milk has a direct relationship to their density and is controlled by the measurement thereof.
- DM8 Vibration Type Liquid Density Meter (5.4 MB)
- Product Solution Catalog (5.3 MB)
- DM8 Vibration Type Density Meter (2.3 MB)
- DM8C Vibration Type Liquid Density Converter (230 KB)
- VD6D Vibration Type Liquid Density Detector (36 KB)
- VD6DF Frameproof Liquid Density Detector (33 KB)
- VD6DS Sanitary Use Liquid Density Detector (33 KB)
- DM8W Special Cable for Liquid Density Meter (31 KB)
- Sampling Unit for Liquid Density Meter VD6SM-###-PG#0-T1#0*B (46 KB)
- Sampling Unit for Liquid Density Meter (with Steam Trace Tube) VD6SM-###-PK#0-T1#0*B/ST (57 KB)