OpreX是橫河電機工業自動化(IA)和控制業務的綜合品牌,代表相關技術和解決方案的卓越性。本產品屬於 OpreX 分析儀系列,屬於 OpreX 測量類別。
安裝多達兩個感測器,FLXA202即使在維護期間也能不間斷測量。對於雙感測器測量,感測器模組必須具有相同的參數 – pH/ORP 和 pH/ORP、SC 和 SC、DO 和 DO。雙感測器測量提供額外的功能,包括根據兩個測量參數計算出的各種數據,以及將分析儀編程為冗餘系統的選項。
FLXA202可以接受四種測量類型:pH/ORP、接觸導電率(SC)、感應導電率(ISC) 和具有自我診斷功能的溶氧(DO)感應器。附加功能包括:
- 連續測量感測器阻抗、不對稱電位和斜率,並連續監測電極污染/損壞、燒壞和測量液位下降(例如 pH 分析儀)。
- 線上感測器健康檢查以進行預測性維護。
FLEXA™ 系列分析儀透過直覺的觸控螢幕操作改善可操作性,具有清晰的顯示器和使用者友善的指示,支援 12 種語言。用於立即測量的快速設定選單以及感測器狀態和預計維護時間的顯示可提高效率。互動式螢幕安裝在堅固的鋁鑄外殼 (FLXA202) 。
FLEXA™ 系列分析儀採用模組化設計,配有可更換的感測器模組,可建構各種系統。使用者可以選擇不含螢幕,也可以選擇外殼材質(塑膠或不銹鋼)。
Area Classification | General Purpose Class I Div II (without the use of IS Barrier) Class I Div I (with the use of IS Barrier) |
Enclosure Material | Aluminum alloy die cast with epoxy coating (Standard offering Aluminum alloy die cast with urethane or high anti-corrosion coating (available upon request) |
Housing Rating | IP66 (except Canada), Type 4X (except Canada), Type 3S/4X (Canada) |
Power Supply | 2-wire 24VDC Loop Powered |
Output Signal | Bi-directional HART digital communication, superimposed on mA (4-20mA) signal |
Intrinsically safe type | ATEX, IECEx, FM, CSA and NEPSI, and nonincendive of FM and CSA |
pH / ORP 測量的好處
- 內建校準標準表,具有溫度補償功能和穩定性檢查功能。
- 即時檢查和監控探測器狀態。
- 也可以測量溫度和氧化還原電位 (ORP)。
- 連續測量偵測器的阻抗、不對稱電位、斜率等,以連續自我診斷偵測器的狀態,如污染/損壞、電極斷開、測量液位降低等。
- 保存最新的五次校準結果,以預測偵測器的運作狀況以及未來的維護和校準時間。
pH/ORP 測量規範
Input Range | pH: -2 to 16 pH (with option /K: 0 to 14 pH) ORP: -1500 to 1500 mV rH: 0 to 100 rH Temperature: Pt1000, Pt100, 6.8k, PTC10k, 3k Balco, PTC500: -30 to 140 ºC, NTC 8k55: -10 to 120 ºC | |
Performance (The specifications are expressed with simulated inputs.) | pH | Linearity: ±0.01 pH, Repeatability: ±0.01 pH, Accuracy: ±0.01 pH |
ORP | Linearity: ±1 mV, Repeatability: ±1 mV, Accuracy: ±1 mV | |
Temperature | with Pt1000, PTC500, 6.8k, PTC10k, NTC 8k55, 3k Balco Linearity: ±0.3 ºC, Repeatability: ±0.1 ºC, Accuracy: ±0.3 ºC | |
with Pt100 Linearity: ±0.4 ºC, Repeatability: ±0.1 ºC, Accuracy: ±0.4 ºC |

與 SA11 SENCOM 結合使用。智慧型適配器。
適用於下列具有 Variopin 連接器選項的偵測器。
→ 一體化 pH/ORP (氧化還原) 感測器 FU20和FU24
→ 水和廢水PH21 寬體感測器
→ 純水 pH 和 ORP 感測器 PH8EHP

- 內建溫度補償功能和校正標準表,監測池的污染情況,實現更高精度的電導率測量。
- 電池常數對應於 0.005 至 50 cm-1。
- 2 電極和 4 電極感測器皆可使用。
- 支援五種溫度偵測器,精確的溫度補償(線性溫度補償/矩陣溫度補償)。
純水符合注射用水監測的嚴格標準(USP 條件 <645>)
- 在軟化水、蒸氣、冷凝水和鍋爐水的分析中,進行純水補償。
- 根據 USP(美國製藥)條目<645>監控製程溶液的品質(請參閱 USP23 第 645 節)指南(美國製藥指南),該指南是製藥業監測純水的基礎。
Input Specification | 正弦激勵的兩電極或四電極測量,配合最長60米(200英尺)的電纜(WU40/WF10)以及從0.005到50.0厘米的電池常數。 | |
Display range | Conductivity | min. 0.01 µS/cm, max. 2000 mS/cm (max 90% zero suppression) |
Resistivity | min. 0.001 kΩ x cm, max. 1000 MΩ x cm (max 90% zero suppression) | |
Temperature | min. span 25 ºC, max. span 270 ºC | |
Performance (Accuracy)(The specifications are expressed with simulated inputs.) | Conductivity | 2 µS x K cm-1 to 200 mS x K cm-1: Accuracy: ±0.5%F.S. 1 µS x K cm-1 to 2 µS x K cm-1: Accuracy: ±1%F.S. |
Resistivity | 0.005kΩ / K cm-1 to 0.5MΩ /K cm-1: Accuracy: ±0.5%F.S. 0.5MΩ / K cm-1 to 1MΩ /K cm-1: Accuracy: ±1%F.S. | |
Temperature | with Pt1000, Pb36, Ni100: Accuracy: ±0.3 ºC with Pt100, NTC 8k55: Accuracy: ±0.4 ºC | |
Temperature compensation | NaCl table: ±1 % Matrix: ±3 % | |
Temperature | 90 % (< 2 decades) in 7 seconds |

SENCOM智慧適配器相容感測器 SA11
適用於以下帶有 Variopin 連接器選購件的探測器。
→ Contacting Conductivity Sensors SC42/SC4A

- 對於非接觸式測量,需要測量從酸鹼溶液到含鹽溶液的測量。
- 具有矩陣補償和輸出線性化功能,可準確分析強酸、強鹼溶液。
- 化學工業、食品和化學工業、電鍍和表面處理工業、造紙和紙漿工業等中的液位監測可以為各種應用提供高精度的電磁導率測量。
- 一個 4-20 mA 輸出,用於記錄、顯示和控制。
- 從導電率、液位或溫度中選擇測量參數。
- 只能連接一個感測器。
Input Specification | 與橫河感應式電導率ISC40系列相容,整合溫度感測器:NTC30k或Pt1000。 | |
Input Range | Conductivity | 0 to 2000 mS/cm at 25 ºC reference temperature. |
Temperature | -20 to 140 ºC | |
Cable length | max. 60 meters total length of fixed sensor cable + WF10(J) extension cable. Influence of cable can be adjusted by doing an AIR CAL with the cable connected to a dry cell. | |
Performance (The specifications are expressed with simulated inputs.) | Conductivity | Linearity: ±(0.4 %F.S. + 0.3 µS/cm) Repeatability: ±(0.4 %F.S. + 0.3 µS/cm) |
Temperature | ±0.3 ºC | |
Step response | 90 % (< 2 decades) in 8 seconds |

- 可以使用原電池或極譜感測器。
- 指示單位為 mg/L、ppm 和 % 飽和度。
- 即使在惡劣的環境中,也會根據海拔等對氣壓、鹽度和溫度的變化進行修正。
- 可以實現高精度測量。
- 提供一個 4-20 mA 輸出用於記錄、顯示和控制。
- 兩個偵測器的濃度、溫度或計算值以及以下輸出功能也是可設定的:
- 保持功能:將輸出訊號保持為最後測量或固定值(保持)。
- 斷線功能:故障時輸出斷線訊號(22.0mA)或斷線訊號(3.6mA)。
Input Specification | FLXA202 接受覆膜溶氧感知器的輸出。這些感測器可以是原電池型(感測器產生自己的驅動電壓)或極譜型(感測器使用來自轉換器的外部驅動電壓)。 電流感測器的輸入範圍為 0 至 50 µA,極譜感測器的輸入範圍為 0 至 1 µA。 對於溫度補償,FLXA202 接受 Pt1000(DO30 感測器)和 NTC22k 元件(OXYFERM 和 OXYGOLD 感測器)。 | |
Measurement Range | DO Sensors | Dissolved Oxygen: 0 to 50 mg/l (ppm) Temperature: -20 to 150 ºC |
DO30G | Measurement range: 0 to 20 mg/l (ppm) Temperature: 0 to 40 ºC | |
Performance (Accuracy) (Performance in ppm mode) | Linearity | ±0.05 ppm or ±0.8% F.S., whichever is greater |
Repeatability | ±0.05 ppm or ±0.8% F.S., whichever is greater | |
Accuracy | ±0.05 ppm or ±0.8% F.S., whichever is greater | |
Temperature | Linearity: ±0.3 ºC Repeatability: ±0.1 ºC Accuracy: ±0.3 ºC |

One of the primary applications for high purity water is for boiler feed water. The measurement of pure water pH can be one of the quickest indicators of process contamination in the production or distribution of pure water. Effective chemical treatment of the feed water is vital in maintaining the useful operating life and minimizing maintenance costs of the boiler.
Industry:Power, Pharmaceutical, Common
Caustic soda and hydrochloric acid, produced in electrolyzer plants, are fundamental materials used in varieties of industries; chemicals, pharmaceuticals, petrol-chemicals, pulp and papers, etc. Profit is the result of the effective production with minimized running / maintenance cost. Proper control of the process brings you stabilized quality of products with the vast operational profit.
Wet scrubbers are used in utilities, paper mills, and chemical plants to remove sulfur dioxide (SO2) and other pollutants from gas streams. Undesirable pollutants are removed by contacting the gases with an aqueous solution or slurry containing a sorbent. The most common sorbents are lime, Ca(OH)2, and limestone, CaCO3.
The control of the world's water resource is arguably one of the most important issues. Water demand from industry and domestic users is set to rise throughout the industrialized world. Yokogawa has been applying minimized maintenance measurement systems.
For control of batch neutralization, a pH measurement coupled with a timer-controlled chemical feed scheme provides very satisfactory results.
This system can be adapted for either acid waste or alkaline waste neutralization.
Brewery is facility to produce beer. Breweries process is the manufacturing process of beer, which is a fermented beverage with low alcohol content made from various types of grain. Wheat, maize and other grains can be used for this. Brewing process starts from malted barley that is to form a mash by milling and mixing with hot water. The malt starches are converted to sugars during this process. This sugar rich water is then strained through the bottom of the mash and will be called as "wort". Then the wort will be brought to boil by bringing to the brew kettle. For bitterness or aroma hops are to be added at different times during the boil. Then the wort is cooled and aerated. And brewers yeast is added for fermentation. From the sweet wort the yeast produces carbon dioxide, alcohol and other byproducts. The GREEN BEER undergoes maturation after fermentation. Filtaration and carbonation are the last steps. Finally the beer will be stay in holding tank until it is bottled or kegged.
For safe and efficient operation, the quality of feedwater, steam, and condensate in boiler plants must be controlled and maintained in the most favorable conditions.
There are a number of suppliers of oil and fat products used for edible purposes. These products include, but are not limited to olive oil, peanut oil, soybean oil, sunflower oil, lard, shortening, butter, and margarine. The raw materials for these products include animal by-products, fleshy fruits (palm and olive), and oilseeds.
Industry:Food and Beverage
The proliferation of microorganisms and the resultant formation of slime is a problem which commonly occurs in aqueous systems. Problematic slime producing microbes may include bacteria, fungi and/or algae. Slime deposits typically occur in many industrial aqueous systems including cooling water systems, pulp and paper mill systems, petroleum operations, clay and pigment slurries, recreational water systems, air washer systems, decorative fountains, food, beverage, and industrial process pasteurizers, sweetwater systems, gas scrubber systems, latex systems, industrial lubricants, cutting fluids, etc.
Industry:Refining, Food and beverage, Power, Oil and Gas, Pulp and Paper, Chemical
Process liquid analyzers such as pH meters, conductivity meters, ORP meters, and density meters play an important role at electrolysis plants in the control of concentrations of various process solutions. This requires both precision and stability under harsh conditions that include highly corrosive substances, high temperatures, and many impurities.
Control of sodium chloride (NaCl) concentration at a salt dissolver where solid salt is dissolved in water, is highly important because of the electrolysis efficiency. A conventional way of measuring the concentration of supersaturated NaCl solution had been performed by using non-contact type sensors (e.g., γ-ray density meter) since NaCl, impurities, and precipitates are in the solution.
In a semiconductor plant, a variety of chemicals are used in various manufacturing processes. The chemicals used for specific purposes are produced by diluting raw liquid with demineralized water using in diluting equipment, and the control of the concentration at this point is performed by conductivity measurement.
In the manufacturing process of Pharmaceutical, Chemical and Food & Beverage industries, the cleaning and sterilization of tanks and piping are done with various cleaning solutions, fresh or hot water and steam after manufacturing products. Clean-In-Place (CIP) is the system designed for automatic cleaning and disinfecting.
Wastes have been considered to be a serious worldwide environmental problem in recent years. Because of increasing pollution, these wastes should be treated. However, industrial wastes can contain a number of valuable organic components. Recovery of these components is important economically. Using conventional distillation techniques, the separation of acetic acid and water is both impractical and uneconomical, because it often requires large number of trays and a high reflux ratio. In practice special techniques are used depending on the concentration of acetic acid.
Cyanide-bearing wastewater from mining and electroplating facilities and certain types of chemical plants is toxic and must be treated by oxidation with chlorine or chloride to bring the cyanide concentration within regulatory limits.
Industry:Electrical and Electronics
Continuous technology improvement is ongoing in the pulp & paper industry to obtain the best possible performance. Problems at the wet end (stock preparation) can rarely be corrected downstream. That is why monitoring and controlling pH in pulp stock is critical to the paper making process. Essentially, at every stage in the manufacture of paper, correct pH values play a vital role.
Reverse osmosis (RO) is a separation process that uses pressure to force a solution through a membrane that retains the solute on one side and allows the pure solvent to pass to the other side. More formally, it is the process of forcing a solvent from a region of high solute concentration through a membrane to a region of low solute concentration by applying a pressure in excess of the osmotic pressure.
Wastewater from electroplating facilities and certain types of chemical plants contains toxic forms of hexavalent chromium such as chromate and dichromate. The hexavalent chromium in this wastewater must be reduced before the water can be discharged. This requires a two-step process: hexavalent chromium (CR6) is reduced to trivalent chromium (CR3); and CR3 is precipitated as chromium hydroxide.
Industry:Electrical and Electronics
Removal of free oil and grease from a wastewater stream reduces the potential for equipment problems to occur further downstream. There are three forms of oil encountered in wastewater treatment at a refinery.
Continuous technology improvement is ongoing in the pulp & paper industry to obtain the best possible performance. The improved plant performance translates to the higher quality improvement and lower cost, and simultaneously environmental friendly plant operation.
Sour Water is the wastewater that is produced from atmospheric and vacuum crude columns at refineries. Hydrogen sulfide and ammonia are typical components in sour water that need to be removed before the water can be reused elsewhere in the plant. Removal of these components is done by sending the sour water from the process to a stripping tower where heat, in the form of steam, is applied.
Power plant boiler houses designed to burn coal or high sulfur oil are required by Federal and State pollution regulations to "scrub" (remove) sulfur dioxide from flue gasses to meet emission limits. SO2 in flue gasses is known to be harmful to the environment, as it is one contributor to the formation of acid rain. pH control is critical for the proper functioning of the scrubber system.
Seawater leak detection is the post-condensation water quality management processes. Damage to the ion exchange resin, which deionizes the supplied water, is also monitored during this process, and both of these applications are executed by a conductivity analyzer. (AN10D01P01-01E)
In flue gas desulfurization systems that use magnesium hydroxide (Mg(OH)2) slurry, the consumption of the desulfurization agent (Mg(OH)2) is controlled by using online pH analyzers. A great concern in the pH measurement is heavy staining of the pH electrodes by the Mg(OH)2 slurry. To ensure accurate measurement, frequent cleaning of the electrodes with an acid is required, adding to both maintenance workload and cost.
Industry:Chemical, Power
In the past, the boiler feed tank systems in sugar factories had to be checked several times a day to make sure there were no sugar solution leaks. This was a very laborious process and, as continuous monitoring was not possible, monitoring results were not reliable. When a leak occurred, recovery operations were very costly and time-consuming. (AN10D01K01-02E)
To defray energy costs, many industrial plants have their own boilers to generate steam in order to produce a portion of their energy needs. In addition to generating power, the steam may also be used directly in plant processes or indirectly via heat exchangers or steam jacketed vessels.
Fish perform all their bodily functions in water. Because fish are totally dependent upon water to breathe, feed and grow, excrete wastes, maintain a salt balance, and reproduce, understanding the physical and chemical qualities of water is critical to successful aquaculture. To a great extent water determines the success or failure of an aquaculture operation.
In stable dispersion of fine particles is the pre-requisite for the selective flocculation technique involving separation of ultra-fine valuable particles from the gangue. Among mineral processing techniques selective flocculation technique is known to have outstanding potential of capturing the particles of particular mineral in slurry of mixed mineral system by selective adsorption of water soluble polymers known as flocculants.
- FLXA202 2-Wire Liquid Analyzer (1.6 MB)
- 離子膜電解裝定應用儀表及解決方案 (2.9 MB)
- Solutions for the Chemical Operations Executive (2.0 MB)
- FLXA202 / FLXA21 2-Wire Analyzer Installation and Wiring (Introduction and General Description) (4.5 MB)
- FLXA202 / FLXA21 2-Wire Analyzer Operation of pH/ORP (1.1 MB)
- FLXA202 / FLXA21 2-Wire Analyzer Operation of SC (1.2 MB)
- FLXA202 / FLXA21 2-Wire Analyzer Operation of ISC (1.1 MB)
- FLXA202 / FLXA21 2-Wire Analyzer Operation of DO (989 KB)
- FLXA202/FLXA21 Setting Table (171 KB)
- FLXA202 2-Wire Analyzer Operation of SENCOM SA-pH/ORP (1.1 MB)
- FLXA202 2-Wire Analyzer Operation of SNCOM SA-SC (1.0 MB)
- WTB10-DO1,-DO2,-DO3,-DO4 Terminal Box (687 KB)
- WTB10-PH# Terminal Box (823 KB)
- FLXA202 2-Wire Analyzer (1.6 MB)
- Yokogawa DTM FOUNDATION Fieldbus
- Yokogawa DTM HART
- HART DD file -DO Converter FLXA202/FLXA21 [DevRev 2]
- HART DD file -ISC Converter FLXA202/FLXA21 [DevRev 2]
- HART DD file -SC Converter FLXA202/FLXA21 [DevRev 2]
- SMART Platform SENCOM ct. - Commissioning Tool (For SA11 SMART adapter and SMART Digital Sensors) [Login required ]
- HART DD file -pH/ORP Converter FLXA202/FLXA21 [DevRev 2]
- FLEXA/EXA PH Series Process pH Analyzers Measurement System and Applications (2.4 MB)
- Cation Differential Quick Start Guide (1.4 MB)
- FLXA202/FLXA21 2-Wire Analyzer HART Communication (1.8 MB)
- Coating procedure FLXA202 2-Wire Analyzer, FLXA402 4-Wire Converter (307 KB)
- FLXA202 2-Wire Analyzer Selection Guide for Intrinsic Safety type Associated Apparatus (358 KB)
- Conductivity Analyzer Guide (992 KB)
- SENCOM 4.0 Platform: Grounding (3.6 MB)
- Contacting Conductivity sensor selection guide (1.6 MB)
- PH201G Distributor (214 KB)
- Cable for pH Electrode (connect to PH202, FLXA202, FLXA21) K9148VA,K9148VB,K9148VC,K9148VD,K9148VE,K9148VF (176 KB)
- Operating Unit for Chemical Cleaning System PH8SM3-F, -G (FLXA21, FLXA202) (320 KB)
- PH201G /TB Distributor (with /TB Terminal for power connection) (315 KB)