Yokogawa的高內涵分析系統 (HCA),也稱為高內涵篩選系統 (HCS),適用於從基礎科學到研發藥物篩選的一系列研究應用。
搭配我們先進的分析軟體, HCA 系統提供高質量的 3D 成像,優化活細胞分析。
高內涵分析 (HCA) 可識別小分子、肽、RNAi、藥物混合物或抗體的表型或目標反應。
高分辨率顯微圖像,高內涵分析 (HCA) 使您能夠在分子水平上檢測細胞表型變化,該技術可用作研究生理活性物質(如化合物、siRNA、 培養細胞、組織樣本和整個生物體(如斑馬魚)上的肽和抗體。
CV8000 High-Throughput System 高內涵影像分析系統
CellVoyager CV8000 是一款高階的高內涵分析系統,使用橫河特有的高速共軛焦掃描儀。具備水鏡、多達四個高視野相機、細胞培養環境的載物台和自動化分液器的組合,不僅實現高內涵、高解析,也可以使用更複雜的評估系統進行表型篩選。
CellVoyager CQ1採用節省空間的台式設計,提供高質量的共聚焦圖像和延長的活細胞成像。
我們的分析軟體擁有強大的機器學習功能,為研究人員提供對 HCA 實驗(例如無標籤分析)的深度洞察。
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Confocal imagers with powerful analysis software
我們的高內涵分析 (HCA) 系統是從基礎科學到藥物研發篩選的一系列研究應用的最佳解決方案。
High Content Analysis (HCA)
YOKOGAWA的高內涵影像分析儀的高性能品質可平衡通常相互衝突的要求。YOKOGAWA共軛焦掃描儀或共軛焦旋轉圓盤單元 (CSU) 的核心技術是微透鏡增強雙 Nipokow 磁盤,可以在極短的採集時間內捕獲高質量的圖像。
如今,由於細胞培養技術的發展,使用球體和類器官等 3D 樣本和活細胞樣本來模擬真實的細胞環境變得越來越流行。 Yokogawa CSU 在顯微鏡領域享有盛譽,不僅因為其高圖像質量和快速捕獲速度,而且還因其對活細胞的友善性。我們基於 CSU 的高內涵共軛焦影像系統是使用精心設計的 3D 和活細胞分析系統以及 2D 固定樣本進行藥物篩選的理想解決方案。使用者友善的高內涵分析軟體CellPathfinder,具有多種實用功能,有力支援各種表型變化和靶標反應的分析。它還具有用於復雜樣本分析的最先進的機器學習和深度學習功能。
Traditional Methods | High Content Analysis (HCA) | ||
High-Throughput Screening (HTS) | Flow Cytometry (FCM) | Microscopy | |
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Cell stage categorized using FucciTime lapse imaging of Fucci-added Hela cells was conducted over 48 hrs at 1 hr intervals. Gating was performed based on the mean intensities of 488 nm and 561 nm for each cell. They were categorized into four stages, and the cell count for each was calculated.
The CV8000 nuclear translocation analysis software enables the analysis of changes in the localization of signal molecules that transfer between cytoplasm and nuclei, such as proteins. The following is an example of the translocation analysis of NFκB, a transcription factor.
The CQ1 confocal image acquisition mechanism with the distinctive CSU® unit has a function to sequentially acquire fine cell images along the Z-axis and capture information from the entire thickness of
cells which include heterogenic populations of various cell cycle stages. In addition, saved digital images can be useful for precise observation and analysis of spatial distribution of intracellular molecules.
The CQ1 capability to seamlessly analyze images and obtain data for things such as cell population statistics to individual cell morphology will provide benefits for both basic research and drug discovery
targetingM-cell cycle phase.
- Colony Formation
- Scratch Wound
- Cytotoxicity
- Neurite Outgrowth
- Co-culture Analysis
- Cell Tracking
Cell clusters are directly measured with high-throughput 3D imaging Confocal Quantitative Image Cytometer
List of Selected Publications : CQ1
List of Selected Publications : CV8000, CV7000, CV6000
In this tutorial, we will learn how to perform cell tracking with CellPathfinder through the analysis of test images.
In this tutorial, using images of zebrafish whose blood vessels are labeled with EGFP, tiling of the images and recognition of blood vessels within an arbitrary region will be explained.
In this tutorial, a method for analyzing ramified structure, using CellPathfinder, for the analysis of the vascular endothelial cell angiogenesis function will be explained.
In this tutorial, we will learn how to perform time-lapse analysis of objects with little movement using CellPathfinder, through calcium imaging of iPS cell-derived cardiomyocytes.
In this tutorial, we will observe the change in number and length of neurites due to nerve growth factor (NGF) stimulation in PC12 cells.
In this tutorial, image analysis of collapsing stress fibers will be performed, and concentration-dependence curves will be drawn for quantitative evaluation.
In this tutorial, we will identify the cell cycles G1-phase, G2/M-phase, etc. using the intranuclear DNA content.
In this tutorial, intranuclear and intracytoplasmic NFκB will be measured and their ratios calculated, and a dose-response curve will be created.
In this tutorial, spheroid diameter and cell (nuclei) count within the spheroid will be analyzed.
In this tutorial, a method for analyzing ramified structure, using CellPathfinder, for the analysis of the vascular endothelial cell angiogenesis function will be explained.
The CV8000 features a cell incubator with an improved airtight design that facilitates the observation of cell behavior over long periods of time. In addition, the CV8000 comes with CellPathfinder, a new program that can analyze images of unlabeled cells and 3D images of samples. With these features, the CV8000 improves the efficiency of drug discovery research and biomedical research on leading-edge subjects such as iPS and ES cells.