Yokogawa presents a quick walk through of a liquids handling pipeline SCADA Host implemented in FAST/TOOLS 10.01. It features the fictitious AlbertaSouth Pipeline that includes tank farms, pump stations, block valves, metering stations, provers, pig launchers and receivers. It features applications like leak detection, batch scheduling, and strapping tables for storage tanks. Although it is a demonstration pipeline it does feature functionality that Yokogawa has deployed across the world on real pipeline SCADA Host projects.
企業管道管理解決方案(EPMS)提供一系列標準應用程序,這些應用程序可以無縫接入CI Server集成操作和監控系統平台,類似於SCADA監控應用程序,以促進氣體/液體管道系統的管理和操作。