Is there a bias function for shifting the digital temperature value by +1°C?

Yes. The bias function is disabled upon shipment from the factory, but you can enable it. After enabling the function, set the bias on the relevant channels to +1°C. You can also set a negative number.

  1. To enable the function, see section 7.15 in the user's manual.
  2. To set the bias, see section 6.12 in the same manual.

µR10000 Recorder Operation Guide
µR20000 Recorder Operation Guide



  • µR10000 & µR20000

    使用最新技術實現高可靠性、高品質、和出色的操作性能。 µR10000 & µR20000使用寬度為100和180毫米的記錄紙,具有網絡功能等多種功能。

