In the status display area of the upper part of the screen, there is an upper body-shaped icon that you can check for the user lock status.
If the user lock icon background is light grey, there is still a system administrator who can log in. Log in as a system administrator, initialize the locked user’s password, and then log in as that user and reset the password.
If the icon's background is yellow, all system administrators are locked. In that case, please contact the dealer who sold you the unit for assistance.
觸控螢幕 GP10/GP20
SMARTDAC+TM GP10/GP20 是一款無紙記錄器,提供直覺,人性化設計,支援網路功能和可擴充的架構。
觸控螢幕 GX10/GX20
SMARTDAC+TM GX10/GX20是多點觸控式記錄器,提供直觀,人性化設計,支援網路功能和可擴充的架構。