Yes, this is possible. Install the dedicated program, Mobile WEB Application for GX/GP/GM on the external media SD card. Connect the GM10 and the Wi-Fi router with an Ethernet cable. Wi-Fi supports both Android and iOS.
Mobile WEB Application for GX/GP/GM *Log-in Required
GM10適用於工業和實驗室應用,藍牙無線連接和模組化I / O功能,提供準確可靠的測量。
觸控螢幕 GP10/GP20
SMARTDAC+TM GP10/GP20 是一款無紙記錄器,提供直覺,人性化設計,支援網路功能和可擴充的架構。
觸控螢幕 GX10/GX20
SMARTDAC+TM GX10/GX20是多點觸控式記錄器,提供直觀,人性化設計,支援網路功能和可擴充的架構。