If the number of channels and suffix codes are different, you can load the settings that are common to both instruments.
For example, if you load settings from a 10 ch model onto a 20 ch model, no settings are loaded for the 11th and higher channels, and their original settings are not changed.
DX1000N 在前定面板有可拆卸底盤,可以輕鬆維護DX1000N的內部組件。
按鈕操作 DX1000/DX2000
Daqstation DX1000 / 2000系列是配備顯示螢幕的資料收集系統。 HMI支援產業應用的客製化圖表,稽核追蹤和安全性符合FDA 21CFR Part 11。