The interval of the high limit on rate-of-change alarm and lower limit on rate-of-change alarm is determined by multiplying the scan interval by the number of times sampled. Where do you set the scan interval?

To set the scan interval, press MENU (to switch to setting mode), hold down FUNC for 3 seconds (to switch to basic setting mode), and select the Menu tab > A/D, Memory.
For details, see section 3.1, “Setting the Scan Interval and the Integration Time of the A/D Converter” in the user's manual (IM 04L41B01-01E).


  • 按鈕操作 DX1000/DX2000

    Daqstation DX1000 / 2000系列是配備顯示螢幕的資料收集系統。 HMI支援產業應用的客製化圖表,稽核追蹤和安全性符合FDA 21CFR Part 11。

