In the DXAdvanced series, there is no bias function for adding or subtracting a specific value to or from the input value. How can I display the measured temperature as 0.5°C higher than the actual input?

In the input range settings, you can add a specific value in the same manner as a bias setting by selecting a scale.
Ex) Set a thermocouple Type-K span of 0-100 DEGC. To display the temperature 0.5DEGC higher, set the following in the input range settings:
Mode = Scale; Type = TC; Range = K, Span lower limit = -0.5; Span upper limit = 99.5; Scale lower limit = 0.0; Scale upper limit = 100.0.


  • 按鈕操作 DX1000/DX2000

    Daqstation DX1000 / 2000系列是配備顯示螢幕的資料收集系統。 HMI支援產業應用的客製化圖表,稽核追蹤和安全性符合FDA 21CFR Part 11。

