- RELATIVE: Count begins from the moment the timer time is set, and timeup occurs when a set time is reached. For example, if timer 1 is currently at 7 days/10 hours/00 minutes, and you set 01 days/10 hours/00 minutes, the timeup occurs every 1 day and 10 hours from that moment, in other words, at 08 days/20 hours/00 minutes.
- ABSOLUTE: Count begins from a reference time (REF TIME), and ends when the set time is reached. For example, if you set a REF TIME of 13 hours/00 minutes and set the timer to 1 hour, the time-up occurs every hour after 13:00 (including 13:00).
Model Name: DA100-1
DA100-2 Portable Hybrid Recorder
DA100-2 Portable Hybrid Recorder
DC100 Data Collectors
Model Name: DC100
The DR130 can record data in 10 colors from all measurement points at 2-second intervals. It has a variety of recording functions including analog trend recording over an effective recording width of 150 mm, recording of digital measured values, recording of various messages, zone recording, and partially compressed and expanded recording, thus enabling data to be read off speedily.
Model Name: DR231
DR232 (Expandable model only)
DR232 (Expandable model only)
Model Name: DR241
Model Name: DR242