In a moderate application at 25°C and 1 bar a normal pH sensor does not need more than once a month recalibration. This is the same for when stored on the shelf. If it is within 4 weeks of the last calibration it does not require recalibration.
It is possible to set the parameter “Calibration due” to for example 1 month. Then when the calibration date is more than 1 months ago it will give an error.
SENCOM™ Active 數位擴充接線盒: BA11
數位 SMART SENCOM™ 轉接器: SA11
可重複使用的 SMART 轉接器,只需在感測器達到其使用壽命時進行處理。橫河電機的SENCOM 4.0平台,可降低營運成本和資源浪費,同時貢獻永續未來的長期業務目標。