How to calibrate with the SA11? What is the procedure?

  1. Take all sensors out and calibrate with
    • same SA11
    • separate SA11 /additional SA11
    • Manual setting of ID-chip using HOST system
  2. Calibrate one by one
  3. Use replacement sensors (SWAP)

In case of sensor to be calibrated at other place (e.g. LAB), this measuring point can be still functional using another sensor. In this case, it is preferable to keep the SA11 unit at that location. 


  • 數位 SMART SENCOM™ 轉接器: SA11

    可重複使用的 SMART 轉接器,只需在感測器達到其使用壽命時進行處理。橫河電機的SENCOM 4.0平台,可降低營運成本和資源浪費,同時貢獻永續未來的長期業務目標。

