The FC800D and the RC800D are not suitable for outdoor installation. Strongly recommend installing inside because of pump structure. If you want to install outside, a separate rainproof cover is required and take care install place environment (no corrosive gases). For example, a roof to avoid direct sunshine and rain is required.
水質製程分析計 FLXA402T
FLXA402T是檢測濁度和氯的新世代分析計。 FLXA402T最多可連接兩個濁度、氯、pH和導電sensor,具有數位通信功能。
濁度/餘氯 智慧感測器平台
ENCOM 4.0技術平台透過數位通訊除了提供的可靠測量,並能獲取更多深入的洞察。除了一般應用,已擴展到濁度和餘氯測量技術。
RC800D 是新世代的數位濁度分析計,可連接至 FLXA402T,適用於游離氯或餘氯(總氯)測量。