Application: CellActivision Applications
Colony Formation
Colony growth is easily quantified using the area measurement and cell counting tools providing creative and flexible ways to analyse samples.
Scratch Wound
The threshold tool facilitates the automatic kinetic analysis of the scratch wound area, wound width and % closure rate.
Cell classification and counting tools allow morphological differences such as dying cells to be easily distinguished from healthy cells and subsequently quantified. The kinetic data generated allows important information such as the LD50 value to be obtained with ease.
Neurite Growth
In the absence of any labels, neurite formation and cell number can be automatically quantified. Information on cell number, cell phase and movement statistics can also be generated.
Co-culture Analysis
Through using the cell counting and classification tool, machine leaning technology allows different cell types to be classified and quantified over time.
Cell Tracking
Single cells can be automatically tracked providing information on cell movement, and directionality. Additionally; Total trajectories, or centered trajectories can be generated.
CellPathfinder 是專為Yokogawa HCA 系統、CQ1 和 CellVoyager 系列而設計的軟體。 從初學者到專家,都可讓您量化細微的生理變化,使用各種圖形選項量化無標籤樣本。
High Content Analysis CellVoyager
我們的高內涵分析 (HCA) 系統使用功能強大的軟體,支援從基礎科學到復雜化合物篩選的廣泛研究應用。
Life Science
Yokogawa 的螢光顯微影像系統和生命科學解決方案支援從基礎研究、研發藥物到臨床前試驗的應用。
我們的分析軟體擁有強大的機器學習功能,為研究人員提供對 HCA 實驗(例如無標籤分析)的深度洞察。