Humidity Measurement in Dyeing and Discharge Processes

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There are various methods for continuous fabric dyeing as well as dye fixing. When dye is directly applied, steaming (heat treatment) is required. At present the pad-steam method is widely used for continuous dyeing. To ensure stable product quality, the humidity in the steamer is kept at a constant level.
The ZR802G Zirconia High Temperature Humidity Analyzer provides excellent maintainability as it does not require the use of a sampling system, and ensures stable measurement in high temperature environments. It has been well received in the marketplace and is widely used in humidity control applications.

Expected Benefits

  • Maintains the quality of the discharge process
  • Ensures stable, continuous humidity measurement
  • Reduces operating costs

Process Overview

The pad-steam dyeing process uses vat, reactive, acid, disperse, and other types of dyes, and includes padding, drying, fixing, washing, and re-drying steps. After padding, the fabrics are forwarded to a steamer where the dye is fixed under conditions of constant temperature and humidity.

Humidity Measurement in a Steamer

Solution Details

Field Data

Process conditions

Measurement point Steamer side
Sample gas component Steam: 90 to 100%; air: remaining
Temperature 70 to 110°C
Pressure 10 to 30 kPa
Dust None

Measurement System

Measurement system

Detector ZR22G-☐☐☐-S-H-C-R-☐-E-A /SV
Converter ZR802G-☐-☐-N-N /☐
Standard gas unit ZO21S-☐-E*A


Rated voltage 100 to 240 V AC
Rated frequency 50/60 Hz
Power consumption 330 VA (Max. 800 VA)

Notes• It is best to install the detector vertically with the probe head pointing downward, but it can also be installed at any angle between 0° and 90° (horizontal installation shown right) with respect to the vertical.
