Taking advantage of sensors already available in your system, you can simply add VJ series signal conditioners or the UM33A Digital Indicator with Alarms to easily build a monitoring system on a PC.
- You can build a low cost network-based monitoring system around your existing facilities by adding the VJET RS485/Ethernet converter, VJ series signal conditioners, the UM33A Digital Indicator with Alarms, and other components.
- Using the GA10 Data Logging Software, you can easily display trends and other screens on the PC and save the data.
Water & Wastewater
促進永續水循環是永續發展目標(SDG)之一。 橫河電機一直致力於提供先進的數位控制解決方案,以穩定供應清潔安全的水、保護水環境的廢水處理、水損耗管理以及優化工廠運作減少二氧化碳排放和運行成本。 利用我們領先的技術、可靠的產品以及在世界各地不同供水項目中豐富的專業知識和經驗,我們與客戶合作提供可持續的水務解決方案,以促進客戶的業務並在整個工廠生命週期中增加價值。
JUXTA VJ Series Signal Conditioners
Compact size, plug-in style and microprocessor based high performance capabilities (Multi-function types) makes the VJ Series Signal Conditioners an excellent choice for almost every application. Analog output, Hi-Low alarm relay outputs or RS-485 MODBUS communication is available as optional second output.
UM33A是一款新發布的帶報警的數字指示器,可以提供多達9個報警輸出和輸入的校正功能(PV偏移、折線近似、折線偏移)。另外,也可選用24 V DC傳感器電源。