List of FIST Completed Devices
About FIST
FDT/DTM Interoperability Support Test, where FDT stands for Field Device Tool and DTM stands for Device Type Manager. It is a program or activity in order to reinforce the interoperability between Yokogawa FDT Frame application and the DTM's of third party field device vendors.
DTM and frame application are being developed independently of one another, with the only prerequisite to comply with given FDT interfaces. The interaction can only work, when compliance with these interfaces can be ensured. Even though the FDT Group itself validates the DTM by a certification process, Yokogawa additionally has established an "Interoperability Test Lab" to verify the interoperability of the DTM's with our frame applications namely PRM and FieldMate.
About FDT / DTM
FDT (Field Device Tool) is a communication interface technology that enables communication between on-site field devices such as pressure sensors or flow meters and a control system, regardless of the communication protocol or the vendor of the field devices.
DTM (Device Type Manager) is a driver software that is created by the control system vendors and field device vendors for their own products based on this FDT technology.
With these vendor-provided DTMs that comply with the various communication protocols used in the control field, users can easily connect control systems and sensors from different vendors to build an optimal plant control system.
For device vendors and users who wish to have the DTM tested, please go to the Plant Resource Manager (PRM) product page below and click the“Contact Us” button to apply.
CENTUM VP具有簡單而通用的架構,由人機界面、現場控制站和控制網絡構成。
工廠資源管理系統 (PRM)
設備需要經過適當管理才能實現高可靠性和穩定的工廠運營。 PRM能幫助提升維護計劃的品質,並在整個工廠生命週期內將維護成本最佳化。