The accuracy is 0.5% of reading plus 0.5 microS/cm for any conductivity value, whether measured in rinse water or in concentrated acids. The materials of construction ensure a long life under harsh industrial conditions. The erosion/abrasion resistant PEEK (Poly Ether Ether Ketone), which also features excellent chemical resistance in all solutions except fluoric acid or oxidizing concentrated acids. The ultimate material in terms of chemical resistance is the PFA (Teflon) for applications in hydrofluoric acid and oxidizing concentrated acids (nitric, sulfuric, oleum). The ISC40G and ISC40s are available in PEEK (sensor type GG) for general use. In applications where sample is aggressive to Peek we offer the sensor in Teflon (Sensor type TG). The ISC40 sensor is provided with a rugged Stainless Steel mounting thread, nut and gasket combination for ultimate flexibility in installation using bulk head installation technique. There is also a wide range of holders and options available for reliable in-line or off-line installation with double O-ring seals for long service life of the sensor. Additional models are available for use in Ball-Valve Insertion applications and in Sanitary Flange installations. Both sensors have a large bore for optimal resistance to fouling processes and when properly installed, the flow will keep the sensor clean preventing measuring errors. Inductive Conductivity technique for elimination of fouling and polarization errors. - Wide bore sensors for long term stability. - Installation flexibility by wide range of holders and by the use of universal bulkhead construction. - Wide rangeability in terms of conductivity (1 μS/cm to 2 S/cm) and temperature (-20 to 130ºC). - All applications where severe electrode fouling prevents the use of contacting electrodes. - All ranges except the (ultra) pure water applications. - All slurry applications where conventional systems suffer from plugging or erosion.
Water & Wastewater
促進永續水循環是永續發展目標(SDG)之一。 橫河電機一直致力於提供先進的數位控制解決方案,以穩定供應清潔安全的水、保護水環境的廢水處理、水損耗管理以及優化工廠運作減少二氧化碳排放和運行成本。 利用我們領先的技術、可靠的產品以及在世界各地不同供水項目中豐富的專業知識和經驗,我們與客戶合作提供可持續的水務解決方案,以促進客戶的業務並在整個工廠生命週期中增加價值。
可再生能源有助於保護環境,讓我們的社會和產業能更實現永持續發展的目標。 然而與傳統能源相比,可再生能源存在著更高的生產成本和電網供電不穩等挑戰,作為控制和儀表業務領域的領先企業,橫河電機一直以來都在協助各行各業的客戶實現工廠的穩定運營並提高生產率,克服挑戰。 我們為全球可再生能源應用提供解決方案,為永續發展目標做出貢獻。
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