DX100/DX200 Paperless Recorder
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Yokogawa Teknik Raporları
"Green" Design
Genel Bakış:

Environmental friendliness (E) must be assessed in today's product design in addition to the conventional design considerations of quality (Q), cost (C), and lead time (D). Hence, the product design system must be urgently restructured in order to minimize the environmental impact of a product throughout its life-cycle from purchase of the materials and parts, through manufacturing and distribution, to use and disposal.

Yokogawa Teknik Raporları
Genel Bakış:

Yokogawa Electric Corporation released the μR and VR series of industrial recorders to meet user demands for monitoring and recording field data. Since then, the recorders have been in wide use in a variety of industries.

Yokogawa Teknik Raporları
Genel Bakış:

Yokogawa's industrial recorders have been widely used in order to monitor and record data acquired from the field. Concurrently, sensors in the field have been made increasingly intelligent and come to hold not just "data" but "information" of additional value provided by such functions as failure detection and statistical analysis.

It supports CF cards of up to 2 GB. If you format the CF card on the PC, use FAT (FAT16) formatting.
Files are transferred when they are created at the auto save interval or other intervals. Files created in the past are not sent, but if some files fail to transfer due to network-related or other problems, those files are sent along with the latest ...
Can I perform pulse calculation?
This can be supported with a TOKUCHU. Please see your nearest sales representative.
Yes, you can use the DAQSTANDARD Hardware Configurator to extract the settings via communications. You can download it from our website.* If you lost your license number, please see Universal keys in case of lost licenses."* *Log-in Required ...
No, the DX100/DX200 does not have DHCP.
The fastest save interval for display data is 0.5 seconds (with the waveform update interval set to 15 s/div). If you want to save the data at 125 msec intervals, you'll need to use event data. For details, see the following. Display and event d...
Use the accessory 250 Ω shunt resistance (M4 screw terminal type, PN 415920) to convert the input to 1-5 VDC. Use a measurement range of 1-5 V.
Yes, by using the DX/DXAdvanced Setup File Conversion Tool. You can download it from our website. *Log-in Required
For relative time, set the time until the end of the interval (00:01–24:00). For absolute time, set a reference time, then select an interval from the following. 1min, 2min, 3min, 4min, 5min, 6min, 10min, 12min, 15min, 20min, 30min, 1h, 2h, 3h,...
Try switching to a medium with more free space, or use the PC to delete files on the medium and make more free space. Except for certain models of the DX100/DX200, there is no media FIFO function.
It's one day from the moment you press the START button. Note that if you're also using the memory timeup function, you can start a new file at, for example, 00 hours and record 1 day's worth thereafter. In this case files are created dai...
From the display update interval and number of data save channels, the items that can be set are shown with assigned soft keys. You must decrease the number of data save channels in Setup mode or slow down the display update interval until 31 days ap...
By adding the MATH option (suffix code /M1) you can use the Report function. There are hourly, daily, weekly, and monthly reports, and you can write average, max, min, and integral values to internal memory.
Data acquired on the DX is binary, and cannot be opened for viewing on a PC. You can view the data by using the DAQSTANDARD software that comes standard.
If only display data, the maximum is 100000. If only event data, the maximum is 120000. If a combination of the two, the maximum is 75000 display data files and 30000 event data files.
In E+D mode the event recording function cannot record continuously with trigger recording. Probably your trigger settings are not correct. Check the trigger settings in SETUP mode. For details, see the following. Display and event data files ...
Yes. During memory sampling, there is an alarm summary. You can display a history of up to 120 alarms.
Set the autosave interval to 1 Day, the memory timeup to Day, and the hour to 0.
The longest is a 24-hour interval.
Can I reset integral values?
If integrating with the TLOG calculation, you can reset it with the timer function.
This is possible if you connect a PC to the network via Ethernet and set up a PC as an FTP server. Then, set up a DX account on the FTP server so that the DX can access it. Leave the FTP server running all of the time.
All channels at once. MATH reset also occurs on all channels.
With the remote control option (suffix code /R1), you can write 8 messages by registering them on up to 8 contact inputs in advance.
Display, event, and report data files can be sent.
Can I set the clock externally?
Yes, with the remote control function. This function sets the internal clock to the nearest hour (works if the current time is within 2 minutes of the hour).
Are MATH channel values recorded?
Yes. They are recorded just as with measured values.
Yes. You can display trends just as with measurement channels.
Please see the following page for recommended replacements for discontinued models. Information on discontinued products and recommended substitute models
This assumes that the data type is display data. Display data records the max and min values during the recording interval, so those are the values it refers to.
DAQSTANDARD does not have a monitoring function. Please use DAQEXPLORER (sold separately).
This is controlled based on the rising or falling edge of the remote signal. For contact input, the signal rises when the contact changes from opened to closed, and falls from closed to opened. For open collector, the collector signal rises on Hi &ra...
Display data records the max and min values during the recording period. The trend screen shows a line connecting the max and min values at each point in time, making the trend display appear filled in like a bar graph.
How do I set the IP address of the DX?
You set the IP address on the DX main unit.
Yes, by using the Web server display function. After connecting to the network via Ethernet, you can type the DX's URL into a web browser on the PC (Internet Explorer, etc.) and view the screen that is currently displayed on the DX in the web bro...
The update interval of the web monitor page is approximately 30 seconds.
From the web, you can access an operator page and a monitor page. On the operator page, you can switch screens from a web browser. You cannot switch screens on the monitor page.
Using FTP client software on the PC, you can transfer or delete files on external memory media. However, you cannot access the files in internal memory.
Because the data type is set to display data. Display data is saved as the maximum and minimum values measured in the scan interval within the sampling interval. For details, see the following. Display and event data files ...
To change the save interval for display data, change the display update interval. Note that the unit of the display update interval is "/div," and 30 data are saved per div. Thus, for a display update interval of 30 min/div, the sampling in...
30 min/div. For details, see the following. Display and event data files
Display data: Measured data: 4 B/data; computed data: 8 B/data Event data: Measured data: 2 B/data; computed data: 4 B/data
Event data are the instantaneous values recorded at each scan interval. Display data are the maximum and minimum sampled values recorded within the display update time. For details, see the following. Display and event data files ...
Omitting the decimal point, the values that can be set for scaling are -30000 to 30000. 350.00 exceeds the setting range, and can't be entered. In this case, set it to "0.0–350.0".
The decimal place is determined by the scale lower limit value setting. Set the decimal place in the scaling lower limit value.
This means 1 scale division of the time axis on the trend screen.
Can I view past display data?
Yes. Using the Historical function, you can view a historical display of data in internal memory or external media.
What is Event data?
Event data are the instantaneous values recorded at each sampling interval. They can be recorded at faster intervals than display data, and can therefore are used for analysis in greater detail.
Yes. You can view the list by using the DAQSTANDARD or other software.
The channel on which the alarm occurred, the time, and other information.
Yes, with the email transmission function. When an alarm occurs, mail is sent to the specified email address.
Yes, there is an Alarm Delay function. The function activates the alarm when the alarm state continues for a specified time.
No, the span or scaling range cannot be exceeded.
Four alarms (levels) can be set per channel. You can also set the same type of alarm for different levels.
They are non-voltage contact or open collector (TTL level, 5 V).
This requires the alarm output relay option (suffix code /Ax). Note that the number of contact outputs that can be added depends on the model.
Yes. Note that you can set the alarm relay output to OR or AND. By default, all alarm output terminals are set to OR, and the relay outputs if any of the assigned alarms occurs.
Can I record integral value data?
By adding the MATH option (suffix code /M1), you can use a TLOG-based integral function. Using this operator, you can record integral data of a certain time.



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