Cooperation with WISAG to Introduce Building Automation Solutions and Reduce Energy Costs

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Executive Summary

WISAG Automatisierungstechnik GmbH & Co. KG, Germany
WISAG Automatisierungstechnik
GmbH & Co. KG, Germany

Partnership between WISAG Automatisierungstechnik and Yokogawa
WISAG Automatisierungstechnik GmbH & Co. KG (formerly known as ABB Gebäudetechnik) has been using the FAST/TOOLS supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) system in building automation applications since 1996. WISAG has worked closely with Yokogawa over the years, and the two companies have concluded a value-added reseller (VAR). The FAST/TOOLS software has been adapted and expanded by WISAG to comply with building automation standards and directives, and is marketed by WISAG under the INScontrol name.

The special requirements of building automation
WISAG needed a high level management solution that fulfilled the special requirements of its building automation customers. As there was no software available in this market that provided all the required functions, WISAG turned to Yokogawa for a solution.

The particular advantage of FAST/TOOLS is its standardized and open interfaces, which can easily be incorporated in an existing system architecture, regardless of the supplier. With an integrated database interface and applications such as HISTORY/FAST and PROCESS/FAST, FAST/TOOLS provides the essential components of a modern management system. WISAG was able to build on this foundation by creating additional programs and optimizing the package to meet specific customer requirements.

Particular management-level challenges in building automation applications include the necessity for timed programs such as those that switch on ventilation fans at preset times and programs that seek to reduce energy consumption to certain agreed-upon levels at specific times of the day. Furthermore, there is the need for compliance with the DIN EN ISO 16484-3 building automation standard. WISAG's INScontrol and the underlying FAST/TOOLS software met all these challenges and requirements.

WISAG is part of WISAG Service Holding, a leading German group of service companies that has over 8,500 customers. WISAG has over 24,200 employees at 120 branch offices in Germany. WISAG is in the energy saving business, providing building automation solutions that help its customers operate their systems in an energy-efficient and cost-efficient manner. With 25 years of experience in this field, the company has the expertise to create building automation systems ranging from the small to the very large and complex and which address a wide range of needs, from the field level to the management level. WISAG offers future-proof solutions with innovative products, so that the investment of today will also meet future technological requirements.

The Challenges and the Solutions

Reducing Energy Costs
The replacement of outdated automatic control technology with efficient systems is a fundamental step required to reduce building energy costs. This requires close consultation with customers to configure the standard applications that are used to control air-conditioning systems, and it must take all regulatory requirements into account.

Various objects have been launched and visualized on the INScontrol management level by WISAG, making it possible to monitor and control all of a building's ventilation, heating, and air-conditioning systems. Any disturbances arising in an object are detected immediately and some of them must even be remedied directly from management level. Maintenance, service and repair can therefore all be provided by a single source.

Building automation can reduce the amount of energy consumed each day. All building technology systems can be continuously monitored and optimized to operate in a cost-effective manner. An extensive energy controlling is currently being developed. This identifies where power consumption can be decreased through the introduction of appropriate energy-efficient measures.

Energy saving

Energy saving

Customer Satisfaction

Paying off
An investment in building automation has at least one very clear target: It should pay for itself within a few years by achieving targeted energy savings. The extra comfort, efficiency, and safety achieved with this modern technology virtually pays for itself in full - a good business deal for all involved thanks to INScontrol and FAST/TOOLS.

FAST/TOOLS SCADA Graphic Example

FAST/TOOLS SCADA Graphic Example

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    Originating as the Flexible Advanced System Techniques (FAST) project, FAST/TOOLS today is a comprehensive, fully-integrated SCADA application suite. Powerful and flexible, FAST/TOOLS serves installations ranging from 50-point unit processes to multimillion-point offshore production and pipeline systems that extend over thousands of miles.

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