Displaying Scales on Paperless Recorders

You can have the same "look and feel" of a chart recorder on DXAdvanced series paperless recorders (hereinafter, DXAdvanced), by using the Scale, Alarm Mark, Trend Span Margin, and other display functions.

Scale Display

You can load DXAdvanced scale images that appear as chart recorder scales and display them on screen. Sample scale image templates are available on our Web site—eighteen templates can be downloaded for the DX1000 series, and nineteen for the DX2000 series.

Fig. 1 Sample scale templates and their uses

Fig. 1 Sample scale templates and their uses


Alarm marker/green band

Alarm setting points and safety zones are sometimes used with chart recorder scales. DXAdvanced can also display alarm markers and green bands on each channel.

Fig. 2 Alarm marker/green band examples

Fig. 2 Alarm marker/green band examples

Trend span margin display

Normally, waveforms are truncated by the span width so that part of the waveform is invisible. But when margins are turned ON, the truncated portion of the waveform becomes visible, just as on a chart recorder.

Fig. 3 Example of trend span margins

Fig. 3 Example of trend span margins

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