
Helping Socially Vulnerable People (Singapore)

In 2017, employees of Yokogawa Engineering Asia Pte.Ltd.and Yokogawa Electric International Pte.Ltd. (Singapore) jointly raised funds to bless the residents of AWWA -- a community home for disadvantaged elderly without financial or family support. The employees and their families also partnered Dignity Kitchen, a well-known Singapore social enterprise, to bless these disadvantaged AWWA residents with goody-bags of household essentials, brought them on a city tour, and also treated them to lunch. The rest of the funds raised was contributed to AWWA to support its meaningful work in reaching out to the disadvantaged and less privileged.

Human Resources Development, Education

Lecture and Demonstration: National University of Singapore (Singapore)

Yokogawa Engineering Asia Pte.Ltd. and Yokogawa Electrical International Pte.Ltd. (Singapore) have been partnering with National University of Singapore (NUS) for years to share the knowledge and expertise of our team of specialist on Yokogawa’s Safety Engineering, and Advanced Control technologies and instrumentation to students of Master of Science (Faculty of Engineering).

Many of the students are working adults from the industries, and partnership with the local university helps to create awareness of Yokogawa’s suite of product and services and competency. It also builds a pipeline of engineers keen on the oil & gas industry in general and more importantly, interest them on possible employment opportunities in Yokogawa.

Training Programs: University of ITB - Bandung, ITS – Surabaya, UI – Jakarta, UGM – Jogjakarta Polytechnic of Caltex Riau, Malang State Polytechnic – Malang, Electronic Engineering Polytechnic Institute of Surabaya – Surabaya, Semarang State Polytechnic – Semarang, Bandung Polytechnic – Bandung (Indonesia)

Inspired by our Founder’s Value - “Contribute to society”, P.T. Yokogawa Indonesia created a special program for our future and next generation talent. Technical Trainee Program and Junior System Engineer are the programs which we plan to fulfill in the future. Objective of this program is to give opportunity to the society especially university and diploma graduates to learn more through proper experiences in the real working environment. The programs included technical skill in automation industry, non-technical skill and business ethics. We conducted “Classroom Seminar” and “Walk to Campus” to the reputable Universities and a few Polytechnics in Indonesia.

Training Programs: Chulalongkorn University, King Mongkut's University of Technology North Bangkok, King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Ladkrabang (Thailand)

“To contribute to society through our technical expertise” - the philosophy set by Yokogawa’s founder. Yokogawa (Thailand) Ltd. contributes actively to the universities to develop a ready pool of talents and they include:-

  • Regular donations of industrial equipment to universities for student pursuing engineering degrees in Industrial Automation and SMART Factory.
  • Classroom training and on-the-job training to young engineers for them to be familiar with Yokogawa products and system.
  • In FY’16 YTH donated a plant model to Faculty of Instrument Engineer of King Mongkut’s University of Technology North Bangkok. The plant model included Yokogawa Field Instrument and DCS system allowing students to equip themselves through simulation study on flow measurement application and level measurement application.

Donated model plant(King Mongkut's Institute of Technology North Bangkok)
Donated model plant
(King Mongkut's Institute of Technology North Bangkok)

Research activity using the model plant(King Mongkut's Institute of Technology North Bangkok)
Research activity using the model plant
(King Mongkut's Institute of Technology North Bangkok)

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