Learn more about why global companies rely on FAST/TOOLS for their critical infrastructure operations:

  • High performance, 400,000 updates per second throughput
  • High capacity and broad scalability with up to 16 million points per server and 4096 servers per system
  • Truly open architecture with industry-standard best practices applied throughout
  • Platform independence through continuous support of Linux, Unix and Windows
  • Future-proof lifecycle management and simplified upgrades
  • Minimum TCO via our highly simplified deployment and version management
  • Out-of-the-box redundancy with 99.999% availability
  • Provide a powerful HMI with flexibility and capabilities that surpass standard SCADA HMI’s  
  • Support mobile devices (Web browser based) with its HTML5 HMI environment
  • Enterprise Automation Solution (EAS) and Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) architecture
  • As a Service (XaaS), cloud and virtualization support

About OpreX

OpreX is the comprehensive brand for Yokogawa’s industrial automation (IA) and control business and stands for excellence in the related technology and solutions. It consists of categories and families under each category. This product belongs to the OpreX Control and Safety System family that is aligned under the OpreX Control category.



Yokogawa has designed FAST/TOOLS to enable the most effective transfer of data and knowledge. That is why so many global industrial companies and utilities rely on FAST/TOOLS to deliver high levels of data integration and guaranteed data integrity. FAST/TOOLS is a complete SCADA software environment with the following features:

Truly Open Software Architectures

Through its core software, FAST/TOOLS supports multiple operating systems including Linux, Unix and Windows. To interface with third-party applications, FAST/TOOLS applies numerous industry standards.

Broad compatibility enables seamless integration with systems that are used for accounting, asset management, Big Data analytics, information technology, modeling, optimization and simulation.

Future Proof Lifecycle Management

Our comprehensive lifecycle management approach eliminates the uncertainties and risks in system migration. Regardless of the application or OS, all customer systems are always on the FAST/TOOLS update track and development roadmap.

Since FAST/TOOLS maintains very limited ties to the operating system (OS) and is not built on any third-party software, it allows updates such as new Windows versions to be rolled out with minimum effort. Deployment is greatly simplified and version updates incur zero down-time.

High Performance and High Capacity

With FAST/TOOLS, concerns over live update rates and throughput are things of the past. Even on relatively low-bandwidth satellite networks, FAST/TOOLS processes 400,000 updates per second.

The compact, efficient FAST/TOOLS architecture means that there is never a requirement for separate servers to handle alarming, real-time data, historian or any other SCADA functions.

Broad Scalability

Scalability, system expansions and system sizing are also non-issues. FAST/TOOLS supports database capacities up to 16 million points in a single server, 4096 servers in a system and virtually unlimited historical archives.

Optimized Operator Visualization and Advanced Decision Support

FAST/TOOLS puts today’s best operator practices into service. Yokogawa’s active participation in standards development allows us to incorporate the industry’s latest concepts in advanced decision support, alarm management (ISA 18.2), operator visualization (ISA101), control room design (ISO 11064) and procedure automation (ISA106).

Optimized Operator Visualization and Advanced Decision Support

Advance Operating Graphics (AOG)

Advanced Operating Graphics (AOG) is a consulting service provided by Yokogawa to design PCS user interface based on human factors and knowledge engineering in order to improve users’ situation awareness.

  • Identify user, task and functional requirements for operation that require HMI support.
  • Analyze the requirements in order to determine the needs and conditions to meet for the project.
  • Provide guidance on designing and developing user interface including display layout, navigation, hierarchy, color pallet, data visualization, etc.
  • Submit final report of achievements in the project.

Advance Operating Graphics (AOG)
Figure AOG Consulting Process

Advanced Operating Graphics symbol Library

To help customers towards a more effective HMI strategy we have developed a symbol library adopting the ISA-101 philosophies. It is designed to develop and establish a consistent approach to effective HMI development and implementation for manufacturing and especially process industries. End users, automation suppliers and system integrators can use this standard to create more effective HMIs, which will lead to higher productivity and a safer operating environment. The template and Object Oriented structures based on this library contribute as comprehensive elements towards more effective high-performance HMI’s.

AOG screen

Real Time Operations Platform

The FAST/TOOLS Real-Time Operations Platform is the core that facilitates data integration from a broad array of sources and enables sharing of all information with the relevant stakeholders.

Real Time Operations Platform

The basic functions of FAST/TOOLS are associated with Web-based Graphical User Interface, data acquisition, interaction with field equipment, real time event/alarm management, trending, reporting and storing the real-time and historical information. FAST/TOOLS is furthermore accompanied by system installation and configuration tools, a data management system and real-time networking for communication between the modules. Additional modules can be added as plug-ins to the networking layer to increase the required functionality.

Enterprise Automation Solution (EAS)

FAST/TOOLS is a truly distributed system. When individual FAST/TOOLS servers are interconnected, information from any server can be visualized anywhere in the system. This is not only limited to tag values but also alarm information and historical data.

Enterprise Automation Solution (EAS)

For example, a Web HMI server allows users to visualize and interact with information from any other server in the Enterprise. The Alarm Overview shows alarms combined among all the servers. Trends can combine historical data from different servers and process values from different servers are shown in the same display. This functionality does not require tags to be replicated to a central server; instead, they are truly distributed.


FAST/TOOLS many engineering features and functions make it one of the most extensive SCADA solutions today. It enables flexible and remote engineering capabilities.

Engineering Overview

The engineering environment of FAST/TOOLS provides a familiar Windows look and feel. FAST/TOOLS engineering module has evolved to an intuitive interface layer that improves efficiency and easily adapts to new generations of users. Advanced functions and default settings can be concealed on user group/account basis to adapt to specific user level and requirements. While running the engineering environment on a client, the user can always configure the server regardless of which operating system is installed. The engineering environment can run on the host server as well as on multiple clients simultaneously as a multi user environment.

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Engineering overview

Enterprise Engineering

As a next evolution in SCADA, FAST/TOOLS now allows a centralized engineering database which can be used for remote and centralized engineering. Multiple engineers can work on the engineering database at the same time and remotely deploy updates or alterations to FAST/TOOLS servers either on location or at remote sites.

Enterprise Engineering

Information Model (Process Hierarchy)

An "information model", to allow for process hierarchies, makes sense out of the ever increasing volume of data. Enabling multilevel namespaces, items and objects can be created up to 128 levels, and up to 255 characters, e.g. "Country.Region.BusinessUnit.Area.Section.Unit. …… Tag (item)." Each namespace can be used as a grouping for other entity types. This means, for example, that at the process unit level, an oil well can be defined. At the area level, an accumulator can be defined that accumulates all the oil production of the area. And at the business unit level, an accumulator can be defined that accumulates all oil production of the area level accumulators.

Symbol Library

FAST/TOOLS provide a large number of symbols. Currently as standard more than 3000 industrial and manufacturing symbols are included. These libraries can be extended with any number of custom symbols. 

Object Based Engineering

Symbols can be transferred into objects with predefined properties and characteristics. The engineering environment allows for modifying standard available objects or creates new objects through the FAST/TOOLS entities in the engineering module. This functionality enables application engineering on a higher level using functional objects rather than configuring the system on item level.  A unique functionality of the FAST/TOOLS engineering environment is loading and exporting the entire application configuration though the quick load engineering utility. This enables the user to quick load applications and modifications online without stopping the system from its real-time duties.

Object based engineering

Object in Objects

The requirements for Enterprise wide Process Automation Solutions are driving the needs to create sense in the ever increasing volume of data. An ‘Information Model’ allows for Process Hierarchies and FAST/TOOLS supports the enhanced information model (tree) by supporting objects under objects. This will further simplify the use and re-use of templates and typicals to increase re-usability and hence reduce engineering cost.

Efficient Engineering

Plant equipment (e.g. block valves, pumps) can be organized as objects with defined properties and characteristics. The defined objects can be easily propagated to the entire wide area application by assigning a unique tag number to each object. A ‘Quick-load’ configuration utility is available to build the application database from the plant database in e.g. MS Excel/Access. These unique engineering functions save engineering time and reduce errors, especially for larger systems and for future extensions.

Online Modifications

Online modifications

Modifications or adding/deleting configuration data and objects can be also done online without the requirement to stop/reboot the system. This applies for almost anything in the system such as tags, objects, symbols, classes, templates, graphics, etc. Bulk modification can be done via the “quick-load”. Exports out of live systems can also be done for comparison and analysis.



To create efficiency within an organization, collaboration between business units, specialists and operators is crucial. Sharing data across an environment is not effective unless this data is quickly analyzed and put to good use. FAST/TOOLS provides a powerful HMI with flexibility and capabilities that surpass standard SCADA HMI’s.

Mobile HTML Clients

FAST/TOOLS supports the deployment of mobile devices (Web browser based) with its HTML5 HMI environment. This enables users to be able to create powerful client applications that bring HMI graphics, diagnostics and alarms to any device in the field with a web browser.

Zero Deployment

Zero Deployment

FAST/TOOLS server centric architecture allows clients to start FAST/TOOLS from any web browser. There is no need to manage licenses on the client side.
Ensure faster application delivery and increased IT productivity through a broadly accepted technology which is positioned to leverage standard and proven web security techniques as administered by IT departments.

Flexible HMI modeling

Flexible HMI modeling

FAST/TOOLS can be modeled according to any ergonomic guideline or corporate style due to its flexible nature. Free format of display layouts, graphic designs, layers, use of any true color pallet, no resolutions limitations, navigation panes and zoom & pan are native properties. Due to the web-based nature of FAST/TOOLS graphics build can also be used for video walls or mobile tablets. You can generate any color scheme, style or corporate visuals required to meet the demand and standards within your organization, as well as create a unified look & feel across all your platforms. 

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Multi Node Input

FAST/TOOLS provides the possibility to integrate data from various FAST/TOOLS nodes within one HMI display, each channeling different information streams. This allows for the combination of specific datasets for specific areas or management levels. With FAST/TOOLS you can provide one unified HMI across multiple information sources.

Multi Node Input

Collaboration Decision Support Solution


FAST/TOOLS CDSS expands the visualization of key operational information with powerful components founded on the most sophisticated operations management platform in the market and its ‘state of the art’ visualization environment, capturing ‘real-time’ operations, maintenance and business information in a single view.

FAST/TOOLS CDSS informative views support data collection from a variety of sources which can be shared – globally – allowing continuous application improvement and management. CDSS contributes to the optimization of the efficiency of resources by facilitating the move to ‘real-time’ information sharing.

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FAST/TOOLS enables the use of different visual layers of information within one system. Different users can be authorized to see and/or access specific visual layers. Information can be logically grouped through the support of dynamic layers & visibility groups. Details can be turned on and off triggered by security settings, process conditions and zoom levels. Not only does this feature provide additional safety and security to the user environment, but it also allows for a decluttered and focused user environment.

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Role Based Authorization

Assets such as data and network systems represent a large value to any organization. Protecting these assets is a high priority and focus at most times. One of the main security weaknesses in any environment are users. Without the proper approach, users have a risk of causing negative operational and business consequences to data and system networks

User Role Management

FAST/TOOLS privileging mechanism prevents users from accidentally operating equipment beyond their responsibility, or accessing data they should not see. Users can be assigned to specific process areas, with privileges ranging from view-only up to full system configuration. A single FAST/TOOLS environment can support multiple users accessing simultaneously with different privileges. Customization of start-up displays and limitations of allowed actions by the user make sure that there is always full control of user rights and safety.

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Role based GEO intelligence

Defining Roles

Role Based Management

Three key elements of user management, and also the root of contradiction within that user management, are security, efficiency and compliance. FAST/TOOLS recognizes the need for secure user management without disrupting the everyday operations and efficiency, but also complying with company or industry standards and regulations. FAST/TOOLS role based management let’s an organization decide on the number of area’s and functions, and within each role decide which functions are available in which area.

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FAST/TOOLS user/role management capabilities focus on the privileges and authorization rights of users in their specific role for each area and function. This allows for creation of a comprehensive profile in which you can also specify the following per role:

  • Which screens are available, and what information is presented per role
  • Control actions that are allowed are shown
  • Available and viewable data and areas
  • Reports and trends that can be generated
  • Alarm management, annunciation and acknowledgement
  • Recording, automated or manual, for specific actions or operational sequences
  • Complete logging of actions within the environment
  • Engineering options, if at all.

Audit Trail

Some configuration changes or control actions can greatly influence the behavior of the system that is being controlled and monitored. All logged user actions can be viewed and browsed with the FAST-TOOLS Audit trail functionality. FAST/TOOLS offers the possibility to define in a flexible way the events that must be stored, together with additional information such as operator name, application program making the change, location and the date/time that the change took place.


Record & Playback

Record playback

FAST/TOOLS provides a comprehensive real-time operations video recording module. It provides an intuitive playback function which is acting like the systems “flight recorder”. HMI Displays are recorded live and can provide real-time, synchronized live video feedback at any point in time combined with (historical) alarm & events, process data and trended data. This even includes the mouse tracks and relevant keyboard strokes.

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System Integrity

Data is one of the most valuable assets of any organization. Making sure that data is available and secure throughout an environment will increase its effectiveness. FAST/TOOLS system integrity features will ensure an optimal performing system environment and secure its content and uptime. 

Server Redundancy

Server Redundancy

FAST/TOOLS delivers dual, triple and quad server architectures and redundant hard drive configurations (RAID), independent of applied communications media, geographical distance, domains and system server hardware. The authorized user can easily manage the active and stand-by server assignments, fail-over sequences and toggle between auto and manual mode.

Data Synchronization

Data is continuously synchronized between FAST/TOOLS servers using integrity checks and updates at fail-over and initial system start-up. The embedded watchdog decides whether the system is sufficiently healthy to carry on and take the least intrusive course of action to recover from any failure.

Data Synchronization

Server Failback

Server Failback

Natively integrated failover/fallback features in the FAST/TOOLS software architecture secure an optimized and effective redundancy of your control environment. Automated network checks and instant switch-over between servers.

Automated Storage Management

Data can be stored to external storage manually, on an ad-hoc basis or automatically. This is all handled by the scheduling mechanism of the external storage archiving process. Any media that can be mapped to a drive letter within the operating system such as CD/DVDwriters, USB-disks, RAID-disk arrays and tape libraries will be acknowledged by FAST/TOOLS.

Automated Storage Management

Automated Archiving

Automated Archiving

FAST/TOOLS supports lifetime data archiving to meet the application requirements. All data is kept on storage to be available for online trending, historical alarm displays with a lifetime that can range from hours, weeks or years. In addition there is the possibility to securely transfer relevant data to other end-user applications.

IT Level Security Compliance

FAST/TOOLS adapts to the latest security measures, even supporting level 2 and level 3 security features and supports the required procedures to work in compliance with the ISA-99 policies. FAST/TOOLS mitigates the vulnerabilities by securing data transport using Secure Sockets Layer and if necessary equipped with a VPN connection. FAST/TOOLS supports synchronization with Windows user authentication processes and account settings in order to avoid multiple logins for the same user, to Windows (or other supported platforms) and subsequent to FAST/TOOLS or to avoid complex user and user authorization maintenance.

Active Directory Integration

FAST/TOOLS AD integration reduces effort for defining FAST/TOOLS users and authorization across multiple servers in a Windows domain, especially when Windows user use multiple applications. This allows for a more integrated authorization and role based policy used throughout the entire organization, further stimulating the integration of field and business environments.
Users with profiles in multiple Active Directory domains can have a merged user profile in FAST/TOOLS in accordance with their authentications and authorization credentials.


Data & System Security

Data and system security are important aspects for integrated automation solutions. This includes the possibility to encrypt host to host communication as a second level of defence and security besides IT based services such as the native integration with Active Directory Services.
At HMI level single sign-on is supported with HTTP requests, using SPNEGO as web authentication which is a standard method for user authentication for web servers, including support for AD SSO from browser environments, MS Excel, etc. Users can securely negotiate and authenticate HTTP requests for secured resources in the FAST/TOOLS Host/Application Server by using the Simple and Protected GSS-API Negotiation Mechanism (SPNEGO) as the web authentication service for the FAST/TOOL Application Server.

SPNEGO provides a mechanism for extending Kerberos to Web applications through the standard HTTP protocol. Kerberos is a network authentication protocol for client/server applications. Many types of clients connect to same web server, using different technologies that may not provide direct access to AD, especially browser based (e.g. HTML5, JAVA).

Connectivity & Integration

Using an extensive array of integration, drivers and support for industry communication standards, FAST/TOOLS can be the glue that binds all your information platforms together.

Media Independent

FAST/TOOLS can utilize any communication media for connection to other servers, applications or devices. LAN/WAN, Serial, Radio, Microwave, Satellite, Fiber and many others are supported and can be simultaneously used within a single FAST/TOOLS environment. FAST/TOOLS hardened and efficient architecture ensures a light use of bandwidth and a variety of features to setup connections and compensate for delays and loss of communication. Mix and set communication lines per device, location or a multitude of other preferences, and automate your communication fail-over sequences with FAST/TOOLS.

Media Independent

Field I/O

FAST/TOOLS supports direct communication links to various DCS/PLC/RTU systems & controllers on the same or multiple servers. FAST/TOOLS supports a wide variety of drivers communication with field equipment and has integration with all Yokogawa systems and instruments as well as driver support for all major PLC, RTU and DCS brands. An easy deployable “plug-in” driver structure, which goes beyond “traditional driver configuration”, is available for easy integration of new and existing infrastructures. This “plug-in” structure is both applicable for the Yokogawa product family as well as an extensive list of third-party controller hardware and software products.

Field I/O

Data Acquisition

FAST/TOOLS has flexible capabilities in data acquisition from field devices or even per process variable. Data from field devices or process variables can be acquired through various types of parameters such as scan based at regular intervals, event based initiated by the device, time based or availability based. FAST/TOOLS also features several functionalities which ensure data from field devices or processes are stored and represented in the sequence they actually were generated. 

DCS Integration

With the Remote Gateway Server (RGS) solution FAST/TOOLS delivers a unified remote visualization environment across multiple CENTUM, Prosafe-RS, 3rd party control and safety systems, PLCs and RTUs.

The RGS can directly communicate over Vnet/IP to the connected FCS, SCS and UGS stations. The RGS Server connects just as easy to Vnet/IP like any HIS or FCS. The RGS can also directly read variable and function block data and assign these to the FAST/TOOLS database points (items). The alarm detection and generation can be done from FAST/TOOLS as well while the annunciation status is controlled by FAST/TOOLS.

DCS Integration


OPC Certified

FAST/TOOLS provides an embedded OPC Unified Architecture (UA) environment, both OPC UA Client and OPC UA Server, certified by the OPC-Foundation. The FAST/TOOLS OPC UA environment meets the requirements of the OPC certification program for interoperability and robust performance. FAST/TOOLS also continues to supports classic OPC-DA and OPC-A&E. In addition FAST/TOOLS continues to support Tunneled OPC for distributed communication (DCOM) links over the network infrastructure. OPC Tunneling provides a secure and robust interface in a distributed manner avoiding common known OPC issues across domains.



For higher performance and integration to other RDBMS, FAST/TOOLS utilizes and embedded RDBMS engine.

The FAST/TOOLS RDBMS engine contains a “distributor” module that runs on the same machine as the external database and provides an ODBC interface to the mapped tables, allowing them to be used as “linked server” tables in the external RDBMS. This method improves data integration by allowing these tables to be queried and reported in the same way as native tables. The RDBMS engine function supports reading of data set records, historical data and current item data. The mapping of these types of data to the target tables is performed using a dialog in the engineering module. Writing data from the RDBMS back to the FAST/TOOLS DB is also possible.

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Alarm Management

FAST/TOOLS features a fully integrated and extensive alarm management module. Not only does this allow for more control and security, but it also enables for a more in-depth analysis of your alarm environment and efficiency.

Advanced Filtering

Extensive filtering option of alarms from both current and historical alarm displays. Define multiple areas-of-interest, such as field devices or installations. Specify alarms per user or group Alarms per specific area, device or installation. Ensure users only see the alarms that belong to their area, role or responsibilities, thus increasing efficiency and security.

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Advanced Filtering


Generate reports from current and historical alarms and include filtering settings. Print alarms automatically, define special criteria that initiate a report print-out.  Directed alarms to a printer, with the format of the alarm line to be printed set independent from the format used in the current or historical alarm displays. Export reports and overviews in CSV and XML. Reporting and acknowledgement through FAST/TOOLS alarm app for Android.

Alarm System Performance Analysis

Alarm System Performance Analysis

FAST/TOOLS has fully integrated Alarm System Performance Analysis (ASPA). ASPA supports the alarm system performance improvement processes to avoid operator overload and reduces the risk of critical alarms being overlooked, causing incorrect or to late decisions and putting safety as well as the continuity and quality of production at stake.

FAST/TOOLS ASPA delivers critical statistical methods, views and tools providing performance analysis in relation to the guidelines of EEMUA 191, ISA18.2 to ensure alarm system quality and effectiveness. Based on key performance measurements embedded in FAST/TOOLS ASPA, the behavior of the alarm system will be presented from different angles. This will deliver holistic and informative views providing guidance for improvement.

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Routing & Notifications

Routing of alarms provides possibilities for quick and efficient alarm handling. Alarm options such as setting time limits priority of alarming rerouting destinations. Apply routing for both escalation procedures as well as shift planning. 

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Routing & Notifications


The way alarms need to be handled by the operator depends on a variety of factors, mostly determined by user specific alarm procedures. Manual and automatic alarm acknowledgement. Alarm suppression, delay, repeat, block etc. Automatic alarm handling can be used to distinguish events or ‘silent-alarms’ from alarms.


Sequence Of Alarm

All field I/O-signals that are configured for alarming can have a status (High-High, High, Low etc.)
FAST/TOOLS allows for deciding the alarm annunciation for each status or I/O signal.


Alarm Groups

Create alarm groups and alarm collecting. An alarm group can consist of units, areas or field devices.
Apply status-item to each group, which means that acknowledgment of alarms will count for the whole group.
Full customization of alarm groups, including the connection of graphical objects to a group. Thus providing users with a quick and efficient overview of areas-of-interest.


  • Easy set point definition for all plant power generation operations
  • Stable electric power generation
  • Power plant optimization
  • Control of electric power generation based on net performance

Territory Generation supplies electricity to the NT's grid with their 8 geographically isolated power stations.
Territory Generation selected FAST/TOOLS to integrate new & renewable energy to the power grid.


RDR operates total 67km long race and supplies irrigation water to vast agricultural land in NZ's South Island.

FAST/TOOLS and STARDOM RTU were selected for management of the race and hydropower systems.


The Metropolitan Cebu Water District (MCWD) needed to improve its water supply system to keep up with the growing demand.
Yokogawa installed field instruments at a total of 143 locations in MCWD’s water distribution network and a SCADA system with water leakage management software at the main office to reduce non-revenue water and improve stability of water supply.

  • Integration of the current Bangalore Water Supply and Sewage Board (BWSSB) water and sewage facilities located widely in Bengaluru over VHF and GPRS.
  • Stable Centralized SCADA Monitoring Center (CSMC) operation.
  • OTS for familialization of liquefaction processes and operator training.
  • Yokogawa's integrated solutions contribute to safe and steady production at gas liquefaction plant in Norway.

Alewijnse provides Yokogawa's FAST/TOOLS package for a variety of marine applications, including the world's largest yachts (megayachts) built by Oceanco of The Netherlands. Alewijnse has selected FAST/TOOLS because of its quality and support, and this software has allowed them to both streamline the engineering process and reuse data.


INPEX Corporation (INPEX) is Japan's biggest oil and gas development company and is involved in all aspects of this business, from research to exploration, production, and sales. INPEX is engaged in projects all over the world, in a total of 29 countries, including Japan, where it operates a gas production plant near Oyazawa, a town in Niigata prefecture.

  • Australian National University's "Big Dish" controlled by Yokogawa PLC and FAST/TOOLS SCADA
  • FAST/TOOLS benefits us in many ways and allows us to clearly see the entire process, giving us the information we need to take immediate action
  • Scalable, flexible configuration with functions distributed to multiple controllers on a facility basis
  • Redundant architecture optimally designed for requirements of entire plant
  • General-purpose communications network used for control bus
  • Integrated operation environment through web-based human-machine interface (HMI)
  • Cooperation with WISAG introduces building automation solutions and reduces energy costs.
  • The particular advantage of FAST/TOOLS is its standardized and open interfaces.

As the demand for food is increasing worldwide, fertilizers are playing an essential role in improving agricultural productivity. OCI Nitrogen (hereinafter OCI) is a leading producer of mineral fertilizers and the world's largest producer of melamine, which is used to make adhesives and resins for a wide range of applications, such as furniture panels, laminate flooring, coatings, paints, and plastics.

  • FAST/TOOLS SCADA system has helped NAM reduce its operational costs.
  • By installing this onto the existing system, the ever greater data streams became easier to manage.
  • FAST/TOOLS SCADA system to remotely monitor the optimization of the process and make any required engineering changes to the live system.
  • The Yokogawa control system (FAST/TOOLS, STARDOM, HXS10) monitors not only the sunlight but also the weather conditions.
  • The NEP Solar team developed the control strategy and the Yokogawa engineers programmed the controller accordingly. 
  • The FAST/TOOLS software could be installed on the notebook PCs used by the development team, eliminating the need for costly dedicated servers.

Water Supply Treatment
FAST/TOOLS, STARDOM, Flowmeters, Liquid Analyzers

  • Bali's water treatment plant decided to employ the latest reliable control system in order to increase availability and quality of operation.
  • Centralized control system using FAST/TOOLS provides the sophisticated and flexible operation.

Granite Power is a geothermal company that has developed GRANEX®, a patented direct supercritical fluid heat transfer technology for the efficient, eco- nomic, and zero carbon emission generation of electricity from low grade geothermal sources using the Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC).

  • STARDOM and FAST/TOOLS integrated SCADA solution for Indian Oil Corporation's multiproduct oil pipeline.
  • STARDOM facilitates the total visualization of data needed for safe and reliable pipeline operations.
  • Uninterrupted Medical Oxygen Production with FAST/TOOLS Monitoring.
  • Audits are performed periodically, requiring traceability and the keeping of historical records for all batch production activities.

India's flagship natural gas company GAIL Limited integrates all India's Gas Pipelines by a Yokogawa FAST/TOOLS SCADA system.

  • FAST/TOOLS SCADA system centralized monitoring & control of India's gas pipelines.
  • All operation data can be directly utilized for gas allocation and billing.
  • Reliable monitoring and control system of the world's first, 16" seawater reverse osmosis (SWRO) membrane desalination plant.
  • Accurate measurements of the SWRO parameters with Yokogawa conductivity meters, pH meters, and magnetic flow meters contribute to a longer SWRO membrane life and reduce Total Cost of Ownership.
  • Yokogawa provides STARDOM and FAST/TOOLS for biomass pilot plant.
  • FAST/TOOLS is an "all in one" SCADA solution that functionsa a data historian.
  • Yokogawa's HXS10 solar controller optimizes conversion efficiency at Australian solar cooling plant
  • Accurate sun tracking and visualization of all process data

Many different types of gases are consumed in industries as varied as chemicals, food & beverages, and medical. These gases are normally delivered in liquid form by trucks and dispensed at the customer site. Although the flow volume of cryogenic liquefied gas is used for billing purposes, it is not easy to accurately measure this because the gas is always at saturation temperatures.


An automatic custody transfer system for unmanned LNG gas stations that embeds PC oriented functions such as e-mail, FTP, and the Java runtime environment in a robust hybrid controller.


STARDOM field control node (FCN) autonomous controllers allow both Modbus master and slave functions to run simultaneously.


Yokogawa ensures a reliable heat and CO2 transfer system by using the standard GPRS protocol. The exclusive use of webbased technology enables the market gardeners to go online to order heat and CO2 and view information.

Application Note

Yokogawa is one of a few companies worldwide that is able to successfully execute large SCADA host migration projects, i.e. data item counts in excess of 500,000 points. This advantage plus our robust technology coupled with the knowledge of previous Systems installed within various customers and our overall integration and knowledge of third party systems should give Yokogawa a clear technical advantage.


Recently, several ARC Advisory Group analysts and management team members had a chance to sit down with the new Yokogawa President and COO, Mr. Takashi Nishijima, and several other top Yokogawa executives to discuss the company's burgeoning presence in the worldwide upstream and midstream oil & gas industry.


Network and system security is now a necessity in process automation industry. YOKOGAWA provides a service lifecycle solution for cyber security to ensure that the security measures and deployments are continuously enhanced, monitored and inspected.

This white paper explains the details of the security design, implementation, operation and validation solutions from the technical perspective.

Yokogawa Technical Report

One solution packaged for production control systems today is a system comprising a PLC and SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) software that runs on a PC. An advantage of these systems is that they can be configured at considerably lower cost than systems that use dedicated devices as they use commercially available PCs.


For large scale geographically dispersed projects, there may be a hierarchy of individual Process Automation systems, which in turn are each responsible for a specific region, and are managed by a higher level system. Engineering of systems on this scale is a huge challenge, because each individual system has its own database and its own configuration.

Yokogawa Technical Report

To improve the efficiency of operations, production control systems are working together more closely with information systems. As a result, security measures have become indispensable for production control systems though they have not been emphasized to date. Because many production control systems are used for critical infrastructure, some malware tries to attack them.


Only 5% of data is transferred into meaningful information so, asks Frank Horden, Business Development Manager, Yokogawa Global SCADA Center, USA, how to ensure pipeline management data is translated into valuable knowledge?


Many global industrial companies and utilities rely on Yokogawa's FAST/TOOLS system to deliver high levels of data integration and guaranteed data integrity demanded by these companies. Yokogawa says that the secret to FAST/ TOOLS success in these critical applications is the highly reliable design, combined with exceptional performance and the online configuration capability. 


Eduard van Loenen and Frank Horden, Yokogawa, describe utilising a modern SCADA system as a collaboration centre platform for bringing 'real-time' operations, maintenance and business information sources together in one integrated visualisation environment.


LNG Industry, Summer 2012

Martin te Lintelo, Yokogawa, The Netherlands, discusses the need for better automation, measurement and control instruments to cope with the rising popularity of LNG.


Industrial Automation Asia, August 2012

SCADA brings "real-time" operations, maintenance and business information sources together in one integrated Visualization environment. Data from different sources needs to be interrelated and translated into KPIs of the most elementary operational and business functions.


September 2009

Partnering with Saudi Aramco, Yokogawa is providing local project execution including testing and implementing a continuing policy of Saudisation.


Supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems have been part of the process industries for many decades and cyber security measures need to grow as technology advances. SCADA systems are used in oil and gas pipeline and other remote control and monitoring applications, such as electrical transmission and distribution, and water/wastewater.


Modern historians do much more than just store process data. They also provide analysis, reports, and valuable operational and business information.




Yokogawa presents a quick review of FAST/Tools SCADA Visualization Editor. This video covers some of the most commonly used features within the visualization editor including layers, trending, and properties.


Yokogawa presents a demonstration of FAST/Tools Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) Operator Interface. A sample application covers the basics of navigation, trending, alarming, diagnostics, reporting, and operator interaction playback.


Yokogawa presents a demonstration of how the combination of Stardom FCN-RTU and FAST/TOOLS SCADA can be combined to provide a powerful control and data collection system where in the event of a network disconnection or computer outage - Stardom internally buffers data that would otherwise be lost and on reconnection or restoration of the SCADA Server FAST/TOOLS is able to back-fill missing data in its trend.


Yokogawa presents a tutorial on the trending and historical data logging capabilities of the FAST/TOOLS Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) software. The tutorial covers the key features of the trend application as well as setting up historical data collection.


Yokogawa presents a quick review of the FAST/TOOLS SCADA Collaboration Decision Support Solution (CDSS) option. The CDSS option allows FAST/TOOLS traditional operator interface screens to be combined with outside Internet based information for incorporation of Multimedia like camera feeds, video, news feeds, weather-feeds, stock prices, reports, and other sources of information that are critical to planning and operations.


Yokogawa is pleased to present a quick walk through of a demo application that is hosted through FAST/TOOLS SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) mobile web server. The mobile operator interface is a pure HTML 5 implementation which is suitable for any web browser that supports this standard. No accessory applications or plug-ins are required beyond a web browser. Mobile browsers such as Chrome, Dolphin, Safari on platforms such as Android, iOS, and Windows should work equally well. The mobile clients offer a reduced set of functionality compared to the regular FAST/TOOLS rich client and are primarily intended for mobile process and alarm updates.


Yokogawa presents a quick tour of a demo application for a Gas Pipeline SCADA Host. The tour shows Scheduling, EFM/EGM Metering Management, Storage, Compression, and Line Pack functionality.


Yokogawa presents a quick walk through of a liquids handling pipeline SCADA Host implemented in FAST/TOOLS 10.01. It features the fictitious AlbertaSouth Pipeline that includes tank farms, pump stations, block valves, metering stations, provers, pig launchers and receivers. It features applications like leak detection, batch scheduling, and strapping tables for storage tanks. Although it is a demonstration pipeline it does feature functionality that Yokogawa has deployed across the world on real pipeline SCADA Host projects.


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