Mass Flow (Multivariable)

A Multi-variable transmitter combines a differential pressure transmitter, a gauge pressure transmitter, a temperature transmitter, and a flow computer into one unit.

The flow computer is programmed with application information and uses the three measured inputs to calculate the Mass Flow.

Like the Volumetric Flow, Mass Flow accuracy is determined by the accuracy entire system. This accuracy not only includes the hardware, but also the accuracy of the process parameters used to program the flow computer.

  • EJX910A

    This transmitter precisely measures differential pressure, static pressure, and process temperature; then uses these values in a high-perfomance on-board flow computer to deliver fully compensated Mass Flow.

    See More
  • EJX930A

    Designed specifically for high static pressure applications, this transmitter precisely measures differential pressure, static pressure, and process temperature; then uses these values in a high-perfomance on-board flow computer to deliver fully compensated Mass Flow.

    See More
  • FSA120 Flow Configuration Software FlowNavigator

    FlowNavigator (FSA120) is a unique software tool that helps you get the most out of the EJX910A / EJX930A Multivariable Transmitter by supporting the configuration of the discharge coefficient, primary device bore, upstream internal pipe diameter, gas expansion factor, density, and viscosity data needed to perform full compensation and dynamic calculation of the mass flow.

    See More


Description of new features in HART7 communication (equipment revision 12 or later)

Saturated Steam Mode

Added the ability to calculate steam temperature from static pressure values using the steam table (international state formula IAPWS-IF97).
When saturated steam mode (ET Fixed =Saturated Steam) is set, steam temperature values can be calculated. In measurement function B (mass flow measurement), saturated steam flow rate can be measured without connecting an external thermometer.
Since operation under saturated steam is possible without using an external thermometer, engineering man-hours and procurement costs can be reduced.

Instrument configuration for measuring saturated steam


Storage of User Flow Parameters

User Flow Parameters which is flow settings information input by FSA120 FlowNavigator R2.03 can be stored to the transmitter.
Reduces man-hours required for equipment setup and management, enabling rapid start-up of operation.

User Flow Parameters

  • Primary Device and Pipe setup
  • Fluid type setup
  • Fluid operating range setup
  • Fluid physical property setup


Display of Device history

Detailed equipment history information ,which are alarms and process data detected by the transmitter, could be displayed and output via the equipment DTM (FDT2.0) in the unlikely event of equipment failure.
This provides improved maintenance operations by reducing the troubleshooting time required in the event of equipment failure.

Display of Device history
Image Zoom 

Important Notice


Application Note

DP Level transmitter configuration can be very time consuming. Yokogawa DPharp EJA/EJX Pressure transmitters realize reduction in man hours by smart level setup feature.


Yokogawa DPharp EJA/EJX Pressure transmitters do not need frequent re-zeroing due to superior long term stability, it contributes to reduce maintenance time.


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