pH and ORP Sensors

pH electrodes and sensors are the sensing portions of a pH measurement. Various installation options including retractable, flow thru, immersion, and direct insertion. Proper pH electrode/sensor selection is critical for optimal measurement results.


    Yokogawa's pH and ORP analyzers are highly reliable. They feature advanced functions and are useful for a wide variety of applications including water quality management in a broad range of production processes and in medium-sized wastewater treatment plants, or as general pH and ORP control systems.

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  • Differential pH/ORP Sensors

    The cation differential pH and ORP sensors were designed for difficult applications where conventional sensors are ineffective. These include measurements such as brine solutions to applications as diverse as electrolysis processes and cheese manufacturing.

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  • Industrial pH/ORP Electrodes

    The heart of a pH measuring loop is the electrode system. Yokogawa has designed a wide range of electrodes to ensure this heart keeps beating under the most severe conditions.

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  • Pure Water pH and ORP Sensors

    Achieving accurate and reliable readings using a traditional pH analyzer is challenging, however with the right equipment stable and accurate pure water pH measurements can be accomplished. Yokogawa's specialized bellomatic pH sensor is proven best solution for high purity water applications. For those individuals that do not like the maintenance of refilling sensors, then the FU24 which incorporates the successful patented bellow system in an All-in-one body is the ideal solution.

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  • pH and ORP Sensors PH4/OR4 Sensor Series

    PH4/OR4 pH/ORP Sensor Series Allows pH/ORP measurement under severe conditions, such as where the process fluid is heavily contaminated or contains sulfide. PH4/OR4 Sensor Series meets the simple apparatus requirements.

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  • pH/ORP Buffer Calibration Solutions

    Buffer solutions are needed as an indispensable tool for maintaining an accurate pH measurement. Buffer solutions are used as references points for calibration and adjustment of pH measurements to compensate for aging and deterioration.

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  • Product Finder

    This web tool makes it easier to find products according to the application, measurement conditions and required specifications.

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  • More than 1,000 field devices designed to the PROFIBUS specifications installed in the state-of-the-art water reclamation plant.
  • The high reliability and accuracy of our field devices contributes to the minimization of maintenance costs over the entire plant lifecycle.
Application Note

For control of batch neutralization, a pH measurement coupled with a timer-controlled chemical feed scheme provides very satisfactory results.

This system can be adapted for either acid waste or alkaline waste neutralization.


Wet scrubbers are used in utilities, paper mills, and chemical plants to remove sulfur dioxide (SO2) and other pollutants from gas streams. Undesirable pollutants are removed by contacting the gases with an aqueous solution or slurry containing a sorbent. The most common sorbents are lime, Ca(OH)2, and limestone, CaCO3


There are a number of suppliers of oil and fat products used for edible purposes. These products include, but are not limited to olive oil, peanut oil, soybean oil, sunflower oil, lard, shortening, butter, and margarine. The raw materials for these products include animal by-products, fleshy fruits (palm and olive), and oilseeds. 

Industry:Food and Beverage


The proliferation of microorganisms and the resultant formation of slime is a problem which commonly occurs in aqueous systems. Problematic slime producing microbes may include bacteria, fungi and/or algae. Slime deposits typically occur in many industrial aqueous systems including cooling water systems, pulp and paper mill systems, petroleum operations, clay and pigment slurries, recreational water systems, air washer systems, decorative fountains, food, beverage, and industrial process pasteurizers, sweetwater systems, gas scrubber systems, latex systems, industrial lubricants, cutting fluids, etc.

Industry:Refining, Food and beverage, Power, Oil and Gas, Pulp and Paper, Chemical


One of the primary applications for high purity water is for boiler feed water. The measurement of pure water pH can be one of the quickest indicators of process contamination in the production or distribution of pure water. Effective chemical treatment of the feed water is vital in maintaining the useful operating life and minimizing maintenance costs of the boiler.

Industry:Power, Pharmaceutical, Common


Process liquid analyzers such as pH meters, conductivity meters, ORP meters, and density meters play an important role at electrolysis plants in the control of concentrations of various process solutions. This requires both precision and stability under harsh conditions that include highly corrosive substances, high temperatures, and many impurities.


The control of the world's water resource is arguably one of the most important issues. Water demand from industry and domestic users is set to rise throughout the industrialized world. Yokogawa has been applying minimized maintenance measurement systems.


Caustic soda and hydrochloric acid, produced in electrolyzer plants, are fundamental materials used in varieties of industries; chemicals, pharmaceuticals, petrol-chemicals, pulp and papers, etc. Profit is the result of the effective production with minimized running / maintenance cost. Proper control of the process brings you stabilized quality of products with the vast operational profit.


Cyanide-bearing wastewater from mining and electroplating facilities and certain types of chemical plants is toxic and must be treated by oxidation with chlorine or chloride to bring the cyanide concentration within regulatory limits.

Industry:Electrical and Electronics


In flue gas desulfurization systems that use magnesium hydroxide (Mg(OH)2) slurry, the consumption of the desulfurization agent (Mg(OH)2) is controlled by using online pH analyzers. A great concern in the pH measurement is heavy staining of the pH electrodes by the Mg(OH)2 slurry. To ensure accurate measurement, frequent cleaning of the electrodes with an acid is required, adding to both maintenance workload and cost.

Industry:Chemical, Power


The treatment of wastewater from pulp and paper plants is a serious environmental concern. Yokogawa's submersion holder with an ultrasonic+air-jet cleaner (customized product) can reduce the manual cleaning frequency to just once every one or two months.

Industry:Pulp & Paper


Continuous technology improvement is ongoing in the pulp & paper industry to obtain the best possible performance. Problems at the wet end (stock preparation) can rarely be corrected downstream. That is why monitoring and controlling pH in pulp stock is critical to the paper making process. Essentially, at every stage in the manufacture of paper, correct pH values play a vital role.


Reverse osmosis (RO) is a separation process that uses pressure to force a solution through a membrane that retains the solute on one side and allows the pure solvent to pass to the other side. More formally, it is the process of forcing a solvent from a region of high solute concentration through a membrane to a region of low solute concentration by applying a pressure in excess of the osmotic pressure.


Continuous technology improvement is ongoing in the pulp & paper industry to obtain the best possible performance. The improved plant performance translates to the higher quality improvement and lower cost, and simultaneously environmental friendly plant operation.


Wastewater from electroplating facilities and certain types of chemical plants contains toxic forms of hexavalent chromium such as chromate and dichromate. The hexavalent chromium in this wastewater must be reduced before the water can be discharged. This requires a two-step process: hexavalent chromium (CR6) is reduced to trivalent chromium (CR3); and CR3 is precipitated as chromium hydroxide.

Industry:Electrical and Electronics


Sour Water is the wastewater that is produced from atmospheric and vacuum crude columns at refineries. Hydrogen sulfide and ammonia are typical components in sour water that need to be removed before the water can be reused elsewhere in the plant. Removal of these components is done by sending the sour water from the process to a stripping tower where heat, in the form of steam, is applied.


Power plant boiler houses designed to burn coal or high sulfur oil are required by Federal and State pollution regulations to "scrub" (remove) sulfur dioxide from flue gasses to meet emission limits. SO2 in flue gasses is known to be harmful to the environment, as it is one contributor to the formation of acid rain. pH control is critical for the proper functioning of the scrubber system.

Application Note

Wastes have been considered to be a serious worldwide environmental problem in recent years. Because of increasing pollution, these wastes should be treated. However, industrial wastes can contain a number of valuable organic components. Recovery of these components is important economically. Using conventional distillation techniques, the separation of acetic acid and water is both impractical and uneconomical, because it often requires large number of trays and a high reflux ratio. In practice special techniques are used depending on the concentration of acetic acid. 


Optimizing four key factors will decrease pH sensor costs and optimize process control and overall plant efficiency.

White Paper

ORP (Oxidation-Reduction Potential) is the measurement, in millivolts, of a solution's capacity for electron transfer (oxidation or reduction). ORP measurement may also be called REDOX for REDuction OXidation. The name reflects that fact that within a chemical reaction reduction and oxidation are complementary; one cannot occur without the other.


To facilitate the accurate measurement of pH, and its presentation as a scale, a range of "standard liquids" or "buffer solutions" are used. These liquids, whose constituents are accurately defined, have known stable values. Although in the preceding text the relationship to hydrogen ions has been made, research has shown, that the activity of hydroxonium ions (H30+) is more relevant.

Media Publication



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