
Our collaborators discuss the value and meaning of “Future Co-creation Initiative” from various perspectives.


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Top page of Yokogawa’s “Future Co-creation Initiative”


Our collaborators discuss the value and meaning of “Future Co-creation Initiative” from various perspectives.

Activity Overview

Activity Overview
Introduction of our next-generation leadership development and a co-creation network beyond the scope of business.

Activity Objectives

Activity Objectives
Background and aspirations behind launching co-creative activities in an age without clear answers.

Future Scenarios

Future Scenarios
Future scenarios generated by young leaders of the future through scenario planning and co-creative dialogue.

Scenario Ambassadors

Scenario Ambassadors
Introduction of Scenario Ambassadors—representatives selected from each Yokogawa department enjoying growth and learning.

Collaborator Networks

Collaborator Networks
Fostering “weak ties” among our supporters, partners and individual companies, while building an industry-government-academia network.

Sponsor Article

Sponsor Article
Article published by WIRED, the US-based tech culture magazine.


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