
Our collaborators discuss the value and meaning of “Future Co-creation Initiative” from various perspectives.

  • Spreading the Passion by Example

    At the forefront of the Life Business, leading the food, medical, and biotech industries, Hirofumi Sakashita is dedicated to product development, while Sachiko Niki drives global marketing.Drawing on the experience, insights, and unwavering commitment they cultivated through the Future Co-creation Initiative, they have been putting their vision into practice on the ground. As they reflect on the journey of creating future scenarios, what deeper value of this initiative have they come to realize?

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  • Visionary Dialogue Revitalizes Organizations

    A Spark of Transformation Ignites at Yokogawa Measurement. With over a century of tradition and growth as its foundation, a cross-functional project takes flight as the aspirations of four members from the Future Co-creation Initiative resonate with top management. Inspired by their vision, 15 young employees step forward on their own, engaging middle management and fostering intergenerational collaboration through future-oriented dialogue. Through challenges and struggles, the lessons they learn shape a business vision that serves as a compass for transformation. What is the secret behind this journey?

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  • Unconventional Encounters Spark Innovation

    As a key member of the Green Phoenix Project (GPP)—a groundbreaking collaboration between industry, government, and academia—Sumitomo Chemical continues to take on the bold challenge of leveraging scenario planning to drive its own transformation. In this interview, Shogo Kaneko of Sumitomo Chemical and Masaharu Kimura of Sumitomo Chemical share insights into the real-world application of scenario planning, uncovering the essence of innovation behind the process and the unique value created by cross-industry co-creation communities.What is the true power of scenario planning? And how does co-creation fuel transformation?

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  • Contributing to company and society by finding “one’s own axis”

    Chinatsu Takahata leads the web promotion for the Future Co-creation Initiative. Overcoming adversity, she has forged a unique career at the intersection of industrial design and information engineering. Through conversations with diverse members, she has discovered her true self and honed her ability to empathize. The power of diversity, the transformative impact of genuine dialogue, and the essence of finding joy in work—what insights has she gained through the challenge of shaping the future?

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  • HR Training the Yokogawa Way: Fostering Employee Happiness & Growth

    "It looks tough but fun." Trusting that intuition, Ohsaki embarked on a new challenge as a "Second-Generation" Scenario Ambassador for the Future Co-creation Initiative starting in 2023. Through collaboration and dialogue with diverse members across professions and generations, how has Ohsaki discovered and honed their strengths? What long-term perspectives and passion for human development have they cultivated through this initiative, and what vision of the future do they aim to create beyond it?

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  • Empowered by Curiosity: Connecting and Taking Action

    At the inception of the Future Co-creation Initiative, Nobuko Ouchi, then in the third year at the company and the youngest Scenario Ambassador, embarked on this journey. What does this challenge mean, and how has it been pursued with autonomy and determination? This article explores the relentless pursuit of growth, efforts to discover new ways of connecting with organizations and society, and forward momentum driven by an insatiable curiosity.

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  • Cross-Disciplinary Learning Promotes Individual and Organizational Growth

    Amid rapid changes such as the global movement toward carbon neutrality, how can we ensure a stable supply of energy and raw materials? Yuichiro Fujiyama of ENEOS and Tatsuya Chiba, R&D expert at ENEOS, are focusing on scenario planning. Both are members of the Green Phoenix Project (GPP), an industry-government-academia collaborative learning community. What motivates these two busy professionals to actively participate in GPP? What value and appeal do GPP and the Future Co-creation Initiative hold for them?

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  • Innovation and Co-creation Mind Open up the Future of the Manufacturing Industry

    Future Artisan, Inc President/CEO Takashi Tanaka and Yokogawa Future Co-creation Initiative Project Leader Nobuyuki Tamaki, have built a relationship spanning over 10 years, sharing a passion for value creation and nurturing the next generation of leaders with a vision for Japan's future.Tanaka is currently a Future Co-creation partner and active member of the Green Phoenix Project (GPP), a shared industry-government-academia learning community. In this interview, we had the opportunity to hear candid insights from Tanaka and Mika Takaki, also a participant in GPP and a business producer at Future Artisan, about the value and appeal of the Future Co-creation Initiative.

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  • Implementing Future Scenarios: Co-creative Dialogue Helps Uncover Social and Management Issues

    This interview focuses on two Scenario Ambassadors of the Future Co-creation Initiative—technical researcher Akio Nakabayashi and systems consultant Kohei Kiyotake. The pair agree that their involvement with the Initiative has boosted their professional and personal growth. They discuss their activities, how they utilize what they have learned and realized, and their current and future challenges.

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  • Creating Future Scenarios from a Global Perspective: Expanding Our Co-creation Circle Worldwide

    As Scenario Ambassadors of Yokogawa's Future Co-creation Initiative, they absorb vast amounts of information, determine directionality, and dig deep into the details to formulate future scenarios. How did they overcome the many challenges accompanying the creative process? Moreover, what did they learn through their participation, what values did they rediscover, and what aspirations do they now hold?

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Future Co-creation Initiative Menu



Top page of Yokogawa’s “Future Co-creation Initiative”


Our collaborators discuss the value and meaning of “Future Co-creation Initiative” from various perspectives.

Activity Overview

Activity Overview
Introduction of our next-generation leadership development and a co-creation network beyond the scope of business.

Activity Objectives

Activity Objectives
Background and aspirations behind launching co-creative activities in an age without clear answers.

Future Scenarios

Future Scenarios
Future scenarios generated by young leaders of the future through scenario planning and co-creative dialogue.

Scenario Ambassadors

Scenario Ambassadors
Introduction of Scenario Ambassadors—representatives selected from each Yokogawa department enjoying growth and learning.

Collaborator Networks

Collaborator Networks
Fostering “weak ties” among our supporters, partners and individual companies, while building an industry-government-academia network.

Sponsor Article

Sponsor Article
Article published by WIRED, the US-based tech culture magazine.


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