USAGE shows usage of the model and suffix codes. -0xx are 2014/05 or earlier products, and -1xx and -2xx are enhanced versions sold in 2014/05. A mismatch occurs when YS1x00-0xx data is input to a YS of YS1x00-1xx or YS1x00-2xx. Upload data again from the YS on which you downloaded, and save it.
Súvisiace produkty a riešenia
The YS1700 Programmable Indicating Controller can be tailored for various applications by running a user program, and offers high reliability thanks to Yokogawa's proprietary technology, user friendliness, and expandability.
The YSS1000 setting software (hereinafter referred to as the YSS1000) is package software to configure the functions of the YS1000 series (hereinafter referred to as the YS1000) devices.