The Yokogawa business vision states that the company endeavors to achieve Net-zero emissions, ensure the Well-being of all, and make a transition to a Circular Economy by 2050. To support these efforts, the Life Group has developed a compatible vision. The key to this vision is understanding that the world of Bio Industrial Autonomy, or BIA, is digitally transforming through the implementation of advanced analytics, artificial intelligence, and robotics in the fields of measurement, imaging, analysis, diagnosis, and integration, to create an environment where we as humans can focus on doing the things we do best.
Food & Beverage
At Yokogawa, we understand that today’s food and beverage companies face unprecedented challenges in climate change, consumer demand, and increased global competitiveness. Overcoming these challenges will require innovative solutions that focus on key areas of production, asset management, and food safety and quality.
Pharmaceutical companies must achieve increased flexibility and agility through better use and monitoring of manufacturing data to improve quality management in real time. Pharmaceutical experts work with Yokogawa to create manufacturing solutions that deliver safe and reliable medicines. Together, we use digital transformation and manufacturing advances to meet regulatory requirements, ensure quality, accelerate time to market, and thus providing a stable and reliable supply of medicine to patient.
Water & Wastewater
Water resources are finite, and therefore contributing to a sustainable water cycle is one of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Yokogawa has been providing advanced digital control solutions for the stable supply of clean and safe water, wastewater treatment for protecting the water environment, water loss management and optimization of plant operation for reducing CO2 emissions and running costs. With our leading-edge technologies, dependable products and extensive expertise and experience of diverse water projects around the world, we work with you to provide sustainable water solutions that boost your business and add value throughout the plant lifecycle.
Yokogawa supports a wide range of water control applications in both the municipal and industrial water markets.
Related Products & Solutions
Subcellular Sampling System SS2000
The SS2000 is a system that automatically samples specific regions of cells or whole cells at the single-cell level while imaging cells in culture with a confocal microscope. Because cells in culture do not need to be detached, positional and morphological information is maintained.
FlowCam Flow Imaging Microscopy
With the FlowCam you can analyze particles accurately, reliably and quickly using automated imaging technology to advance your research, increase productivity, and ensure quality.
Life Science
Yokogawa’s high content analysis systems and dual spinning disk confocal technologies provide high-speed and high-resolution live cell imaging, enabling leading-edge research around the world.