Your Partner in Smart Manufacturing/Digital Transformation
Yokogawa helps to achieve Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Organizational goals, and business objectives of customers by working together through initiatives such as autonomous operations, Smart Manufacturing/Digital Transformation (DX), reductions in energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions.
Yokogawa’s deep experience in process automation, technology consulting, and support services enables us to co-create new values throughout the DX journey and lifecycle support by utilizing cutting-edge IT-OT technologies and applying domain knowledge cultivated over decades.

Customer Challenges
As DX gains momentum across various industries, achieving and sustaining its benefits can be challenging. We work together to address these challenges:
- Difficulties in identifying suitable digital initiatives
- Challenges faced with building digital mindset in employees for DX
- Instilling motivation and preparing employees for DX
- Poor prioritization of digitalization initiatives
- Insufficient evaluation of the benefits of DX
- Sustaining value for digital initiatives
Discover, Design, Develop: A Structured Approach to DX
Yokogawa offers a structured approach to tackle these issues in the DX journey. This approach called, “Discover-Design-Develop,” provides a one-stop consultation, solutions implementation, and a lifecycle support service throughout your DX journey.

Introducing Yokogawa's Certified S.I.R.I. Assessor (CSA), Alicia Hui, as she explores the S.I.R.I. framework and the strengths that Yokogawa can augment in the roadmap to customers transformation.
This is the first phase where we discover digital opportunities for organizations and establish the digital transformation roadmap. During this phase Yokogawa’s team of Digital Transformation Consultants (Certified Assessors) and the Subject Matter (Domain) Experts will conduct key assessments including:
- Business Priority Assessment – Using the TIER Framework, the organization’s business objectives for the long term and the Key Cost drivers will be assessed.
- Digital Maturity Assessment – Where the organization’s current digital maturity levels will be assessed comprehensively using the 16 dimensions across Process, Technology and Organization building blocks of the Smart Industry Readiness Index (S.I.R.I.) Framework.
- Key Functional Area Assessment –Yokogawa’s domain experts will conduct detailed individual Functional Area Assessments across Supply Chain, Production & Operations, Asset & Maintenance, Energy, Infrastructure & Cyber Security.
For more detailed information regarding Smart Industry Readiness Index, please refer to the white papers below.
The Global Smart Industry Readiness Index Initiative: Manufacturing Transformation Insights Report 2022*2
*1 Document source: International Centre for Industrial Transformation (INCIT), These are published with permission from INCIT.
*2 Document source: World Economic Forum (WEF), These are published with permission from WEF
TIER Framework*3
*3 Image Source: International Centre for Industrial Transformation (INCIT)
S.I.R.I. Framework*4
*4 Image Source: International Centre for Industrial Transformation (INCIT)
Key Functional Areas
Based on the findings from these three comprehensive assessments, a phase-wise Digital Transformation Roadmap will be produced. Aiding in the alignment of the organization’s business vision and prioritizing the digitalization activities across the organization.
In the Design phase, we use the results from the Discover phase to design a detailed DX architecture, integration requirement, and business plan. Gap analysis is also performed to move from As-is to To-be state which includes Feasibility Study of solution implementation, system and solution requirement check and workflow analysis.

Example of Workflow Analysis and Automation for “Production Planning and Procurement”
Production plan, a manual tool like an email, is created through the communications held by Production department, with the Warehouse and Procurement departments. A shared folder is utilized for the exchange of information.

Sample of system integration for workflow automation of “production planning and procurement”

In the Develop phase, we establish an outcome-based DX odyssey based on the Feasibility Study results and the updated detailed DX roadmap from the Design phase. We provide solution delivery, system integration, change management, training programs, and support services to sustain the value delivered through DX.
Together, we can navigate the challenges and opportunities of digital transformation, co-creating a future of smart manufacturing and sustainable development.
Sample of Customer DX Program in Develop Phase
The subsequent phase focuses on realizing improvements through quick-win opportunities and the deployment of digital systems. This stage aims to achieve Digital Transformation/Smart Manufacturing objectives by implementing digital systems, data visualization tools, and data analytics solutions.
Syngenta aimed to promote sustainable agriculture as a social responsibility through digital transformation. Syngenta selected Yokogawa to start the smart manufacturing transformation journey.
Yokogawa provided Mewah, one of the largest vegetable oil processors, with a structured Smart Manufacturing Assessment Workshop.
The company's Industry 4.0 roadmap was clarified through the Smart Industry Readiness Index (SIRI) based workshop.
As a gateway to further expand Yokogawa's messaging as a One-stop Solution Business, Yokogawa has partnered up with INCIT, to introduce the S.I.R.I. framework.
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