Yokogawa Releases FAST/TOOLS R10.04 Real-time Operations Management and Visualization Software

Amersfoort, The Netherlands, 17th April 2019

Yokogawa releases FAST/TOOLS R10.04 real-time operations management and visualisation software
-An OpreX Control and Safety System solution with enhanced capabilities for seamless system integration-

Yokogawa Electric Corporation has announced the release of FAST/TOOLS R10.04, the latest version of its renowned real-time operations management and visualisation software, and will release it for sale on April 18th as part of its OpreXTM Control and Safety System family. A highly flexible and scalable supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) solution suitable for use in everything from smart IoT-enabled applications to enterprise-wide integrated operations spanning multiple sites and subsystems, FAST/TOOLS R10.04 will help customers derive maximum value from their investments over the entire system lifecycle. 

Development Background
Driven by the rising importance of factors such as the IoT, big data analytics, and the cloud, a digital transformation is underway that is leading to the convergence of information, operational, and engineering technologies (IT, OT, and ET) in unmanned, remote-controlled, and enterprise-wide operations. To benefit from near real-time transaction processing and other capabilities that already are well established in the IT domain, a growing effort is being made to achieve seamless integration and convergence with the OT domain. 

As production and delivery cycles shorten and require greater flexibility, the real-time sharing of data on operational capacity/conditions and its use in production/maintenance planning and forecasting become critically important factors in improving a company’s bottom line results. A modern open SCADA platform should be able to bridge the legacy gaps between the IT and OT domains by leveraging OPC Unified Architecture (OPC UA), upcoming IoT standards, and open database interfaces. By simplifying operations, automating activities, and enhancing user insights, operating expenditure (OPEX) can be reduced. 

Recognising that most enterprises will take a profit-driven approach and seek to reduce risk with their management and control solutions, Yokogawa continues to pursue innovations that will ensure its customers are able to transform their data into meaningful information and get the most out of their investments. 

Convergence of IT, OT, ET
Convergence of IT, OT, ET

Main Features

FAST/TOOLS R10.04 supports the digital industrial ecosystem with information models that simplify and enhance sub-system integration with the CENTUM VP integrated production control system.    

1.    Improved system integration capability 
For improved integration with CENTUM VP, the graphics integration tool that is provided with FAST/TOOLS has been enhanced. Along with the FAST/TOOLS portfolio of supported industry standard interfaces and protocols which has the addition of support for Mitsubishi MELSEC iQ-R series controllers and the FINS protocol used by Omron programmable controllers.

2.    Improved security and integrity
To make it easier to incorporate FAST/TOOLS into an existing IT infrastructure, authentication and authorisation services are now handled as one centralised process for all system users. One benefit of this is that all logged-on/off activities will be visible in one window, allowing for improved audit trailing and user management. In addition, when making use of an Active Directory (AD) for the single sign on (SSO) mapping function, users with profiles in multiple AD domains can have a merged user profile in FAST/TOOLS, in accordance with authentications and authorisation credentials. The FAST/TOOLS encryption process has also been improved to provide more secure communication between server and clients.

3.    Improved engineering environment for HTML5-based visualisation
The FAST/TOOLS graphics editor is able to generate native displays to the HTML5 standard for both information-rich PC-based applications and light-view tablet and smartphone applications. An enhanced graphics editor simplifies the task of creating screens that deliver exactly the data operators require. 

Main Target Markets

Oil and gas upstream, midstream gas and (multi-product) liquid pipelines (for which the standard EPMS applications suite is available), petrochemicals, chemicals, renewable energy, power, pulp and paper, pharmaceuticals, food, mining, iron and steel, water distribution and wastewater treatment.


Monitoring, operation, control, data collection, and data storage for geographically distributed facilities.

Outline of FAST/TOOLS

Over the past decades FAST/TOOLS has evolved from centralised SCADA/MES and HMI software to an enterprise automation environment. This state-of-the-art IIoT enabled industrial SCADA software benefits our customers through improved visualisation, collaboration, decision support, configuration, communication, security, deployment, connectivity, operational alarm management/analysis, and history data storage/management. For added reliability, FAST/TOOLS can be set up to run on systems that employ Yokogawa’s advanced dual-redundant technology, enabling automatic switch-over to a backup system in the event of a hardware failure. 

Yokogawa will keep working to improve its entire range of solutions and services, including FAST/TOOLS, with the aim of ensuring safe and highly efficient operations over the entire lifecycle of its customers’ facilities.

About OpreX

OpreX is the comprehensive brand for Yokogawa’s industrial automation (IA) and control business. The OpreX name stands for excellence in the technologies and solutions that Yokogawa cultivates through the co-creation of value with its customers, and encompasses the entire range of Yokogawa’s IA products, services, and solutions. This brand comprises the following five categories: OpreX Transformation, OpreX Control, OpreX Measurement, OpreX Execution, and OpreX Lifecycle. One of the product groups that make up the OpreX Control category is the OpreX Control and Safety System family, which includes the FAST/TOOLS. With its various OpreX Control solutions, Yokogawa is able to quickly effect changes for its customers that lead to a transformation in such areas as management and operations, and provides highly reliable control technology that ensures high efficiency, high quality, and safe and stable plant operations.

With the OpreX brand, Yokogawa will deliver integrated solutions that address specific needs and support its customers in their efforts to transform and grow their businesses.

