Measurement of Discharge from Triangular and Rectangular Weirs and Other Open Channels

Weir-type flow volume calculation using the M series Free Programmable MXS (or VJXS) Computing Units

  • Support for a variety of weir calculations is achieved by adding the discharge calculations of weir-type flowmeters to the M series' basic expressions.
  • Because the water head and flow volume obtained in the calculation process are stored in the buffer registers, they can be confirmed using JHT200 handy terminal or VJ77 parameter setting tool.

Measurement of Discharge from Weirs


  • These operations must be programmed by the user when using the free programmable model.
  • The MXS and VJXS do not include a power supply for transmitters. If you need to use a power supply for transmitters, please use a distributor.


  • Apă & Ape Uzate

    Yokogawa has been providing control solutions for sustainable water production by developing more energy-efficient technology, helping to reduce the carbon footprint of operations, and building rock-solid products that protect the environment from contaminants. With our leading-edge technology and extensive application know-how, we work with you to provide sustainable water solutions that boost your business and add high value throughout the plant lifecycle. Our technology and products improve the performance of plants and ensure that they can operate competitively in today's water markets, and also reduce their running costs. Yokogawa supports a wide range of water control applications in both the municipal and industrial water markets.

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  • Tratamentul Apei

    Yokogawa provides optimum solutions to improve the reliable operation of water treatment plants. These solutions include sophisticated technologies, unsurpassed product quality, and extensive application know-how throughout the lifecycle.

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  • Wastewater Treatment

    Wastewater treatment plants involve many pieces of equipment such as motors, pumps and blowers, which makes it important to reduce their electricity consumption and save running costs. Yokogawa provides optimum control solutions with digital technologies to improve energy efficiency.


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